[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. chixonator

    chixonator User

    no one likes something that's new and makes people stronger until they get that thing, all the newbies complained about lf4s and then they get lf4s and there the happiest person ever and most wouldn't go back to before they existed. i just feel like a lot of people complain because there not willing to put in the work to get anything like lf4s, havoc's, herc's, or drones. you have to work to get stronger and the people who are already strong shouldn't have things taken away from them or have all their equipment "nerfed" because there stronger........

    anyways... i personally would like something that actually makes a noticeable difference in strength instead of pincer which only adds 3k damage IF you hit 100k. sure at first everyone that doesn't have them will be upset but once they get them they will be happy. and it gives the people who are already maxed everything something to work for. basically what im afraid of is that the formations with the current stats would actually be VERY useful but if they get nerfed and weakened, there wouldnt even be a point in buying them.
    -maxim1234- likes this.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Which is a terrible basis for a game.

    For example, if there were 50,000 FE people then LF4 came out, 25,000 get full lf4. Then Havoc come out and maybe 20,000 decide they will get Havoc. Upgrades show up, 15,000 decide the get the Upgrades. New formations come out, 10,000 people decide they will get the new formations. It goes on and on, more with every update like this decide the increase in damage is too much for them and they leave.

    Every time they introduce a jump in power like this it makes people re-think if they want to continue playing or not. It does not encourage growth in the game, new players die to quick now and they will continue to die too quick after the formations come out, all it does is make current UFE or close to UFE players re-think if they want to stay around.

    Of course people complain about updates and still get them, people love this game and they do not want to no longer be competitive. However just because people will buy something doesn't mean it should be introduced into the game ...
  3. New gear etc...

    Why didnt they just add loads more quests, pvp quests, etc and extra bio to help them kill npc and make urid quicker, it's all the game needed, they made to many servers to quickly and did to many things to fast.
    Ar1esG0D0fWaR likes this.
  4. chix does love to use aegis XD
    chixonator likes this.

    *MOONGLOW* User

    as ggg says all we needed was new quests etc , am sorry to say if these drone formations come out it will be time for me to leave the game permanently , ive left and come back many times but they will be the last straw for me .
  6. Yes u are right....
  7. I hope everybody post in the forum dont bring these new formations to the game never because it will end with the game finally. :( </3
    #SØŁɅR★ likes this.
  8. tg90000_2

    tg90000_2 User

    I want to test it before judging. First look, I have a negative attitude...

    Change, but the game would be still balanced. Only noobies gets a huge step back. The hunters would have very high dmg, but there'd be a defense with 180% shield increase.

    Ranking would be going up fast, that's not a positive thing in my opinion.

    Boxers would have the speed +10% or the 180% shield. I think, the first is better, i hunt them with moth, and there's no matter of shield. They'll have nothing changed at all.

    A little about NPC shooters. They would be the perfect target for the hunters. Shooting aliens would faster anyway.

    The Dome makes absolutely no sense to crab.

    X formation: nicely kicks off the ability of spectrum.

    To sum up, in JPA, i think, only 3 formations are useful. Dome, Wheel (in extremes), and X. These give much advantage with though disadvantage. Hunters may like it in the future (if it goes in), npc shooters may hate.
  9. agreed completely high five to u admin guy its great to see that u are talking to the players again who knows okapi ma
    ybe we do matter :)
  10. I think a hardcore testing of these formations will give us all the answers to our questions of, Is it worth it? Is it overpowers?And will it hinder low level players even more or give them a better chance with these new defense formations.
  11. I still don't think making a 50% dmg increase is right, that will ultimately destroy the game, people who willingly waste their money on this game are the only ones who say they like such ideas. DO needs more newb friendly things, and not anti-friendly. This game is dying, bringing out things that will completely chase them away is a terrible idea. Maps are dead most of the time, hell, GA1 chat is so god damn boring, id prefer to play west server now, because there's at least english players to talk to and rant with. Big servers get no new players, except for those who know how to play and either
    1: bot
    2: buy a ship
    3: use glitches for cheaper builds

    DO should be stopping all the illegal gameplay, making things for newbies to build with, and only be coming out with new things that are similar to what we have but DIFFERENT!

    I for one, would love to just get new designs that are the same as others, but different looks, the same old crap gets boring, but adding stuff that completely destroys the old, is ridiculous, and shows a lack of care for the community.
    SauronL and whoeva like this.
  12. I hate these new drone formations and hope they never come onto DO, there should be more noob friendly formations i.e.: Ones for credits, not new drone formations that will cost uri and tbh i think these will cost more than the current ones as they exceed current formations such as chevron, crab etc. I am not happy with what might happen, and i think no one else is either.
    SauronL, Runcho, whoeva and 2 others like this.
  13. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    The gap between a newbie and UFE is too much and playing catch up to UFE is too long and too expensive. The damage has been done, old problem not solved with more unfair advantages adding to the game makes it harder for the newbie and easier for the veterans.
  14. whoeva

    whoeva User

    Personally I don't want to see more formations in the game, especially ones that render older ones (bought with uri) obsolete. Can we not just please focus on fixing the problems in the game first (cheats, bugs, lack of players) ?
  15. .Wagon.

