[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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    he literally just said: "play your cards right"
  2. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User



    credit cards...
  4. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    oh, I see. Sorry about ruining the joke.
  5. I think that giving out the 5 hitac capsules to every1 was a mistake...
    I don't think I'm speaking only for my self when i say this but when Hitac was on i put in a huge effort on getting the letters and capsules.. using several 100,000's of sepped up x2/x3/x4.. just for them to take away all the effort and give it to people who didn't even put in an effort in the event.. The server i play is pretty small so was pretty much guaranteed a prize.. but now that is very unlikely as people who don't even really play are entered into the lotto
    SPSAT99 likes this.
  6. Some players purposely don't put effort into playing the Hitac and now have free capsules but some actually can't play because of their ship strength and/or everyone slaughtering them if they get close to the NPC. If someone doesn't play then its likely that they don't log-in so they wouldn't have actually used the free capsules to be entered into the end drawing so I destroyed your last argument so please stop this nonsense. I can't complain because free stuff is good :). There are only 42 prizes and not all of them are that amazing so you might be guaranteed a prize though it might not be what you want or need. I think we can all agree that you can't blame anyone else for ammo or seprom you use earning something, that one's most certainly on you. I'm neutral, don't hurt me lol.
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Some more info on the brand new event, the Space Plague.

    It seems there is a system of becoming infected and then having other players or yourself cure you. There is a regular CPU and an XL version with more cures.

    Plague Cure CPU - ANTI-Z1 XL
    Cures you and your target from the plague

    There is some sort of buff and debuff system depending on infection status ... I think.

    <item name="plague_window_label_buffs">
    <![CDATA[ Damage %DMG%%, Speed %SPEED%%, Hull %HULL%% ]]>

    There are also Plague Motherships.

    Boss summon Progress
    Boss will be spawned on other map:
  8. SauronL

    SauronL User

    This event sounds funny, i cant wait longer for atleast more informations , ty okapi
  9. pecanin

    pecanin User

    Resident Evil in space ...
  10. Nice additions comin on Line soon..
    MMO are being Referred to as " Hornets " hmmm I have NO objections to that.. once again they get my Skin Color ( Colour) Right..

    now off to polish my " Stinger " o_O <== so happy to have my own Smiley, too
  11. lol i love these mysterious events, hope to see pilots out there participating. what awaits us 0.o
  12. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Wow.......this sounds like the Venom's ability! :eek::eek::eek::eek:
  13. oh great the system is infected, dont you think it is time for DO to get rid of the bugs and not give us a plague of them?? And where the heck are we supposed to put this CPU, most people already have a full boat on CPUs as it is....more $$ ways, bet there is even a "chance" that the cpu wont work on 1 or both of the target ships...would be about right for this game....
  14. `Luke

    `Luke User

    Yeah, I agree.

    There are some very annoying bugs with the new client that everyone is wishing to be addressed first, I do not mind a new event, but it wont be as enjoyable if the client is still full of minor bugs.
  15. What Really BUGs me..
    is if there are more bugs than a Can of RAID can get rid of.. then there is the Issue of finding enough people to have an enjoyable Gaming Experiance with,
    Can, they make my Ship a little Bigger I have to wear Glasses to see it.. not to mention.. Not having Enuff HEADroom.. o_O

    I wonder whatever happened to MAX-HeadRoom.:confused:
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Breaking News for GigaHH:

    This Server has been haxx0red by the Helix Crew!
    All Uridium purchases in the next 60 minutes are discounted BIG.
    Not Mega Happy Hour big but BIGGER!
    Get now more for same!
    Hurry! IT peeps are maybe onto this. Buy quick!

    So they are making it sound like it is better than MHH, we will have to see I suppose.

    In addition to this TR server seem to be getting yet another exclusive design, it is only refereed to as "trPusatDesign" at the moment. Turns out the name was chosen by the Turkish community in a competition they had.

    Would be cool if the other 20 languages that DO supports could have even remotely the same level of community involvement.
  17. Omega

    Omega User

    yeah ,its not like other nations play this . its not like other players spend in this game .and its not like others have opinions ,but hey ,do you bigpoint . see how far u will get ,( oh yeah , you already lost 80% of the players in the last 3 years )
  18. relax

    relax User

    This one sounds really interesting.. hmm, can't wait to see if they are on the right "road" with this :). Maybe they are finally bringing something good for us
  19. `Luke

    `Luke User

    only 46 players decided that name? That is quite unfair. Here we are and there is more of us lurking this thread than there is those Turkish players on that thread. #Equallityplease
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