[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. All Uridium purchases in the next 60 minutes are discounted BIG.
    so means prise of uri is slashed

    Not Mega Happy Hour big but BIGGER!
    Get now more for same!

    and that sounds like same prise but more uri :S
  2. so, 5 lotto entries from other players, depending on the ones you played and they played, will drastically decrease your chances of winning? tell me, how many tickets did you earn? more than five? if so, have you taken algebra I, or even 5th grade math?

    youre smart, tell me, how much do you hack? or do you just spend like 1000 bucks every week? who wants to take on an uber uber uber npc with over 12mill worth of hp/shields, and 35-40k dmg? and thats just the emperor sibelon? do you want to die?!
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 18, 2015
  3. This is something what really "grinds my gears": only 2 countries have recieved their own goliath designs (turk and USA designs). And now there is coming a new design to turkish servers, when they can have already one design? what is this??? why bigpoint is only thinking about these servers? how about making some cool unique stuff also to other servers (ge1, scandinavian and many other servers)?
  4. SauronL

    SauronL User

    lol unfair
  5. Yeah and plus DO would make money if they had designs for each servers Nationality lol ...I just don`t see why they haven`t done this already....


    Sorry if this may not be thread related, but since some people have been talking about recent glitches. Can I have some examples please?
  7. youre smart, tell me, how much do you hack? or do you just spend like 1000 bucks every week? who wants to take on an uber uber uber npc with over 12mill worth of hp/shields, and 35-40k dmg? and thats just the emperor sibelon? do you want to die?![/QUOTE]

    The other players poof off :oops:. I don't hack - I am legit. I run standard. It can be done - just stop (circling) :rolleyes:
  8. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Because the Turkish player base is the single largest community in Orbit and BP wants to keep them happy.
  9. DO is a great life lesson. The strong rule the weak and money talks. End of story. If you hate the game that much, there are thousands of other games you can play my friends. :p
  10. pecanin

    pecanin User


    10 uridium for 100 pounds
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Not sure how long ago it was updated but Custom Tournaments have been given map servers. Unique IP for each server so no cross-server stuff. European servers Custom Tournament servers located in Germany and the American ones are located in California.
    Looks like they could be turning up relatively soon, however I think they have to be organised by admins.

    The current background it's been given in the Sector Control background, could change I suppose but it probably means the map is likely to be very small.

    <map id="224" name=" Custom Tournament " music="0">
                    <minimap typeID="201"/>
                        <background typeID="2001" pFactor="10" layer="0" hideLensflare="false" scale="4"/>
                        <background typeID="201" pFactor="10" layer="1" scale="2" isMain="true" isMinimap="false"/>
                        <background typeID="2011" pFactor="7" layer="3" hideLensflare="false" scale="4" maskID="14"/>
                        <background typeID="2029" pFactor="3" layer="4" hideLensflare="false" scale="1" maskID="22"/>
                        <planet typeID="134" x="390" y="1160" pFactor="9" layer="2" />
                        <planet typeID="135" x="1800" y="250" pFactor="9" layer="2" />
                        <planet typeID="7" x="1030" y="620" pFactor="9" layer="2" />
                        <lensflare id="2" typeID="2" x="720" y="1020" pFactor="10" star="false"/>
                        <lensflare id="2" typeID="2" x="120" y="400" pFactor="10" star="false"/>
                        <lensflare id="2" typeID="2" x="760" y="270" pFactor="10" star="false"/>
                        <lensflare id="2" typeID="2" x="1520" y="750" pFactor="10" star="false"/>

    Space Plague stuff

    There will be a new type of mine that deals damage and infects players with the plague. There will also be a new laser ammo that does x4 damage and applies the plague to players.

    Space Plague achievements:

    Great healer
    Accomplish all healthy achievements
    Great healer

    Patient zero
    Accomplish all infected achievements
    Patient zero

    Infection spreading
    Infect 10 players

    Infection carrier
    Infect 50 players
    Infection carrier

    Plague master
    Infect 100 players
    Plague master

    Quarantine inspector
    Kill 25 infection minions
    Quarantine inspector

    First victim
    Get infected

    Experimental serum
    Cure yourself

    Contagion specialist
    Finish all healthy missions
    Contagion specialist

    Illness contained
    Cure 10 players

    Field medic
    Cure 50 players
    Field medic

    Healthcare professional
    Cure 100 players
    Healthcare professional

    Great dispoiler
    Finish all infected missions
    Great dispoiler

    Plague vanquisher
    Kill the infection boss
    Plague vanquisher
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2015
  12. SauronL

    SauronL User

    OMG i love films with infection and so , thats gonna be PERFEct (i hope atleast)
  13. Looks to me like standard x4 will just be npc ammo lol
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Well I imagine once the Space Plague event is over the plague ammo will no longer infect people, so will just go back to being as useful as regular x4.
    For many people x4 ammo is the only ammo they use on NPC anyway since on many servers its very profitable to x4 cubes then use that uridium to do galaxy gates and end up with a lot more x4 than you started off with.
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Couple xmls updated today with various new additions, two of them being the window for Space Plague and the Plague mine. Only problem is they are just place holder images ^^

    "Plague Window"

    The plagueWindow will be used to display things such as you infection status, buffs and debuffs as well as the plague mothership info.

    "Plague Mine"


    This is down as the Cure CPU hotkey icon however I suspect it will change due to it being considerably bigger than all the other icons:

    Next week should have images for the remaining Space Plague stuff, ammo, mine and CPU. Half decent chance that the Breaking News for it will appear as well which should contain a starting date.
  16. 2010!!

    2010!! User

    Any idea what server has the first MHH on a sunday so we can see if this new Helix crew thing is on and what sort of deal we can expect to see? for the uri
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Servers like Germany and France are the ones to get MHH first, however there has been times in the past where Germany and UK servers got MHH at the same time.
    As for the Helix thing, I wouldn't get your hopes up for it being done at the same time as MHH, just from the short description we have it sort of sounds like a stand alone event that will be better value than MHH. So from that it must surely mean that Uridium prices must be discounted by greater than 66%, however all we can really do is wait and see.

    Probably not the best answer you were looking for since it was more of "I don't know, wait and see", sorry x)
  18. 2010!!

    2010!! User

    nope that was sort of an answer was expecting tbh m8 lol i know no one really knows till its on but wasnt sure what server may have had MHH first but with what your saying it maybe a stand alone event hmm wonder if it will show up today aswell then be almost like having 2 MHH but one with this new possible stand alone then the normal mhh
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Images for the second "Turkish" Vengeance, the Pusat.


    Very interesting that it has a brand new look. The other interesting thing is the Breaking News outline is in German, usually if something is Turkish exclusive the outline is just in Turkish, so it could mean that it is only a TR Vengeance in the sense that they chose the name, but it will be available on all servers ... hopefully.

    Other news is the Space Plague minions and motherships are new individual NPCs, hoping to have images of them at some point this week.

    There is also 10 new quest entries, presumably for Space Plague, here are the names:
    • Unscathed
    • On Patrol
    • Saimonskin Boots
    • Laser Precision
    • Mines and Mordons
    • It Ain't Rocket Surger
    • Kristalleidoscope
    • Unwelcome
    • Recon
    • Captain's Orders
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2015
  20. thats the ugliest thing i've ever seen in my entire life.
    АлгааТаш likes this.
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