Alien eggs not appearing

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Samstryker, Apr 3, 2015.

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  1. Tomorrow? well you have to wait 23 more hours :)
  2. It seems so, as we didn't got any now :( We should hope day by day :p
  3. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I also hope they will be out , but they not gonna be, like last year they werent out. The most important event of cristians isnt celebrated here lolll, but the second is !
  4. they out on GE1 now 2:07 am server time the 4th

    here a preview all eggs no doubler or bio

    You received 1 FWX-S fireworks.
    You received 672 Credits.
    You received 8 SAR-02 rockets.
    You received 200 Credits.
    You received 36 MCB-25 laser ammo.
    You received extra energy for the galaxy-gate generator.
    You received 11 MCB-25 laser ammo.
    You received 12 SAR-02 rockets.
    You received 7 PLD-8 rockets.
    You received 14 PLD-8 rockets.
    You received 1 FWX-L fireworks.
    You received 6 SAB-50 laser ammo.
    You received a repair voucher.
    You received 12 ECO-10 rockets.
    You received 9 ECO-10 rockets.
    You received 12 PLT-2026 rockets.
    You received extra energy for the galaxy-gate generator.
    You received extra energy for the galaxy-gate generator.
    You received 8 SAR-02 rockets.
    You received 11 ECO-10 rockets.
    You received 11 PLT-2026 rockets.
  5. Great, after my hand started hurting cause of 2 hour boxing, they finally came out :mad: Good timing man, good timing :D
  6. Where's the uri.
  7. Go checkout :D But I won't check now for sure, I am gonna sleep :p
  8. I play GA1, we won't get them for hours, and i'll be sleeping by the time they come on.
  9. lol yeah where is the uri hmm kinda cheaping out on that lol im sure its just my cursed luck

    yeah just noob acct to see events unfold 6 hours early for me est 1 here
  10. pecanin

    pecanin User

    They are not on PVP maps again ,another bright idea from some third rate developer.
  11. the newer players like them and they dont cost anything so it is what it is take them or leave them ;)
  12. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    What lousy event this is...
  13. Why you complaining...Easter is on Sunday :rolleyes: A one (1) day event, but complain it doesn't come on early enough...DO fault for say this would come early....'Egg' DO - fire (launch) away - hahaha.
  14. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    I found Xenomit, slow mine (1 per egg only), Uridium (never over a hundred) and Pet fuel (not over 200).
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2015
  15. The event used to be 1 week long, and used to be on 24/7 and was GOOD. Now every year that passes DO gets worse with the event, and every other event.
  16. One constant theme in these forums is that yellowsubmarine loves to make excuses for Bigpoint.. you on the payroll? I complain because MIDNIGHT on the 3rd was yesterday.. not today. Midnight today was the 4th. Whoever writes these emails needs to bone up on their translation skills. It does matter because some of us have limited playing time and when I get notification of something in advance, I typically plan out my game time accordingly to maximize boosters, doubler, etc.
  17. SauronL

    SauronL User

    eggs have same crap as every other nooby box, and theyre not even in bmaps , stupid bigpoint will never give us anything ....
    thought im gonna buy doubler , but im not ...
  18. silanyu

    silanyu User

    Did you guys ever stop to think that the boxes ARE in fact good? Just think in old DO days these boxes people would probably be shooting each other over. Now because of new stuff its not good enough? Well, it is. Especially for noob players and players who don't spend a lot of money on the game. And in my opinion boxes wont be in battle maps BECAUSE then people would abuse third party programs to bot the boxes and cause a lot of unfairness to fair players and would deepen the unbalance in the game. Be happy that they are even celebrating Easter at all guys. After all they are a different culture with different customs. Not to mention big time zone difference...
  19. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    Boxes good? You only get so little from those box! Stop bootlicking!
  20. Kids, stop talking, in the old days the boxes GAVE GOOD THINGS, Lasted a week, and no issues with players picking them up. And a player can bot in any map so keeping them out of battle maps ruining it for the some legit players, is ridiculous.
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