[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. I suggest everybody to take notes and save your thoughts on notepad or something, so you can use them on the discussion thread for this update when its released.
  2. Qwsazxcde1

    Qwsazxcde1 User

    Umm where exactly is the post that says what these new formations do ?
  3. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I agree with everyone, they only creating more and more and more items that costs uridium. Lol ! There is kristallon that is one of the strongest normal NPC in uppers and it gives only 128 uri and we must get only 250k for design or like that , hmm of course im going to kill now 2000 kristallons to get that amt of uri :)
  4. 000
    Translations began earlier today so I might as well post them, only two descriptions changed.
    The 7 new drone formations:

    Ring (F-3D-RG)
    180% Shield increase and -50% laser damage.
    Old description had the shield value at 150%.

    Drill (F-3D-DR)
    50% laser damage increase and -50% shield strength and shield spread.
    I assume -50% shield spread means that half the damage being done to you will go directly to your HP. However this is completely useless if the person using this formation is using low shields.
    With this formation the maximum damage in a goliath will be just under 124,000 on x4 damage and 187,000 on RSB. If the player were to use a diminisher then their x4 damage would be 185,000 on x4 and 273,000 on RSB. This is the formation I had the most concern over.

    Veteran ( F-3D-VT)
    +50% Honor and -20% Laser, Shield, Hp.

    Dome (F-3D-DM)
    100% Shield absorption as well as 10% Shield increase. -25% ship speed.
    So this one is just an improved crab, whilst you go 5% slower than you will if using crab you gain a 10% shield booster. I don't know how moth would react with this formation since it does state that it will cause your ship to have 100% Shield absorption.

    Wheel (F-3D-WL)
    10% increase in ship speed and a -15% decrease in laser damage.

    Wavy (F-3D-WV)
    "Those drones know how to move"
    This formation had no proper description, will of course post it if one does turn up.

    X (F-3D-X)
    100% increase in rocket damage (standard and rocket launcher rockets included) and -30% HP.
    Might as well sell your Chevron once you buy this. Old description did not include rocker launcher ammo e.g hellstorms.
  5. Bakjam

    Bakjam User


    No to:

    -Ring: palla / botting formation, especially to OP for vengeance / pussat

    -Drill: to OP, already insane hits -Dome: When will bigpoint finally make a formation that does not lower your speed for more shieldabsorption? What does Bigpoint want? Give pleasure to a few UFE wallet warriors, or invest in future players who might give them more money then those few UFE's ever could? How can Bigpoint possibly think it is funny when a flax goliath is gunned down by hits over 300K, while hitting 20K max itself?

    -Wheel: never ever, ever ever ever touch speed, fast ships will benefit more from speedboost, outbalancing the speedlimits even further, why does bigpoint not seem to get that? The speed limits were good as they were (before pussat came). The're about to make it even worse.

    -Dome, this is just a bad replica of the crab formation, when will bigpoint finally introduce a formation which does NOT lower your speed for more shieldabsorption?

    Yes to:
    X : I like this idea, finally something for the citadels twin rocket launcher :D, though 50-75% would be OK. Also good for NPC.

    Veteran: Does not change /affect fights, and who doesn't like to earn honour fast? ^^, it also helps beginners, though I wonder why bigpoint would create such a formation (less people buying uridium for 50% honour boost.

    Why not add a ep boost of 25% and reduce the honour boost to 25%? Seems more like a ''veteran'' to me, especially compared with the designs for aegis, citadel and spearhead.


    All the formation make most of the already bought formation useless, for example:

    Chevron is replaced by X
    Pincer is replaced by drill
    Hart is partly replaced by ring
    crab is replaced by dome

    That is a lot of uridium wasted, do might as well remove most of the other formations, only the ''moth and maybe diamond'' might still be usefull. It's really not funny to have bought all the above formations and then realising that you've just wasted a ton of uridium. That is not something that makes people want to continue playing, especially since those new formations will probably be more than 100K.

    Though don't worry, some of these formations could still be preaty great, such as the drill formation, how about a 25% more dmg against NPC? And how only about 10% extra absorption for the dome formation without disadvantages?

    Consider that!
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2015
  6. as a UFE player, I wouldn't like these formations added. I can already kill noobs and other ufe with ease. Bring out more Galaxy gates and aliens and maps
  7. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    You know what? Why not just don't release those formation at all, because it won't make it any easier for the newbies. You are still going to be no match against a UFE, even if a newbie reaches FE by bidding in auction, it is simply a waste of time doing so and even more so if they are trying to become UFE. Beside, even if they tweak those formation, even if it only cost Credits to buy, newbies will have get 6 Flax drones first for the formation to work. Which by the way, I have to point out, THE DRONE COST IS INSANELY IDIOTIC!
  8. I had a diffrent idea about new formations , i wanted them to release a combination of current formation: what is means is u could combine for example moth with diamond overlapin both abilities , would make u think smarter one ability evens the others and what remains could have been only the ones that dont overlap :) in this way we didnt have to buy new formations just combine them with each other could have been so wonderful in my opinion…. anyways just a thought
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I have some initial info on the summer event, it will be to do with the "Helix Group" (the guys behind the Helix hours etc).

    There is also a new "special" coming called Ultra Red and Blue booty sale its description is - however this is not necessarily directly related to the summer event:

    Check out these revamped sales with triple chanced for most attractive items! Sponsored by Helix Group.

    My guess would be that its a payment only thing, however it might be something that is only available during the summer event? Who knows.
    The other interesting thing is that it says "triple chance for most attractive items" and one of the current red / blue chests give triple (can't remember which) so I wonder if these new so called Ultra versions have more items available then normal or something. Could just be a place holder description until the proper one too.

    Achievement icon images for TA seasons:







    SauronL and chixonator like this.
  10. Come to think of it, why hasn't DO just made new maps and npcs? We're all bored of what we have, it's time for new ones. Instead of formations that will destroy this game, i think they should worry more about maps and npcs....
  11. Dont forget the other "Emperor npc" they mentioned.
    whoeva likes this.
  12. We need a new group npc, since people can solo all the big ones easy XD
    Tarron likes this.
  13. the last npc was fun and hard to do solo but took to long to spawn would be nice to see the hadez gate npcs around in the map
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Image for the "Ultra Red and Blue keys"


    The Iron Goliath design:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Will be offered to players in the form of a payment offer.

    <item name="targeted_offer_package_payOffer_taASIronGoli_title">
    <![CDATA[ Iron, Iron, Iron! ]]>
    Still not sure what it or any of the other TA designs do yet, if anything.

    Some more small bits of info regarding the TAS (Training Arena Seasons). It appears that players will be able to review that progress and have stats which indicate their performance in the TAS.
    There will also be warning messages telling people how long they have until the season finishes.
    chixonator likes this.
  15. TAS does seem like a good way to increase pvp rewards, since kills and deaths there dont affect your rank.
  16. That iron goliath design looks nice. So is it just something new to buy or is it part of an event?
  17. Looks nice here, yes. Looks nice in game? Probably not.
  18. i like things to change ide get it lol
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    New type of LF4 day coming:

    "Helix group presents new LF4 day. Regular chance of LF4 is not doubled, but tippled! Other best items chances are also increased! Green booty never was so awesome!"

    So now instead of 0.5 its 1.5, woooo :rolleyes:
    Another Helix-group themed update, could be interesting to see where DO wants to take this idea of a outside faction helping the three companies with things.
  20. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    So does that means the current blue booty key is a waste of money? Also the "Ultra Red and Blue booty" will have to be more than triple too, otherwise there is no point of paying with cash.
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