[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. SauronL

    SauronL User

    lol those packages suck , lol xD who would pay that amount , id rather wait for mhh and would buy this design for 250k uri and still woud have a lot left
    chixonator likes this.
  2. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    Yeah! It is like developers think we are idiots.
    -=spiltmilk=-[PS] and whoeva like this.
  3. in a sense the newbies are in that "idiot" section, since they wont think twice about it.
    _-DarkOverLord-_ likes this.
  4. That's one of the main issues that PMO about this game. Just because their newbs DO/BP shouldn't take advantage of them.o_O
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  5. Has anyone found a pattern of when Helix Hours occur and when the next one might be?
  6. Once monthly (it's only been about 2 months). I have nothing to back me up when I say that I think it will most likely happen the first week of every month. It makes sense from a marketing stand point as most people are paid towards the end of the month.
  7. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    The formations on page 59 of this topic can't be real! 50% laserDMG? 273K only RSB (with 50% diminsher abilitY)????? Don't make me laugh. If DO wants to terminate it's game they would have shut it a long time ago.
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    New Turk-only event.
    Works the same way as the Hercules offers did except instead of a Hercules they will receive Kappa boosters. How nice of DarkOrbit to offer the turks a very quick and easy way to have Kappa boosters ready for JPA whilst the rest of us just keep on doing the GG to try our luck for one.
    http://tr.bigpoint.com/darkorbit/board/threads/katladikca-kazan.105109/ - Dead link at the moment but it will turn up there later. Event runs 29th - 31st.
  9. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Well, that isnt really fair against others.
  10. That's a bit cheap and unfair, nothing to do with what a team can do now, our dev team clearly doesn't care about us.
  11. They should be able to write a code to disable it, but thats IF they are good at their job.
  12. 2 words folks, LOG OFF! let the "turkeys" at DO see what giving 1 group of players all the goodies and screwing the rest of the servers over is all about, don't play for a month, 0 $$$ from all other servers means that maybe they will say "hey maybe we should not play favorites", WE ALL know DO is all about who is going to give them the most $$$$. Let them bleed Turkey dry and when they have and they have no other income from the rest of the servers maybe they will see the error of their ways, I doubt it, but worth a shot, maps are dead anyway, no point in getting a pushing ban since you are not going to complete the quests that are designed to create these pushing bans in the first place so like I said LOG OFF....
    -=spiltmilk=-[PS] likes this.
  13. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

  14. I don't get the issue. We got the better reward by far. Booster is easy as hell to get lmao. Hercules not so much so what's everybody's issue like seriously. If you winning depends on 5% of a few boosters there is a problem
  15. You make no sense.... He's saying he doesn't like the thought of players doing 50% more damage, would you want someone hitting you over 300k easy? No, you wouldn't....
  16. Crystal

    Crystal User

    Okapi32 Do you have some idea what is this? It doesn't work, but it's something new, maybe it can be connected with 3D mode...

  17. that has always been there... in the old days you were able to zoom into your ship and zoom out... but havent been able to use it for years now
  18. screen resolution my friend :cool:
  19. Crystal

    Crystal User

    ¤βŁÂŽ€¤[3ŘĐ] I remember old days ;)... but i don't understand why it is still there when it doesn't work... thanks for answers
  20. The "+" and the "-" buttons zoom in and out for me, I have to zoom out after I pop as the game zooms me in for some reason.
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