    .Wagon. User

    No player who has a brain and knows how to "fight" (not just hunting noobs) wants this formation, especially that +50% damage. Its ridiculous to even think about a formation with +50% dmg.

    Here are some reasons to absolutely not bring those formations.

    2v1 or 3v1
    Darkorbit is a PvP game and with all LF4s, Upgrades, etc. it is getting hard to beat players in a 2v1 or 3v1 (with both parties having nearly equipments). The use of skills are diminishing. If each of them hits 100k - 170k (with current items), how do you suppose to pop both of them alone? Ofcourse its not impossible but it is hard.
    Now imagine a +50% dmg formation, even if u have the formation yourself, how do you fight if your shields are over in 3 seconds ?
    No side effect against this formation will work.
    This is my biggest concern. Wallet warriors can buy them and fight you 2v1 and win so easily, even if they lack skills. No more fun in fighting 2v1 or 3v1.

    Lag and Freezes
    With current game having so much lag for most users. Not everybody has the best hardware to play this game, nor the best possible connection due to which most players lag. Even people with best hardware often faces lag due to Developers not solving existing problems and focusing on creating new things which create more problems.
    So now, with lag you may have a few second delay in locking or shooting your enemy. With this formation, 1 second of such a delay would cause you 200k - 300k dmg (maybe much more with all items) and 2 seconds = 400k - 600k. Almost all my shields of battle config. over, how do you expect me to fight now ?

    Auto locks and other cheats
    I often see some players using cheats in the game (not as much as before). How do you expect us to fight them when they can lock us right after 3 seconds of using EMP while it may take much more time to lock them after they use EMP.

    Many existing in game items will be useless
    Like the current drone formation, most of them will become useless if these comes out. We paid money for buying the current formations and we will have to pay money again to buy some crazy formations? Spectrum's ability will be highly challenged by this. So is Sentinel's, which would be at much more risk as shields will go out so fast.

    This will affect newbies and current UFEs as well. Most players will quit this game cos of poor handling and insane mindset of BP.
    We don't want any of these formations, infact we don't want anything new until you solve the existing issues. There are a number of issues affecting this game right now. Instead of solving them, how can you focus on something like this which will create much more issues...

    To those players who like this +50% dmg. Don't think that only you alone will be having it, not only you can buy it. But your enemies will have it as well if it comes. So, don't imagine yourself killing others with +50% dmg rather think how you will deal with others having +50% dmg :p

    Anyways, I want to thank you Okapi for bringing out this issue at first before anybody else. I love this thread :)
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2015
  16. There is bigger problems than that already... First it was just, that i couldn't launch my EMP's but it is getting worse. I often see, that EMP doesn't affect at all. It uses emp, but doesnt affect certain enemy players. Nice isn't it.

    You have many good points here, but i'm afraid, that Bigpoint just doesn't care anymore about Darkorbit. I belive it could be so, that they just want to take all they can from rich while they still can. And if they remove what i just typed, it just proves i'm right.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2015
    Blue~Lazer and Ar1esG0D0fWaR like this.
  17. Yeah today while guarding my base on west, a player i always suspected of auto lock due to his lasers coming onto screen before he gets to me, i emp and he is the only player to not lose lock.
  18. Azarameus

    Azarameus User

    Firstly I would like to agree with others here that is most excellent to see a member of the developer team actually interacting with players on the forum, it's about time!

    My sincere thoughts on new formations are that we don't need or want them, we have plenty already. And more damage is absolutely the last thing this game needs - the gap between the UFE players and others is enough already. Methinks the only "extra fun" would be for the Bigpoint accountants as they count the revenue, but I fear that this would be short-termed as you would lose a considerable percentage of an already dwindling userbase, probably including myself.

    What in my opinion would be more fun is new maps, NPCs, missions with better Uridium rewards. The cost of becoming competitive has increased massively yet the reward from a kristallon remains at 128 Uridium. The current missions give plenty of EP, but what new players (without whom the game will eventually disappear into a blackhole) need to build their ships is Uridium! And yes of course I understand the dynamic of the way people purchasing Uridium for cash keeps the game alive - but do you really think someone who starts the game, ventures from his safe home maps and dies in one shot from an Overpowered UFE monster will whip out his credit card? Make the game fun and more balanced and they will come, what you are proposing is the opposite.
    Blue~Lazer, 2010!! and whoeva like this.
  19. Game dies if the new Formations comes out....
    Drill hits too hard and if its doubled up with diminisher ability then get ready to see a x4 that hits more than 130k damage a sec
    Isn't there a substitute for this new formation?
  20. Runcho

    Runcho User

    Challange accepted!

    50% dmg - fine! But for PvE only, noobs can use the buff up and the formation will be useful for every1

    The suggested ones are not something I like. Until tested cant say for sure, but I would like to see something like:

    +20% uri
    -50% credits

    The game is PvP, but there is PvE aspect as well. So far the PvE updates have been close to non-existent, you need to fix that.
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