[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. if thats the case can i start paying with monopoly money or buttons lol

  2. I have a stamp collection my grandpa gave me....?

    Honestly tho, it is interesting if we could do anythting with ep/honor/credits, like access to certain areas or gates , or some combo purchase with them.

    Thanks Okapi, keep the info coming, someone needs to , and we all appreciate it
  3. I can't see it being "spend honor and exp" but maybe they're gonna do some sort of unlock for things, like toss in some new things, like combos of things and at a certain point you can buy em, idk, just tossing random stuff XD
  4. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    Experience and honor as currencies. To buy what? What items that is so special that can't be bought with Uridium? And this idea sounds like more restriction for the newbies and is not a problem for the UFE.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2015
  5. Excuse me while I quit the game and smash my computer. Bigpoint is now in the hands of the people in their pockets. DarkOrbit, sorry, your ship has crashed. No survivors.
    Ar1esG0D0fWaR likes this.
  6. Haha
    Haha, like a level unlock for items in a new shop?
  7. yeah sorta
  8. This sounds really interesting. As it is just a "rumor", I don't want to comment it further, but want to say one thing: if exp/honor are converted into currencies, I hope that LF4 won't come in shop to be bought with a lot of honor for example. That will be so bad for the game. But still, just saying. On one way it sounds interesting, but on another it doesn't :D
  9. DO already stated "LF-4 will NEVER enter the shop"
  10. Yeah, I know that (and I hope it will stay like that forever, rare items should be rear :)). But, what will be the possible purpose for using honor/exp to buy something? That's what worried me. :)
  11. Crystal

    Crystal User

    ¤hüñ‡ë®¨¦MKЦ¨¤ I don't think it's connected with LF4, players with a lot of honor and exp doesn't need to buy them, they have a lot of Havoc,Hercules and lf4. I'm just basic colonel and i don't need anymore these items.

    I hope it doesn't mean, that if i will use honor to buy some item, i will lose that honor... That's not good idea.
  12. I didn't referred my post to UFE's, I was more talking about semi-UFE's, FE's and below, that are working their way up to the UFE's. On the other hand, I think we will loose honor, for example, if you can purchase something with it. Otherwise, what will be the idea behind purchasing items with honor/exp? :)

    Because of these reasons in my above post said that, if this comes true, I kinda like it and don't like it in the same time :D What will happen if I can buy something with exp? Will I loose levels? :D Doesn't make sense. :)
  13. that culd be good for some, they culd go back to 1-1 map where they belong :D
  14. As okapi stated, there isnt enough info to really explain this so we just wait and see.
  15. When is the SURGEON Goliath, oops i mean Ancient master design :p, going to be released?
  16. No your correct first time, they changed the name to surgeon now.
  17. Im glad they changed it to Surgeon lol reminded me of stuff on PirateGalaxy.
  18. here comes 3D mode lol now i can see y it would be so easy to switch between 2D and 3D
  19. So if that's 3D i see nothing bad about it, just hope it's not a "super computer" update, and something we can all enjoy.
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