[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Yeah, I hope that it will be playable on lap tops. :) Otherwise, I am screwed :D
  2. well as i said and has been posted about the update if you're computer dies from using it you can always keep it on 2D mode and miss out lol
  3. I will make my self that I didn't understood your post, it is better like that. No need to talk about someone's computer performances, or if the computer "dies" or not. :)
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    A little more info today, aside from the 3D mode teaser: (Link for those who might have missed it)

    11 New quests, looks like they are for the summer event, which is themed around the Helix Group. Will just quote the quest names and storyline text to avoid making a massive post x)

  5. but what are the rewards for those quest , because the names dont say much
  6. I guess they are not revealed yet :) We will have to be patient :p
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It's 3D models for - as far as I can tell:
    • Ships
    • NPC
    • Collectable (boxes etc)
    • Portals
    • Drones
    • CBS
    There is also new particle and lighting effects, really need a public testing to be able to extract and see it all though ^^

    That's as 3D as it's going to get for DO, without turning it into "Battlestar Galactica Online: DarkOrbit re-skinned version". If you want something more 3D spacegame I would recommend checking out Elite Dangerous if you want a simulation feel or EVE Online if you want more of a MMO feel to it, they're both good games.
  8. ACE Online as well :p
  9. 3D objects in 2D space makes it 2,5D, see your self... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2.5D
    Actually i'm little reliver, that it's 2,5D. I'm mostly annoyed the fact that i, and so many get wrong picture whats coming up, because of wrong terminology. I was wondering how they can make DO work in 3D, and 2D in same time, and was actually doubting, that it might actually be 2,5D.
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yeah it's also referred to as isometric-2D so they are indeed fully 3D models but presented on a 2D background. I think most people will agree with you thought in that they will prefer this rather than a fully 3D game which would completely change how it's played.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  11. Did The devs thinked about Newbies? No.

    All i see is the Devs always Implenting new Payment Deals that NO ONE Cares about Instead of actualy Working on a new Updates and game balance.

    Newbies have Absolutly no CHANCE now, UFE Can just come and One-shot a newbie in Less than Second, Even a Standard FE Doesent stand a Chance against UFE With Everything Maxed-out.

    Seriously Devs, DO Something about it, Stop always Implenting Your Garbage Payment Deals That NO ONE THE HELL CARES ABOUT and WORK FOR THE DAMN GAME BALANE FOR GOD's SAKE!

    All i see is Implenting new Features/Gear/Options that only avaiable for UFE's/Wallet warriros, Seriously, What about People Who are Not UFE's or are not Wallet warriors?

    I'm Myself have Goliath with 3 Irises (Rest are Flax), 15 LF-3's, Shield Reaches 160k When i Upgrade with Seprom, Have all Uridium Engines (15)... But you think i Can still stand a chance against UFE? Any noob in UFE Goliath kill me in 2 shots, No matter what i use, i still die FAST, Against FE i Can Somehow have a chance, But UFE is Just too much.

    Neither Increase Rewards from Aliens and Bonus Boxes about x3 times, Or Implent Something for Newbies or just players who has Weak ships, Cause to Became UFE You must play the game Whole Year, and yeah, not just Log-in for a Few Hours and shoot a few Aliens, and Collect a few Bonus Boxes, But Work very hard for about 24/7 Hours a day.

    Is this is fun? NO.

    It's Just PATHETIC, Always Fly in x2 maps and Shoot Streuners and Lordakias... This is STUPID.
    Ar1esG0D0fWaR likes this.
  12. I understand it is hard on the beginning and I will give you tips what to do to advance better.
    • complete all the missions till level 15 (except the PvP ones)
    • get a cloack from auction, and go in your x-2 map and box all the time (try to be in a Vengeance with full speed configurations, and engines boosted with ores)
    • with the uri you got from boxing, buy LF3's so you can shoot Kristallons faster, than BO2's.
    • keep the GG energy from the boxes for later, you will build gates and they will give you extra rewards
    • when you got your ship FE with boxing, go on Kristallons and make millions of credits
    • spend those credits on auction for the rest Irises
    • stop boxing on x-2 map, and switch to PvP map with Spearhead(preferable, or Vengeance)
    • get a P.E.T, Auto-looter and Cargo trader (both level 3) --> this is the moment when you will start boxing 6k uridium per hour, without box doubler or skill tree for boxing.
    • keep boxing on PvP map/shooting Kristallons and doing missions to receive insane amounts of uridium, credits.
    • continue doing the step above ^
    And yes, don't forget your skill tree. It does help a lot, so work on it.

