Cold Wave Event Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by TalShiaR, Dec 10, 2014.

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  1. Sorry to write here, but I did not find where to write .What we prepare for the New Year ?? Like last year when you gave us double Uridium?
  2. Sorry - daft question. Where are the cold wave galaxy gates?
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The gate is in the middle of your x-4 map and looks like a white rip. However to make the gate work you need to accept a special event quest called The Great Escape - there will be two, one easy quest and one hard.
  4. The description never mentioned where The Great Escape was located aka in x-4 and that caused a lot of players grief. Although there was another quest prior to go to the same spot in x-4.
  5. `Luke

    `Luke User

    There is a reason that there are two gates, easy and hard.
    Sorry if people do not understand what hard means. The gate is great as is.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2014
  6. cherry7

    cherry7 User

    While doing special event quests, I made sure I completed five of five quest, so that I could receive the finale, now it is saying I did not complete enough quest, so that finale quest may not be accepted
  7. like all the gates on DO this one just takes a bit of planning, thought and care
    firstly i did the gates on my lvl 20 main account to get the feel
    then i tried it on my dronelsss, petless nosti account (thats 3 lf4, 4 lf3, 8 7900, 2 BO2, hellstorm launcher [no upgrades or premium])
    took me 2 hours to do the easy. most of the time was spent mopping up the icys that were left when skoll popped
    then i started the hard gate. managed waves 1 and 2 and the 2 meteroids of wave 3. didn't try skoll cos i didn't have a spare 10 hours :)
    sk.eic.r.easy[Halo] & sk.eic.easy.ina.nost on GB1

    PS i've seen comments that when skoll is left at the end of wave 3 you can shoot him and as long as he doesn't go below 20% shield he doesn't spawn any icys. if thats true i might give him a go with nosti

    PPS nosti now has 6 rings. he's done all the standard gates. waiting for my main to get to lvl21 then i'm going to get nosti to save up for a kronos

    PPPS Thats the hard skoll done. the rumour wasn't quite correct as i found out when i was chased by 10 icys. what i found was that i could shoot skoll with everything i had for 2 hellstorm salvoes. then back away and let his shields recover. repeat as necessary. it took me 2 hours to pop skoll but the payoff was worth it. nosti now has 600 ice rockets for when he goes hunting :)

    moral. the next time someone whines about how difficult this gate is even for a UFE remind him about nosti with his 43k shields (thats with SEP and a shield booster and shield pp) and 7 lasers and no kami
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2014
    Seraphim likes this.
  8. i agree xD
  9. edlee1975

    edlee1975 User

    i used venoms ability and kamin stage 3 (75,000) hps worked like a charm
  10. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Did it. without kami it will take a long while. Just some extra info. once the shield runs out it will spawn a wave of 10 icys every few seconds along with a freeze rocket. If you're playing safe, either moth it or wreck it with heavy ammo when it's shields are gone all the while on speed config. If you let it regen shield now, it'll run into the corner but will stop spawning icys. Either way if you do that or kill it, you'll probably have to kami the hundreds of icys behind you.
  11. they did nothing for christmas at all! shows how much they care! nothing not even a merry christmas announcment.
  12. whoeva

    whoeva User

    They did MHH and put a flash sale on boosters. Also santa bot on all day which is nice for those that like to kill them.
  13. `Luke

    `Luke User

    The influence designs are also on sale.
  14. whoeva

    whoeva User

    And now a flash sale on pet equipment again :)
  15. i on the other hand think its better just to have icys out all the time, like you witchway your clan 12 a bunch of pvps then you have that noobie vengie oh whats his name... anyways if you run the icys all day everybody can kill them no time is wasted and the availability is also better makes the noobs more active, i fly a leo when icys come out and help all the noobs now with you guys your all out hunting especially people on icys cubes or bases and i think the boxes also should have just stayed out or cut off after 12 pm server time so the people boxing that arnt at theyre computer dont get a unfair advantage also.

    the one, the only
    hero of eic
  16. Okay first, why did some people make it to do a cold wave gate while some people can't even see the gate in X-4 maps. Secondly, the event quests is just too hard to do. It's not hard to finish it but it's hard to get online at the exact time to finish the quest. Some of us had a work to do, some of us had school and some of us also living in different time zones which makes it impossible to get online at the certain time to kill the icys to finish the quest. Please fix the issues, I will really appreciate that.

    Thank you.
  17. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    Do the people who got the quest early get to redo the quest for additional rewards when quests are re-released dec 11?
  18. $Mxmaj999$

    $Mxmaj999$ User

    1000% agree. I'm very annoyed. How can you do these quest for achievements if you have no time. The stupid server can't even adjust for time difference in UK. Most of us work and never finish work at 5.30 german time so we loose out.
    And thats ignoring the fact we have to travel. again loosing time. DO get your act together. You want 18 year old p[eople to play and pay. Suggest you start realising they actual have to work to make money.

    For quests at least have the iceies available for everybody not just the non workers!
  19. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    In previous years the winter event had some cool frosty graphics on the x-2 map and above, they seem to be missing this year.
  20. they really need to let out the icy's if they give a quest!
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