[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. With everything else that is going wrong how are they pulling this one off exactly? But I hope it works it is needed very badly.

    Why can't they come onto the forum and let us know they have things like this in the works?

    Players that have already quit may never even realize they were working on a 3-d engine.
    Okapi please enlighten us. Thanks.
    They should be paying you , this thread has probly saved them more than a few customers.

    God forbid I actually expect a BP employee to take 5 minutes of their time to talk to us lowly 'muricans.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2015
  2. Effect will dissapear soon after you type iwantrainbows. You can always type it again and have rainbow lasers for short time.
    (I would like to have it permanent, sadly it can't be done :()
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    When a mod gets a chance to see this, are we no longer allowed to post the dates that events begin? Just wondering since the last few posts containing information on that have been deleted.
  4. i dont see the point of deleting the posts when so many ppl know the dates already ^^. but btw, isn't telling everyone the dates kinda risky? because they could just change the dates if too many ppl find it out.
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I don't know what they would have to gain from changing the dates just because they were posted in this thread. We don't get any advantage for knowing the dates - there's nothing we can do the prepare for the demaner hunt that would make it better for us than it would for other players.
    This thread is unofficial after-all and nothing posted here can be taken as definitive, even if the vast majority of it does come true.

    If they have to change the date for another reason and then want the wrong date removed so that players do not get annoyed when it doesn't turn up on the dates posted on this thread then I would suggest they actually get involved to some degree with people who datamine their servers and tell them if there are certain things off limits, such as dates of events - which is why I asked that in my post above. Please answer me mods D:
    Much easier for them to say what they don't want "revealed" rather than delete posts with no info why.
  6. save up sep? :D
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Ah true I suppose, that could help out slightly :p Just don't tell the noobs on gb2 ^^
  8. DarkOrbit: Parasite Tide! Infectious disease spreads in DarkOrbit

    Check your mission roster now!

    Scientists have detected a space plague outbreak in DarkOrbit. Specialized forces have been pressed into service to search and destroy the original carrier aliens. Will you side with the aliens or be part of the cure (*)?

    Successful decontaminators will be rewarded with achievements and special ship designs!
    (Event runs from Friday, 8 May 2015, midnight through to 25 May 2015, 23:59 LST)

    *(Special curative tech will be provided.)

    Its posted on bigpoint.com! So now we know when it will be))
  9. Well parasite tide sounds great.

    Domination is the worst idea since pet rocks so how could PT be worse, right?
  10. im siding with the aliens would be nice to have E.T as my wing man :p
  11. pecanin

    pecanin User

    How could it be worse ...it is developed by same team that brought us Domination /Sun Lordakium and many other epic failures
  12. relax

    relax User

    Let's hpe for the best with this "Parasite Tide" event.. anyways it isn't something original so it has the chances to be a pretty good event.. Resident Evil :rolleyes:
  13. At least the creator of pet rocks made a bundle of $$$. It is good to see new events when no one does TDM anyways.
  14. well as it stands there is nout in AO about the event coming on in teh next day or 2 so we are stuck lol and im on about the dom event
  15. any info about new npc?
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Nope, no information about what the Goliath does either, hopefully will find out more next week.
    apocalipsis likes this.
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Three new event entries.

    • May Day 2015
    • Victory Day 2015
    • Fathers Day 2015

    There is also a new ttip entry for Damage, so that is something where your mouse hovers over it and it will display the damage of something. It could be on your ship overview in the client, similar to speed and shields, for example.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
    Watt-Overlord likes this.
  18. Finally DO does something we've been asking for :) been waiting for the damage display for the longest. Hmmm wonder what these other events are though and if they're server wide events.
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Few new features.

    There will be a new settings option coming that will display a low HP warning, should be useful in galaxy gates if your not paying attention x)

    There are also ammo and mine restrictions that are going to be implemented in Training Arena.
    No information on which ammo and mines will be banned from the arena but I suspect it might be the parasite tide stuff so that the infection cannot be spread in TA, just a guess though.

    Parasite Tide laser ammo (PIB-100):


    Funny enough it's a combination of the Demaner ammo graphic and RSB graphic, looks nice enough in the game though.

    May Day breaking news bit:

    DarkOrbit calls for action to welcome May. Light up the sky with fireworks to celebrate and collect valuable items from event bonus boxes.

    Keep an eye out for Sector Control from 10 am until 12 pm, followed by the Level Invasion Gate from 1 pm until 3 pm. If that weren’t enough, Team Death Match will run from 4 pm until 6 pm and Spaceball from 7 pm until 10 pm. All stated times are local server time.

    Of course, drones will not take damage the whole event.

    So, lock, load and enjoy!

    Then the news everyone has been waiting for ... yet another TR only event has been listed.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2015
    SauronL likes this.
  20. Are you kidding me!?!?!??! -_____-
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