[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Two new breaking news entries but no full descriptions yes.
    First one is called "pusatGlobal", so we can safely assume they are finally getting round to giving it out to the rest of servers. The other is just called "tournament_tr", so probably further details for the TR servers about their tournament.
  2. Thanks Owning, btw on GE1 i saw a player called OwningPips, is that you?
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Nah that's just a friend, we were messing around in TS and he changed his name to that.
  4. So when this new stuff comes out lets give it a real testing .:cool:
  5. atimacho

    atimacho User

    where are Gygerthralls?????????????????
  6. in PvP maps...
  8. zgongz

    zgongz User

    how does mothershipspawn?
  9. Good question, is this aspect glitched?? Or do we just have to wait a day or two for this "progress bar" to show up ??
  10. I had first assumed it was gonna be lake demaner or something, a timer based spawn.
  11. not even the rich could afford this cost me 87.5k uri with rebate and prmeuim for 5k of the ammo lawl
  12. yeah, it's ridiculously high and unfair. I went to buy 1k and its 17k for rebate and prem, like wth....
  13. whats the point of the ammo? just x4 dmglol.... u can build a gate fo 5kof the ammo
  14. lol to screw people over XD
  15. If you want to infect people for the missions or the achievements, then you'd better get your wallet out... :p
  16. nah, if you got the ammo from the email rewards, just put 1 laser on and shoot people XD
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Pusat is currently being planned to be released in the shop for all servers on the 15th of May, there will also be 2 payment options for it as well it seems.
  18. Okapi32 any informations about the price yet?
  19. I assume you mean for real life money...

    any news on if it will be for sale for uridium too?
  20. Oh damn, might just give up on war hunting to be one of the people to buy the damn thing lol.
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