[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. wander if these are just for looks or maybe alternates of say the 5% dmg design.These kinda remind me of a TRON theme.
  2. It's probably that alternative ship for surgeon for everyone
  3. can some1 tell me what kinda abilities these new goliath have , or just a new look
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The three I posted earlier currently have no descriptions and they appear to be given out as rewards to the winners of a new event called Training Arena Season.
  5. the reason i ask is to be prepared for event if the goli is worth it , otherwise if it is just a new look without abilities is a rip off
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It will be an event that is repeated many times and the score of each person reset after a season finishes. If you don't want to spend a lot of uridium to compete for a top spot I would advice against doing the first couple of seasons - people will be extremely competitive to try and win the first one.

    The Goliath designs will never be worth it compared to skill designs. They won't have special abilities so the Sentinel and Spectrum will always be better, it will just be something like the old purple titles - something to show off.
  7. I understand , i want to compete though but would have been nice to have a goli such as the tide event with 6% damage and one extra generator could have worked for me lol
  8. I'd still rock either one of those in the maps when hunting lmao, could care less about trying too hard when i look sexy as hell XD
  9. Green eggs and ham, but no ham...
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    How the 7 new formations look in the game.









    In other news, 3 more entries for titles revolving around the TA seasons have been added. One called "champion", the other called "early_champion" and the final one is "early_elite" - so could be that the winners of season 1 get a special title for being the first people to win a TA season.
    SauronL and chixonator like this.
  11. Where is the 'Loser' formation? If you use this formation - U will lose.
  12. The wave and drill are the only decent looking ones, the others, DO isn't even trying to look creative... "Lets take the turtle... and just widen it some and leave a couple drones be.
  13. how about they shouldnt even be coming out with any of these formations... the dmg one is way too high...
    -=spiltmilk=-[PS] likes this.
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Best advice I can give is to contact the DO fb / twitter page and tell them the formations are too powerful. The guy who runs the pages will most likely respond with something along the lines of "I'm not sure which formation you are talking about?" (that's the reaction I got when I complained about Pusat being TR first before it was even out on TR servers) since they are not out yet but if enough people complain they are likely to change them before they are released.
    I made a video showing the formations on the map as well as a damage test to show people how powerful it is and at the end I tell people to contact the twitter / fb pages if they don't like the look of it, so hopefully there will be quite a few people doing it.
  15. Problem with that is, some of us have been banned from their page. XD
    -Corex- and Ar1esG0D0fWaR like this.
  16. chixonator

    chixonator User

    i like them the way they are tbh :|
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I'm sure there were a few people who liked the idea of LF4 and Havoc as well :/

    We do not need more damage in the game where noobs die instantly, far less a 50% damage. The Drill formation makes it so that the Goliath is no longer the best ship for PvP - the Aegis will be.

    The Aegis ability to repair itself means that the main downside of the Drill is effectively removed. Two or more Aegis hunting together using Drill do not have to worry about their HP before their shield, yet they will be able to do 100,000 damage easily every single second without fail.
  18. Silvanito

    Silvanito Dev Team Team DarkOrbit

    Hi guys,
    We have seen your concerns about the new drone formations. As some of you have guessed they are not definitive, what you see there is a first balance that we thought would bring some extra fun to the game.

    As far as I have read there are a couple of concerns you are pointing and which make completely sense. We were planning to let you test the drone formations on the test servers and collect your feedback after you have tried them, but Okapi is always ahead of us :)

    The objective of those drone formations is to bring fun and new tactical options for you to the game, releasing something that would frustrate you is the last thing we want to do. So, please stay on tune and join the beta test of the drone formations when we open the test servers to give us your feedback.

    If there are some drone formations stats and buffs that you are missing in the current ones your ideas are always welcome. You can just start a new thread about drone formation stats ideas and we will take a look.

    For the question when will be you able to test those formation: we have not a date yet, but we will tell you when everything is ready to test.

    Please take in account that the developers are busy working on the game, with this I mean that we can't be looking at the forum all the time and answering the question instantly. Thanks for your understanding and have fun!
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Honestly you might not know how big of a deal it will be to some people to just see someone from the team making a post like you have just done. It really will make people pretty happy to see someone actually come in the forum and tell people they have seen what players have wrote - it's not often we get to see it.
  20. Maybe somebody don't saw but in the fullname of all the formations you have a clue like "3D". For example:
    "Ring (F-3D-RG)
    Drill (F-
    Veteran (F-
    Dome (F-
    Wheel (F-
    Wavy (F-
    X (F-

    Did somebody have an opiniont about it?! I think all of it mean that them will not be soonly and not in whis game :)... I can't imagine them in game which we see today > 1 shot = 1 deadly Pusat :)... Will be something different, don't worry.

    Sorry for my bad English, isn't my mother language.
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