[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Ill say just that , its the fastest ship in orbit and it has same dmg as goli or stronger or lower , who care , the point in it is ...

    its the best design for hunting noob ships or damaged ships , fastly run and rep while emp cloak
  2. Please do that math for me (cause I don't know to calculate) Pusat vs non-Pusat design, and Pusat vs Spearhead or any other credit ship. Don't make Pusat vs Goliath calculations, we all know Pusat don't stand a chance there.

    Also, consider the 588 speed of the Pusat, which is equals to the Spearhead, while comparing the damage too.
  3. Then what are we even talking about? Pusat vs BigBoy? Obvious loss...

    Too much blame projected onto this Pusat design; if you're in a weak ship you're most likely going to get killed by anything and everything (I can name at least 5 ships that can kill anything if piloted correctly). Most unpopular opinon of the year coming but it really sounds like your searching for things to complain about.
  4. You sure that I am looking to complain only? You are wrong buddy, too wrong. I have played this games since the first version, so I know what I am talking about.

    Spearhead is the fastest ship, right? Do you know why DO gave Spearhead 5 lasers, and not 16? And basically, what is going to happen now is throw Spearhead away and give another design that will have the same speed but will have the biggest firepower in game? Does that sound fair to you?
    SauronL likes this.
  5. We don't need to get into a war of "I was here the longest" however, FYI, I've been on Dark Orbit since 2007. Also been in JPA semi's before therefore I'd like to say I know what I'm talking about in terms of PvP.

    As I stated previously it doesn't have the biggest fire power in the game.

    This thread is full of opinions; we play different servers and fight with and against different people. From my point of view, it's really not as overpowered as everyone is harping on about it being due to points I've mentioned above, and again due to the fact that it has around 200k hitpoints. You know why it's been given such little hitpoints, right?
  6. What's the deal in HP, if a player cause of the speed and the damage you are doing can't do much against you? And yes, it has more HP than Spearhead too.
    tg90000_2 likes this.
  7. tg90000_2

    tg90000_2 User

    How do you kill a pusat? If it has an as good as pilot as you, you will never kill it. It runs away or kills you, but won't die coz of its speed.

    It's not a teamfighter ship, but the strongest for hunting alone. And as well, if its used well with 4-5 emp-cloakers, there's no matter of life, only dmg.

    -Speed: The fastest ship in the game, and the only one that is nearly same has 5 lasers and even less hp.
    -Dmg: Yes, not the best, but who cares about hundreds of dmg?! And - much faster than the "same-damaged" ship, the goli.
    -Life: Yes, its low, but: more than spearhead's, almost the same as vengs. And other ships dont matter, coz they're too slow.

    Until now, every ship had a weaker ability in those things, but its the (or almost) the best in each.

    Its not an 1v1er ship, but great hunter.

    (sorry for my english, hope you can understand what i wanna tell you)
  8. You appear to be under the impression that this pusat will zoom past and one shot everything. If you want, I will discuss to you in detail just how you would be able to kill a pusat easily 1v1 (it will be a short conversation if you're basic FE) feel free to ask for my Skype.

    It's most definitely not the best in each. You are all only presenting the fact that it's faster then everything else, what use is that? To run away? If I'm attacked by 4-5 emp-cloakers in ANY elite ship I won't survive long if I don't act fast.
    It doesn't have the most damage in the game (let that sink in everyone) and in terms of HP it's really weak (walk in the park for moth fighters).

    Quote from another post:

  9. I don't think so that I am under that much impression, I am not impressed at all by the Pusat design. How can I kill Pusat with Spearhead? It's a fact that most of the time I am flying Spear cause of boxing. How can I fight with a ship that has more HP than me, SAME speed and I have 11 less lasers?
  10. Pusat doesn't have abilities.

    Also how can you kill a goliath in a spearhead? A vengy in a spearhead? I'm presuming you just run away from those situations? I'm also presuming you've been able to escape from a spearhead before? There are several ways in order to be able to evade a chasing ship, use what you've been given and play smart. Also, no one is confining you to a spearhead. If it bothers you that much wouldn't you just buy a pusat?

