[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yeah true, however ultimately the old red and blue ones were a complete waste before this special Helix LF4 event and I doubt the ultra red and blue ones will be worth the money either.
    I don't think any of us would ever recommend people to buy any of DarkOrbits "deal" packages.

    Edit - more stuff:

    Summer event box, named "Helix Box":


    Iron Goliath in-game images:

    Last edited: Jun 5, 2015
  2. Oooohhhh that iron goliath is lookin good XD I need it, need the change, i was so bored on west last night, i got back into a goliath, and bought the only design i never owned... Solace..... on my ship with no designs of course XD
  3. Abner3

    Abner3 User

    I really hope the Helix box will be in Pvp maps unlike the other boxes...
  4. I'll bet these three ships will have no special abilities.
  5. Well based on my odds, regular odds seem to be 0.1 chance lol...things like this seem to be why they removed the uri history.
  6. VeltinsNo1

    VeltinsNo1 User

    New Information of CBS Clanbattlestation?
  7. Semji

    Semji User

    I am so hyped about this! Can't wait to get even faster destroyed by ufes as a newbie now. I bought chevron some time ago because I calculated that even If i am FE chevron will add the most damage and now? I wasted 75k hard earned uri for nothing as it seems. I can't believe how they can possibly add a new drone formation which is just STRAIGT up a much better one than chevron. The pure reasoning is to dump even more money on this game, as nothing else comes close to it. And yes, uri is not that easily accesable and no I don't have thousands of euro to waste on this game to achieve something. What. A. Joke.
    whoeva likes this.
  8. `Luke

    `Luke User

    I'm so hyped about this too, I can't wait for kill noobs in or under 2 RSB shots. It would save me so much ammo ^.^
  9. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Lol, what's next bigpoint? A formation that reduces enemy laser power? xI
    Type-0Z likes this.
  10. No a formation that cost 3mil and disconnects everyone that gets shot by it.
  11. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    It was all part of the plan...
  12. SnakeIdol

    SnakeIdol User

    bunch of babies...somehow, I've gotten lost and found myself at a daycare.
  13. Only children get lost. And Zoro from One Piece...
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The tournament package "deal" will be comming onto all servers on the 12th, just as a reminder for those who did not see it when it was first posted, the package looks like this:

    Then the OA about it coming into the shops:

    Greetings, pilots!

    There is always a good fight to pick in the Orbit. Be it the Clan from across the quadrant that keeps stepping on your toes or that guys that stands between you and the finals of the Jackpot Arena.

    We want give you a leg up on the way by adding three useful packages to “Extras” in the Uri-Shop.

    Select the “Front Line Mangler” pack, offering you a range of ammo, the “Staunch Defender” pack for getting these pesky enemies off your back - or maybe you are more at home approaching your opponent with a well-balanced mix of offensive and defensive capabilities.

    The packages are available from Friday, 12 June, midnight, until Sunday night, 14 June, 23:59h (LST).

    Keep in mind about it probably not being good or worth the money; as with almost all these extras deals it probably costs less to buy uridium on MHH and spend the uri on whatever the package offers, only exception to this rule that I can remember is the 50p packs of 3 shared boosters.

    Also some interesting stuff to do with currencies, at the moment in darkorbit we have just the two, credits and uridium.
    Experience, Jackpot (or a new type of jackpot called JPM) and Honour have been classified as new currencies. I don't want to start saying you will be able to use EP / Honor / Jackpot to buy items since it would get a lot of hopes up, however it does appear they will be used for something.
    Again though, don't get your hopes up until I can find out more info about it.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
  15. Something intresting... "Only today a special offer for You (us best DO player). Buy 330k* of uridium and get 5kk (mio) honor for free (*dont work with MHH, or works xD i dont know what better for them...).

    But still it really interesting (without joking).
  16. Bout time they start playing around with new currencies and shops lol.
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Possibly, no guarantee that will be the case, it could be that it's a way to buy things with a combination of credits, uridium and honour for example.
    It could also be nothing like that and I have just interoperated it wrong, just posted it to let people know that something could be changing but as I mentioned in the post, do not get your hopes up.
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