Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Tina-The-Impaler, May 8, 2015.

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    *MOONGLOW* User

    kronos pieces ?
  2. Yes, it's true. If you can make a lot of wars with your company, than you can get a lot of points :D

    Tell me one thing, who are you to judge others opinions? According to me, for a non-casher is too expensive whether you are healer/infector. Will you judge my thoughts about this again?

    BARABBAS~ User

    Not complicated True,
    Stupid True,
    Very expensive True.
    Point is, Bigpoint needs everyone to buy more URI, VERY TRUE!
  4. -xïx-

    -xïx- User

    Dear game makers,

    It is good that cool new things are being added to the game; however, the Parasite Tide is one of the thing that is parallel to biological warfare. Some of the player might have the first hand experience (the receiving end), and it isn't a good idea to promote biowarfare as game (as a weapon) to the younger generation. It would be nice if the feature is removed because winning at all cost with bio-weapon isn't the best idea to give the younglings.

    As for me, I will continue to play the game, but I won't add those weapons to play the game.

  5. its not too expensive, when you get 2k uri for spending at most 275, if you dont check youre email, im not judging their opinions im responding to their statements, and i am a non casher too, or if you get 2k uri every quest, and all you have to do is kill 10 lordakia and 2 sibelons and 5 sami? thats not expensive, thats called a quest.
  6. Crap event, isnt fun or entertaining, just wierd.
  7. Yeah 2 of my friends got the email but I did not so what is up with this?

    Also my friend was in the maps earlier and got infected by Bonus Boxes that exploded immediately NOT giving 3 second warning as stated. Too many boxes have nothing in them and there are about 25% that are infectious instead of BONUS. Let your PET collect them and prevent being infected. He can even collect his own fuel LOL.
  8. I've played this game for almost four years now and it just seems to be getting worse and worse. Had to answer a questionaire about the game the other day. Apparently they were looking for ways to improve the game. I don't see how they figure that this is an improvement. Biological warfare!?! Especially with what's going on in todays world! I know some players will love this. Others, I'm not to sure about. Personally, I think it's crap. When you have to pay (For a game that is supposidly free) in order to survive, something is wrong. I guess it's all about money boys and girls!
  9. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    I can't even collect boxes because of rival players doing those Parasite mission, infect players and kill players. Also the threat level will always be 4 in 3-2. What a great event this is!

    Darkorbit is not Pay to Win, it is Pay to Survive!
    Last edited by moderator: May 12, 2015
  10. You think about it to infect one person, FIRST you better be ready to defend yourself, SECOND unless you have stripped your ship you fire 200 lasers in one shot but then you can't shoot only one laser blast. Second to heal someone you need to be next to them when you hit the serum and costs you 2 shots to cure them. The infection ammo should have been a ROCKET so you could WIZ them. DarkOrbit has made a major mistake with this sequence. I can foresee this being just like the PIRATES and this crap being available for the next millennium which will push players who are not into the PvP portion of the game away. I agree with the comments of the NON-CASHERS that this is going to be TOO expensive for them. NOT in ammunition or the likes, but in the REPAIR of their ships and drones. BIO-LOGICAL warfare is not a GAME and should not be introduced to a GAME that allows CHILDREN to play. It was bad enough promoting the PvP the way D O has pushed it (look at the NYX and see how many PvP missions are there) and gets out of hand when the only way you can have fun is to be a PORTAL HUGGER and hope you can kill what you need before some WALLET comes along and hits you twice and POOF you have POPPED to spend your URI to repair your ship and if you paid attention saved your DRONES before they need to be replaced.

    I can see a drop in players in the maps over the next month, be more people sitting in CHAT hanging around PORTALS and BASES instead of being in the maps.

    Sorry D O this is a MAJOR MISTAKE.
  11. How is this event complicated? Seems straight forward and simple to me.. :rolleyes:

    Infecting ammo is overpriced (even with prem + rebate it is still shockingly expensive but I guess that's the price of bio warfare lol)) but everything that costs uri is overpriced and that will put some players off taking part in this event. So it is expensive to take part in most events that are built around pvp and a lot players just do not want to participate in the pvp side of things regardless of anything and they just enjoy the player vs. alien side of things which is fair enough and Big Point should bear this in mind with events and event quests - not everyone can afford to waste £35/£70 per week on this game.