    The Pusat is only really a big threat to Spearheads; and I'm glad. Boxing is too easy for everyone at the moment, a few Pusats patrolling will make it harder for you all. Work for your boxes :)
  11. Damn.. and I thought I was.. feelings are Damaged but not Hurt.. New Cool
  12. Who said that I am killing Goliath with Spearhead? When UFE Goliath attacks me, just fly away lol. How can you fly away from such design now? No how, just let them kill you and teleport you to base, best case scenario.
    Boxing is too easy? I guess your server is empty on PvP map?

    And yeah, tell me how should I work for my boxes?
  13. Freeze rocket, emp cloak, slow mine etc etc to evade a pusat. Otherwise this design is no different from any other elite ship that's chasing after you.

    No, bases on every PvP map for about 6 months

    I think you are able to fly around and collect boxes undisturbed for long periods of time. You can't collect palladium or shoot cubikons in peace like you can with boxes, so you will now have to work harder to be able to collect; maybe have to work in a team.
  14. tg90000_2

    tg90000_2 User

    Teach me, master! Master, who doesn't know how serious thing is the speed, lol. You can run whenever you want, and then go back when you're repaired a little bit. You can let your pet shoot the enemy and repair. You have the advantage of running > repairing > HP!

    I'm not a very great fighter, but the only thing that i can use is speed. To run away? Yes, you don't get killed. Good! It doesn't have the most dmg? Yes, that 1-2k dmg is really annoying during hunt. Not 240k, only 238k...

    Yes, my fault - i thought 5v5, not 5v1 with the emp-cloakers. In 5v5, its easy to lock golis, and hard to escape with them, but the pusat.
    Does the spear have abilities? (against pusat?)
    -Ulti cloak > useless, you can't escape and run enough to wait its CD
    -JAMX > pusat isn't a skill design
    And the others aren't "running" skills.

    Why do you speak always about goli? Its too slow, it can't kill a pusat if its alone...
    We were talking about when each ppl has the same skill of fighting!
    Yes, we could run away with spear, it had the power of speed, and not the dmg!

    Are you serious? Sure, these things slowing the pusat, but it has the same things. From emp cloak, pusat can lock you fast, its faster (dependig on the skills of the hunter). Freeze rocket > if its a great hunter, he shoots it the same time, no effect. Slow mine > EMP.

    You've written: we have to work harder for uri. Why would it be harder, you wrote: its not overpowered in any way. If it isn't, the collecting wouldn't be harder, coz the number of hunting ships in the same time still the same.
    Or not?
  15. The PET will still shoot you after an EMP cloak so don't bother wasting a cloak, fyi. And why worry about these ships until the are released. It won't be a huge issue, I personally can't wait to start popping them. :)
    Samstryker likes this.
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    There will be a demaner hunt sometime this month. No exact date, just down as 4/15.

    The Demaner Freigher is back, better and bigger.

    A massive alien convoy will soon cross our system, carrying lots of rare and valuable wares. Our sources indicate that the price of a cargo has increased dramatically! Get to full speed and catch it. And anyone can have a second go on the epic mission from Dominaiton, and now have more than a week to finish it!

    Parasite Tide is planned for starting within the next 2 weeks, again no exact start or end dates - seems to have become a trend with the BreakingNews to avoid putting dates since I started posting them on the forum.
    However I have managed to get images :)

    Serim CPU - Use it to remove plague from you and another player.

    Infection Mine - Deals damage and infects players.

    Plague Infection Battery - Deals x4 damage and infects players.

    Ancient Master - Don't know what it does at the moment.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Still waiting on the client resources, will post them when they appear.

    Edit: Easter Egg achievements are live and the descriptions are just secret.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2015
  17. nothing about pusat desing?
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

  19. relax

    relax User

    Hmm can't wait for that demaner event, maybe it is next week.. and I will be able to finish mission, because I made 47 kappas now and I still have 8 hercules.. Last kappa I oppened with 3200 extra energies :eek:


    Does anyone know what we'll have to do to get these achievements done? I've jumped the wormhole and didn't get the 'Tour de Wormhole' one done just for everyone's info.
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