[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Turns out they are planning something for Easter as some achievements for it have turned up. However it doesn't appear to be a fully fleshed out event, more of a Easter Egg hunt.

    Easter achievement icons:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    There is also a new laser graphic that is simply called the "Rainbow Laser", which is in some way involved with one of the achievements as is seen with the achievement icon on the far right.
    The description for all the achievements are the exact same at the moment so will post the descriptions when they are updated.

    In other news, Space Plague has been renamed to Parasite Tide.

    There is also a new entry to achievements called Secret and the description just says ... "secret", so I'm going to go with a bold prediction and say its a secret.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
    -=Chef-Tony=- and Venom~kilzs like this.
  2. `Luke

    `Luke User

    That is very bold indeed.
  3. ronz

    ronz User

    Yeah , are we going to even get that again ??
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The OA for Parasite Tide (formally known as Space Plague):

    Greetings, Pilots!

    A strange new plague is spreading through the human population. Why is it making its victims act so out of character? Could it have something to do with the mysterious new alien species, whose appearance is so off-putting?

    The Parasite Tide is crashing over DarkOrbit!

    Will you manage to avoid being infected? Will you become a ministering angel, fighting the infection and curing your fellow players, all while taking the fight to the disgusting Gygerim? With your fellow humans turning against you as well as the new alien threat to meet, it's a perilous course to fly!

    ...Or will you become a willing host to their strange parasite offspring, allowing the faint whispers of alien instinct to guide your steps, spreading their contagious blessing to other ships, and resisting all serums and treatments? It's a dangerous line to tread!

    Complete unique new missions for both infected and uninfected players, unlock new achievements and titles, meet and defeat horrifying new alien motherships - and if you have reached level 21, you'll find a whole new story arc of epic missions waiting for you to conquer!

    When the Parasite Tide arrives, it's kill or cure.... or sometimes, both!

    Sounds interesting enough, will be interesting to see the rewards for the level 21 missions. No indication yet on the dates that this event will kick off, however there are still files to be updated for the new NPCs, ship design, Serim CPU and a new ammo for this event so I can't see it occurring too soon.

    In addition to this there was another entry for a Turkish only event, the 14th TR-exclusive event in around 6 months.
    Silviu likes this.
  5. the new missions for players who have reached level 21 are a permanent update or just for the event?
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Honestly not sure, I'm tempted to say permanent because the quests I think it is referencing is a story plot about the "Helix Crew" rather than the Parasite Tide event it seems.
    They are also big, for example of them is to destroy 1,000 interceptors and it would be a bit cruel if they were all long quests that were only available during an event.
  7. I wish they had this kind of reward on USA east 1 server, it might get ppl to get back into the game
  8. They've had it twice bro :p sadly I never buy uri :(
  9. SauronL

    SauronL User

    wow this all
    , just easter is gone and i didnt see them in achievements yet
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yeah the files of it have been removed from test server over the weekend too, normally nothing is touched on the weekend. Looks like they were uploaded by accident to be honest.
    -Äppiäinen- likes this.
  11. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Easter in Europe is yet to come. It will be on 12th of April and as Darkorbit Headquarters is in Germany i would believe that there is still a chance for us to have an Easter event.
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Easter is the same date in almost all of Europe as the rest of the world. This year Easter Sunday was on the 5th, hence why the eggs were this weekend.

    Orthodox churches put Easter as a different date but Orthodox Christians are mainly in Russia and Slavic regions, DO have always done their Easter events on the Easter weekend which ends today.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2015
  13. or it was just putted to xml files just for you.
    i thought that these bugging lasers where the only april fools joke, but it wasnt :p

    Still waiting for parasite tide; i really hope that we can finally see this new pusat designs in that event as a event reward or somewhere else :)
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  14. SauronL

    SauronL User

    its not nice they didnt give us any design but did to other server, but still hope this desing wont come on our server, most ppls have problem with lightning on suicide just to lock it , imagine it with 6 more slots lolll, pls no, i hope this design wont come to my server
  15. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Not really OP that ship seeing as goli still hits more, has more hp aswell. you can moth that ship and it will pop fast cos its got less hp
  16. You forgot to mention that it's faster than a spearhead.
  17. ramnik

    ramnik User

    slow mines, dcr rockets, ice rockets. may be faster but still can be slowed down.

    whats even better is if there more than 1 person. place a slow mine one after the other.
  18. pusat can do all of that too, lol.
    yellowsubmarine and SauronL like this.
  19. Yes, can be slowed down if they don't destroy you while you are trying to lock them cause of the speed and the damage it will do (suicide configuration)
  20. It has 1 more laser slot. 1. With double boosters and havocs, an individual fully upgraded LF4 has the damage of about 600. This is 600 more damage then a bastion, but if you come across an enforcer with the same configurations, with x4 they hit about 2900 more then a Pusat.

    The math

    Let's say a goliath with 35 level 16 LF4s, double damage boosters, havocs and an enforcer design makes (roughly) max damage 70,000 with x4. Add an enforcer design and it's 73,500 roughly, whereas a Pusat's max damage will be 70,600 roughly. This and the fact that the Pusat will have about 200k HP with full Havocs, a smart vengy could kill a Pusat just as a smart vengy could kill a goliath.


    People need to stop over-estimating the Pusat's power.
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