[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. :p
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
    Watt-Overlord and Darkomaani. like this.
  2. Tell us how please!
  3. How you get "What does it mean??"
  4. -TENTE-

    -TENTE- User

    I have the achievement "whats does it mean?" but my laser haven´t the rainbow colours. Must I wear lf4, lf3... or use x1, x2, x3 ?
  5. http://prntscr.com/6t12ba
    just type agean iwantrainbows and lasers change colors
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
  6. Where do i type it?
  7. on map lol close chat and type iwantrainbows
  8. if you light off the fireworks in the gate the cargo's icon turns into a preasnt but it only does it for 5 mins. when the reg cargo come out again light more fireworks the preasnts come out again. working on to see if their is a number count on the preasnts. keeping fingers crossed
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
  9. tour the wormhole i think u have to jump in every map using it
  10. No, you navigate your way to the wormhole in 4-5 and keep flying up into the Radiation Zone. Eventually, you'll wrap back around to the bottom of the map and earn the achievement.
    BØØGΞYMΔИ likes this.
  11. so tour de wormhole gives nothing special?
    didnt even get title.
  12. relax

    relax User

    So ping me maybe ? pls tell us how to take it :D
  13. *MOONGLOW*

    *MOONGLOW* User

    doesnt work for me :( ,,,,, update finally worked i just wasnt flying far enough into rad zone didnt realise i would have to take so much dmg lol ( no title with this though)
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
    chixonator likes this.
  14. *fabio*

    *fabio* User

    Hi Okapi, some time ago, if I remember well, you said that some day there will be a downloadable client and a 3D mode... Are there any news about that?
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    As a matter of fact there is, a new line in the a document was added just today ^^

    <item name="label_switch_2d3d_restart">
    <![CDATA[ Switching between 2D and 3D requires a client restart. Do you want to restart the client now? ]]>

    So basically that's just a piece of text from test2 client window, the 3D mode is not on test2 (as far as I can tell) however the addition of text like this means that there is progress being made on the 3D mode, which is good news.
    Despite this, I would not be expecting to see it arrive any time soon - at a guess I would say a few months out.

    I am hoping to be able to extract the 3D model files soon-ish and upload them or port them into SFM so people can do animated videos with them if they wish.

    Still no news on the downloadable client.


    On the 23rd Turkish servers will be getting a 25% EP booster for 24 hours for some event.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
  16. Hey, I agree with an earlier post that it would have been nice to figure these Easter event achievements out. But they are very hard and I doubt many people would have figured it out, also as it says "Easter eggs" I get the impression we have limited time to achieve it. So I think people would (like me) appreciate the help on solving them.

    Here is how you do all four:

    Deep-Space Pyrotechnician- Jump into a Galaxy Gate and set off multiple fireworks, I do not know if there is set amount needed, I tried 2 and it did not work, tried 5 and it works, you get title plus cargo boxes turn into presents for a period of time.

    So Ping Me Maybe- You need to be in an outfit, then ping all 4 corners of the map, you will receive the title plus a face out of ping's will appear on the mini map.

    What Does It Mean??- Click off of the chat box and type iwantrainbows (no spaces no caps), you will shot rainbow ammo till you jump or log (other people do not see the rainbows, also you shot normal ammo but all looks the same e.g. x2, SAB, RSB all look the same)

    Tour de Wormhole- Go to 4-5 map, and go into the rad zone and go deeper into the rad zone, about 5-10 seconds in you will come out on the right side completing the achievement. (I know that if you go left side it sends you to the right, if you go on right side you still come out on the right side. I do not know how it works going up or down.)

    All of these can be repeated at any time to receive the temporary change in effect.

    Hope this helps :D

    Last edited: Apr 14, 2015
  17. relax

    relax User

    Thx a lot man.. I really couldn't figure out the "«So Ping Me Maybe»" achievement..
  18. SKULL323

    SKULL323 User

    I still do not understand how to do this So Ping Me Maybe ,
    if anyone would be able to show in the video as it gets


    just ping all 4 corners of your mini map :p get in a outfit :)
    [-КАТЮША-] likes this.
  20. Sorry skull323, I meant ping all 4 corners of the map (can be any map). as madvillain said.

    Have updated the post :D

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