[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Not necessarily, it could just be that they are adding in stuff like that just to get it out the way so that they don't have to add it at a later date.
    We will know it is close to beta testing when a Breaking News entry is added about it, or they could be sneaky and just avoid one altogether, but I don't see how that would benefit them much.
    Silviu likes this.
  2. SnakeIdol

    SnakeIdol User

    will may day special boxes be out at midnight?

    KING.TWIG User

    so do you know of anything about the helix owning? is it random or will it have a sequence? :)
  4. just have to keep track of them to find out when there on and check each month if they come on to find the sequence as we have worked out when mhh is on

    3/05/2015 - HC hour

    now just have to wait see if we get one of them a month
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
  5. `Luke

    `Luke User

    Few days too quiet on this thread. Kinda feeling left in the dark :(
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I will update it eventually, there were 7 new drone formations listed last week and I've been trying to find out if the descriptions were incorrect or a joke because 2 of the new formations are insanely overpowered and give a bigger increase in ship power than LF-4 + Havoc did.

    I don't want to post them and get a few thousand players really annoyed only to find out it was a joke description or something but it's like talking to a brick wall so getting an answer from someone on the DO team is very slow.
  7. SauronL

    SauronL User

    happy i boxed atleast 300k uri last week :S , but if theyre going to cost money its np
  8. Silviu

    Silviu User

    If the descriptions weren't a joke or incorrect, i hope they're going to have effect only on NPCs, there is already a big gap between newbies and UFEs, increasing that gap would only bring more instability into the game.


    are the X and mosquito formations included in those 7 formations you're talking about?
  10. you should post them its not you're prob cos same outcome will happen if bigpoint brings them out if bigpoint wants to kill itself let them
  11. yes post them dont care if they are implemented or not
  12. SauronL

    SauronL User

    yeah , i would say: no dont do it ! but im too curious, sorry
  13. lol snap
  14. `Luke

    `Luke User

    Just make a notice that the information is not really what will happen in the future, or will happen at all, but just the information in the code.

    We all really appreciate what you do on this thread, Okapi32, Do not stop reading and translating the code for us, it is very interesting, even if it never comes into the game for the public.
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    If it were ideal then I could just post it and tell people to keep in mind it could not be the final description, however the vast majority of people who read this thread are from other languages and have a good understanding of English but not a great one. Unfortunately almost all of them assume I either work for DO in some way or that I am part of the EN mod team, I get a couple of messages a day on my fb page asking me to unban accounts / give uridium. So they expect everything I post to end up being hard facts.

    These people then take that info and begin asking their own language mod teams about it and of course they do not know the answers for the updates, then if I posted something similar to what these new formations apparently do then I am creating a lot of hate for other mod teams that could be avoidable if I just wait a week for either an answer from DO team or for it to be translated into other languages encase the descriptions do change.

    You will all get to see the new drone formations sooner rather than later, I'm hoping the translations happen this week, if the descriptions do change they I will post the new and the old ones so you won't have missed out on anything. Don't expect them to be in the game too soon though, they appear to be planned to be released at the same time as the 3D client.
    Last edited: May 6, 2015
    Darkomaani. and Silviu like this.
  16. well i cant say much for that very responsible answer lol
  17. Azarameus

    Azarameus User

    I for one sincerely do hope this is a joke. The absolute last thing this game needs is more damage - noobs already stand a snowball's chance in hell of surviving half a shot from a UFE!
  18. Which is probably the reason they're so bloody overpowered - They have a general idea of what they want the formations to do, but they're not going to balance them until it's necessary.

    That second Formation though... It's just crazy OP.
  19. If you are already starting to talk with Okapi about formations, I would ask you to share them here, as everything is shared here by Okapi. Sharing them won't change much things, though.
  20. Ladrimi.UA

    Ladrimi.UA User

    When do 3D come to Darkorbit?
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