3300 booty keys i have already spent on my account and only 2 special designs!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ■-Benjamin-■(CRO), Mar 5, 2015.

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  1. You all gonna hate me for this one, on an LF4 day I used 45 keys and got 6 LF4......Then I used 125 or so on another LF4 day and got none....It really is random.
    jackknife and _-DarkOverLord-_ like this.
  2. I believe that's the best streak I've heard thus far. I thought maybe some Herc's in a row but never LF-4's. Very nice
  3. HA ! Speaking of Hercs, that's where my luck evened out....4 nothings in a row...on Kappa 43 now, last Herc was Gate 31, still only 6 hercs total...no herc last 12 gates.

    So I have bad and good luck too.

    The best part of 6 LF4 in 45 keys was I got 3 in a row, in the first 15 keys! then like one in ten for next 30.
  4. na kojem serveru igraš benjamin?
  5. Well in total so far i should have spent aroudn 4000 booty never got a special design, so u are lucky in away for design ship, but not many lf4 tho
  6. I never counted how many I've used but its a few thousand at least and got 1 design. Much better off getting designs and Lf-4s a different way. With rebate and premium designs are 175k a piece. And do Epsilon for Lf-4s, and save the keys for Lf-4 day.:p
  7. na global europe 5
  8. 15 LF4, your way ahead of me, I have none after almost 3 years. I have not started the gates for them yet, but I am not complaining and you should not be either. Your doing good. Go forth and conquer. o_O
  9. steta ja sam na global 6, jest da neigram vise samo se ponekad logiram.
    uglavnom ako vec trosis novce na te kljuceve bolje kupi rebate i premium i ponekad uzmi uri na mhh i pravi kappe, ja sam sa gg skupio sve lf-4, a dizajne za golija sam na trade uzeo dva sam dobio u boty boxu.
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Should really make the effort to use English in the English forums, you both clearly speak it.
  11. Yes I do, but I prefer Croatian over English since I am Croatian.
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Shame this is the English forum then, not a Croatian one.
    PSKSUNDANCE likes this.
  13. so what?
    one day when they add croatian forum i will go from english. until they add it i will talk some times on my own language whether you like it or not.
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    To be fair, no you won't because if you keep on doing it you will get banned for it ...
  15. to be fair i culdnt care less if i get permanent ban from forum or even from game.i will speak whatever language i want wherever i want.
    bye now i dont want to argue over nothing.
  16. Some people ... xD
    -Äppiäinen- likes this.
  17. HAHAHA ! You argue in English very well, keep it up ! :) (ps. not hatin on other people , languages are cool:cool:, but this is an English forum lolz).
  18. bla bla bla...
    yes it is english never said it is not. still i am croatian and if i see my bro from cro here i will speak my own language with him and culdnt care less what you all think about it.