    If by any chance you are on Global Europe 7, let me know and I will give you more advices/help you in game. If you are not, and you need more advices, write me anytime.

    One last thing, this is not a game where you can achieve everything in 48 hours. No, you need to be patient, enjoy the game and you will become much stronger. :)

    One last fact, as you level up you will get a lot of missions where you have to shoot hundreds of players on one map. That's part of the game, so you will have to shoot lower players than you to complete the missions, or you will never complete them. With time, you will get used to be shot, and you will shoot others, a lot. :)
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
  13. I know it doesen't take 2 days to make it all, But play a Whole year is just too much, Compare How much Uridium you need to Became FE and Uridium needed to Became UFE.

    FE - About only 3 Million Uridium.
    UFE - About 20 or more Millions of Uridium.

    So Basicaly, if i Follow your steps, It will take Me month to Became atleast Just FE, But when I'll Became FE, Do i still Stand a Chance against UFE? Nope... Then Spend Like another 6 or More Mouths for Booty keys to get LF-4's and Uridium for Gear Upgrades (To Upgrade gear to Level 16).

    Those guys that are Now UFE's are played the game from about 2008 year, When there are Only FE's, Everytime BP Released new Feature they Quickly advance to the new Update, So they didn't had any problem, But now the newbies Cant advance Quicly like how the Veteran players did in the past, Atleast after BP Implenting more and more new features (Like new gears... I Can Imagine BP Implenting a New Laser cannon called LF-5, LF-6, and Even LF-7... and etc.).

    All i want is that BP Will Equalise the Time needed to Became UFE, So Becaming UFE Will take a month Just like Becaming Just FE In the Old times.

    Well yeah, i Could be FE At the Old times, But at those times i admit i was too lazy, But now I'm less lazy and Now i can Became FE.

    In my opinion, The Implentation of LF-4 Is the biggest Mistake that BP Ever did.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
  14. Well, every game develops with time. If they didn't introduced new things in game, it would become boring for everyone to be FE. So yeah, everyone needs to adopt on changes.

    I am telling you, when I wrote that this game takes time, it means it really takes time. If you try to enjoy it, and work slow to get better, you will succeed. Need any help, feel free to open my forum profile and ask! 2 years ago, it was much harder for new player. The new missions now, give a good start up, and the rewards are good too. Within 2 hours, with doing missions, you will make millions credits, will get Goliath and full LF2 lasers and stuff.. Just follow my steps. I have 1,133 hours play time, 800 are spent on boxing. So yeah, see the tradeoffs :)
  15. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    It is easier to be come FE now then back when the game has no UFE. So in the future, when the developers add Super UFE, becoming UFE will be easier, no?
  16. it is easier only because there's less players.
    they did not change anything really, only auctions, earning credits or uridium is still same as it was before. maybe even less than before if you're boxing for uri.

    if you think it is easy then go on global europe 1 and make fe in a month without spending any money.
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    -Corex- likes this.
  18. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    I must say it looks really great :)
    Any word on 3D mode being a Client install for PC or it's still in a browser? I mean, 3D would run flawlessly if it uses the GPU Resources
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Still in browser, you will actually be able to test it tomorrow (from 11:30 CEST) if you want to. As for GPU, DO has been using GPU for a couple of months now due to the re-factoring of the client and introduced of Stage3D.
    You might find the 3D Client FAQ pretty interesting, it touches upon this point.
    -Corex- likes this.
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