    There'll no doubt be a larger majority of players that will ignore this event like they do all the others and not participate because they know they'll struggle to get quests done.

    Dumbination event is just ridiculous anyway and most players give that one a miss because they can never do the beacon quests and even the company that does dominate, the selfish players among that company prevent other players from their own company from doing the Dumbination beacon quests because they won't let anyone else from other companies retake the beacons. Now you can see why I call it the "Dumbination" event. But this game is rife with selfishness.

    That demaner freighter event, most people give that miss because again, they cannot get the quests done because they have to be FIRST to shoot at the freighter and 99.99% of the time it is always the same people getting first shot on it when they no longer require the kills for the quests and no one gives a Hoover Dam about them being in outfits with people that may still need the kills, just more selfishness. And then you can only get the freighter at certain times of the day after the first day, mainly afternoon-evening as Big Point in their wisdom do not care about players that work during the day and evening so such players cannot get on to do these quests so end up missing out because they have a job, a life etc.
    Last edited: May 12, 2015
  12. Now you are talking about quests. For the NPC quests, you don't need special ammo. Invalid argument.
  13. I really wish the cure and infect achievements had counters on them...
  14. DogScout

    DogScout User

    Like you need the counters. You fly into a map infect everything and go to the next and so on. Then go back to your maps and disinfect everyone you see and then check the achievement page to see how many you have left to do. That is not to hard except you enter in a map and everyone runs to portals because they can not defend themselves.
  15. DogScout

    DogScout User

    IF you add up everything you shoot up to kill what you listed you spent more than the 2k uri you got unless you took your time using x1 R310 and eco-10 ammo. But then if you were using this you did not kill the sibelons before either being shot off of them or killed so you spent more URI to repair your ship, especially when you have an event like this that is bringing all the enemies into your maps.

    And if you are talking about quests for this event where are you seeing the information as I have not seen it anywhere. The first quest is only 1k for 300 URI expense assuming you get someone to sit still long enough to CURE them and did not get the care package from the newsletter.
  16. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    I found out that my ship speed became normal when I ship warp. What a failed event!
  17. jackknife

    jackknife User

    Get infected and then go ncp hunting _+10% damage what is the second quest or even the third one. I don't want to waste 1000 of this ammo which is almost a game changer on the first quest
  18. First quest uses no ammo it uses the CURE and it is CURE YOURSELF single dose is 300 URI. I know it says to CURE another player but it does not register curing the other player, I found out by wasting a shot on another player thinking I would get credit for it.

    Second quest is to kill 10 GERMS on battle (PvP) maps.
  19. jackknife

    jackknife User

    thank you, Hades~Pôšëîdõn‡Tríp
  20. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Might touch upon some of the same stuff but here goes...

    Starting with the bad stuff. Yep, infection ammo is expensive. :eek: Thought that it might be 5 uri or so (on par with RSB).
    However, if you subscribed to the newsletter you'll get 2k ammo which is more than enough to complete the quests so far. (one of the quests asks to use 1k ammo). I don't know if there are more quests like this but there probably are though.:confused:

    The bonus boxes are actually quite good. :) They give pet fuel, sar-02, ubr-100, pld, rockets etc.:D Yes some boxes randomly don't give anything and there aren't any special boxes in the bmaps but on the whole the boxes on this event are better than most events. Please keep it this way BP ;).

    The Gygerthralls are quite easy to kill. Only 60k hp and 50k shield. Easily doable with old FE status (iris drones) or less (the npc only deals around 1k damage). Once you start killing one more tend to spawn around but they are not aggressive. Only drawback is that they are in the bmaps. :confused: However bmap are quite empty nowadays (well in my server at least :D).

    For those who want to chase rankings on the leader-board to get a chance for the Surgeon Goli design, good luck :). Probably the most cost efficient way would be to equip one laser and Spearhead and shoot everyone in sight (like shoot once and run). :p Or if you're chasing cure points team up with your mates and heal each other. :D Alternately you could farm Gygerthralls. Pretty good uri (16 each).:D

    Overall the event is quite a good one from DO. It has expensive ammo to entertain the UFEs or those who have money :rolleyes: but also has aspects that a free player could easily do (like the Gygerthralls). This is a step in the right direction. Hopefully we get more good events such as this one from BP. :)

    *additional note: though special boxes are not in bmap they give the same increased amount of uridium that they would in bmaps (good for newbies) :D.