[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Domination dates: 20/03/2015 - 29/03/2015 I will post the full announcement when I get it.

    There is also a new event called Space Plague in the works, again will post more info as and when I get it :)
  2. SauronL

    SauronL User

    A lot of events last month, just asking myself why ? last year we had just auction remaked, its still as first announcement on homepage like it would be last week
  3. Perhaps they're cramming money-bringing events before ownership changes or they finally accept the game is a dead horse? >_>
    prometheis2000[ITGS] likes this.
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I think it's because for things like Spring Fight and Cold Wave the homepage things are removed when it is over so that new players do not think they can still access it and do things like the Cold Wave GG for example. So as a result old game changes like auction rework end up staying there.

    Sort of thing people have been saying for half a decade, game is still here and is no longer losing more players than it is gaining.
  5. I have already been recruiting "New and returning players" to my clan activity seems to be going up a bit on the server ;)
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Space Plague is also getting a ranking on the backpage so must mean it involves some scoring system.

    Compensation for the log in issues some people were having:

    We are aware of several issues that players experienced with logging in and staying connected between the 26th of February and the 1st of March.
    As an acknowledgement of and apology for any inconvenience suffered by the community, we would like to present any player who logs in before the 15th of March 2015 with 5 Hitac Lottery capsules!

    Thank you for your patience and loyalty. Have fun playing the Hitac Lottery - and may your luck be out of this world!

    Achievement icons for the reoccurring Domination event:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  7. nice now that actually does help new players that didn't stand a chance even trying the hitac
    Tarron and prometheis2000[ITGS] like this.
  8. That is just so wrong that there is not a word for it. Lets say 1000 players log in, 1000 people with 5 capsules, and one person who has spent whole 2 weeks killing hitacs and managed to get 10 capsules will have absolutely no chance of winning. And to think about people who have bought capsules with real money... But oh well, general players who bought or fought for capsules are too blind to realize how horrible thing BP just did to them since common knowledge of percentages is so low so BP will not even notice they did something wrong since no complaining will happen :D

    And btw. having those 5 capsules does not mean you are likely going to win something... the prizes will most likely go to players who are not even active and which prizes won't make active, most likely random lvl 6 phoenixes.

    And no, I do not care about prices, I have everything I need. Just pointing out that people who would have needed to win will not win.

    EDIT: but yeah after some more thinking - this will make non über people happy (which is the majority) since they feel like they have a chance of winning in this lottery :) will create positive thoughts for sure
    If 5% of people will be very angry and 95% will be positive about it, it was worth it I guess :p
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2015
    _-DarkOverLord-_ and mr_plaku™ like this.
  9. you say thats wrong but UFE clans shooting every noob off the hitac is right, I farmed the hitac too spent most of my time online there but a new player don't stand a chance trying to take part in the event. Its called a lotto for a reason there is no guarantee to win, luck is what its about but for i would say over 80% of the server they don't even get a chance at trying their luck at least this includes them. Everyone says DO is greedy i came to see awhile ago its some players that are greedy DO gives plenty away. How many games gives away game currency with every npc kill, a few but not hardly any at all. DO needs to work on their balance of the game give everyone the same opportunity when it comes to events this epic.

    It only takes one to win and the inactive ships have to login and use the capsules to even enter.
  10. I am going to assume this has not happened yet on East coast servers so it is a waiting game?
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yeah, not happened yet on any of the servers as far as I know. Will have to wait until either the mods post the announcement or it appears up on the homepage to know from when it will happen from.
  12. no that does not mean that non-active players WILL win or even have a high chance of winning. UFE and even FE players get way more than 10 capsules a week, let alone in 2, not to mention that they also get the 5 capsules, and if you paid for the capsules you were still taking that chance before, besides i doubt anybody who bought them bought less than or near 5 capsules!?

    For US servers it starts at 18:00 local server time, and as for the rest servers IDK, ask the fb page, but just 10mins ago they posted that it was live so. yeah.

    they tried this before, it doesnt happen, they even tested it and stuff, just the backpage worked and nobody like it. its not going to happen.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2015
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Thanks for the info, its been given out on the European servers it seems.
  14. True, but those leaving are less likely to come back and those joining are more likely to leave soon unless they pay money and even then... But at any rate that isn't the point if this thread, so sorry bout that. Anyways, domination event again. Wahoo XD
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    New type of happy hour coming but it has a twist. It is called the Giga Happy Hour in the code.

    The title of the event is called Helix Price Hack and its current description is this:

    So for those unsure, the %TIMELEFT% and %DISCOUNT% means that DO has control over how much of a discount is occurring and for how long. So no guarantee that maybe one event prices could all be 50% off and then another they could be 33% for example.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2015
  16. whaaaat..... would u mind explaining further
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Basically just discounting the prices of uridium and probably going to combine then with MHH and HH, so a 50% discount during MHH would be the equivalent of a x6 bonus instead of x3.
    mr_plaku™ likes this.
  18. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    So basically, a 330k uri pack which is normally $100 would be $50?
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yes, if they did chose to go with 50% off, the discounts are completely up to them and will probably not be the same each time.
  20. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Certainly makes things much more interesting. If you play your cards right, you could get off quite well.
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