2-7 BLKs

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Kenozaking, Dec 31, 2014.

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  1. Kenozaking

    Kenozaking User

    Not sure if this is where this belongs, but where are the Boss Kristallins in 2-7? Is it just me? It took me over 30 minutes just to find 6 of them in 2-7. Was there a decrease in the Boss Kristallins? It's taking a very long time to finish my BLK quests.
  2. Best place fit BLKs are x-6 maps. I find them all the time in there
  3. Kenozaking

    Kenozaking User

    I'm done with the quest now but it was 10 BLKs on 2-7 map only. It seems like there is only one Boss Kristallin spawning in 2-7 at a single time.
  4. Yea. That how it always seemed. There are naturally more blks in x-6 than x-7. I think x-7 only has about 3 -6 of them throughout the map where x-6 has about 20.
  5. coder545

    coder545 User

    you can ask for help fe players who have enemy locator gear
  6. 4-5 is a decent place to find them too. Enemy locator on Pet helps a bunch with quests.
  7. Hello Kenozaking

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    I would agree with each and every post in this thread.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  8. admin how do i create a post
  9. Hello ŤЯЄÄĐЇńĢ†WĄŦΞŖ™
    Well you just created a new post by posting it in here :)

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    To create a new thread follow the procedure in this guide> Forums - How to make a NEW Thread

    Hope this helps.
  10. Kenozaking

    Kenozaking User

    If you know the amount of BLKs in x-6 / x-7 maps please respond, if not you can close this thread.
  11. ShockWave-

    ShockWave- User

    x-6 has around 4-5
    x-7 has 1 or 2
  12. Hello Kenozaking

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Well there is no definite count of Boss Kristallins in X-6 or X-7 but the amount of Boss Kristallins are more in X-6 as compared to X-7 as stated in above posts.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as requested.
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