[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Please give it a rest.....It's going to be the same game you know???
  2. No, I don't know. In the last 5-6 months, this game changed, A LOT. It is much easier now for the new players, new missions give some nice rewards. I know they will make it even better, and I am just curios what changes are coming.
  3. Nice rewards?

    A couple hundred K EP and 50 urid is not good urid....
  4. Not good? When new players could make tens of millions of credits just by doing the level 1 - level 12 missions? I have tried that, and you can equip your ship with LF2's and those 256k credit shields with ease! To be able to do that before, they needed to spend uri! Don't tell me it is not easier.
  5. LF-2 Is not even close to be atleast FE!

    If they make LF-3's Cost Credits and Put LF-4 in the shop say for 15000 Uridium then Yeah, It will make the Life easier somehow.
  6. Don't forget the missing honor :eek:
  7. Lol, LF4 in shop? That will never happen, you know that. Exclusive item doesn't go in shop.

    Well, if you don't like the change of LF2 for credits, it is up to you. But, spending 5k uridium just for that, was a pain for new players. Now, they even make more damage, cause they can go straight LF2's, and farm much easier. That is the reality, sorry.

    I am talking from my experience. When I was trying to get FE, I had to buy some LF2's with uri, to be able to deal more damage and farm easier. Now, I have tried again, and yeah, in couple of hours you get a lot of stuff almost for free (credits). Much easier, sorry.
  8. It would cost at least 450,000 uri in shop without doing gates for one (yes...one) LF-4. Why so high, because we do GG and a chance at the lasers. Sometimes we don't even get anything, but the reward of doing the GG.
  9. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Back to the topic of the thread? :D which im pretty sure isnt arguing : P
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Alright guys ... think it might be a good idea to chill instead of spamming up the thread with this debate, better taken to a different thread :/

    As far as updates are concerned we do of-course have the 3D models :p
    The textures appear to come in two types, low and high res, one being 128x128 and the other 512x512. These textures are then applies to the models, just as an example:

    Without textures

    With textures

    This would make it pretty damn easy to edit the textures and make custom skins ... maybe I will have to make something over the weekend to show off ;)
    There may be other texture file sizes however I did not have a chance to check, will look on Thursday. Forget to check out the particle effects too so will make so I find out about them too on Thursday ^^

    In other news the shop code for the 7 new formations has been changed, previously they were F-3D-** however now they are named as follows:
    • F-14-RG (Ring)
    • F-15-DL (Drill - Previously DR)
    • F-16-VT (Veteran)
    • F-17-DM (Dome)
    • F-18-DW (Double Whell - Previously WL)
    • F-19-X (X)
    • F-20-WV (Wavy)

    The new formations also have backpage shop images, the images for Veteran and X appear to be mixed up and the shape of Dome has now changed:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Keep in mine they all have timed event icons, so it will be worth saving your uridium. The formation descriptions have yet to change, they are not set in stone as the ones I posted weeks ago.

    There is also a hotbar images for them:
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2015
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  11. So they formations will be released....Jeeeses help us.....
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User


    They are far from set in stone and we have still yet to test them.
  13. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    Hi all,

    what a crazy time... Today we had to deal with a crash of our office routers, meaning that nobody could get any meaningful work done. (Which, honestly does suck big time if one is under certain time constraints and wants to get work done! :eek:)

    But now things are back in working condition, so I'm here to address some of the things I read here:

    Let's start with the dron formations: At one point, when the 3D basic framework was close to be ready, we discussed a couple of ideas how we could make clear what "3D" means for DarkOrbit. One concern was that people might start to believe that we would be actually using the new depth axis as a new gameplay element - which would have made the game totally different from what it is now and thus was a no-go. So we thought, we could explain this new feature by adding a few "standard" elements that would make use of the third dimension but not impact on gameplay - such as the Drill formation which would show the drones spinning around the ship - not horizontally but vertically. That is an awesome sight ideed.

    As we have to assign bonuses when implementing items like that, we just said "until Game Design comes up with the real numbers, let's give them 50% more damage" - just to play around with them on the internal testing servers. Of course when @Okapi32 leaked this information and people started making a big fuzz about it, we were really frustrated because people were going mental over a feature that was not even designed final!

    So there it shows that while the efforts Okapi32 makes are admirable (yes, we do like people who are so into our game that they want to learn everything about it), making assumptions on that basis may backfire in every direction and may even unnecessarily cause unrest. So please, if you find stuff like that in the files that are presented here, be careful in what you read into this.

    Discussions about that are fine - and as you can see we are reading this and take that feedback into account - but please, please, please don't go crazy, don't insult us for stuff like that, and don't immediately believe doom™ is at hand! (If you know what I mean.)

    About the changes that would make the game much friendlier for new players: Yes! They are needed. We all agree on that. I think the most frustrating thing is leaving x-1 and getting blasted out of the sky by some of the veterans preying on the noobs. I hated it when I started and data proves that many new players hate it so much that they simply quit after the first encounter with high-level "spawn campers". :)

    That's going to be another big change on the list.

    At the same time we can't simply put all efforts into that because while we want new players to join the game (and the "3D" update makes it look more 21st century) we have an obligation to keep you guys, our esteemed existing playerbase happy at the same time.

    Of course players are leaving the game or move to different, more populated servers. It's a fact of life. (And who am I to try and gloss it over!)

    So we are in this dilemma between keeping the game fresh and interesting for you to keep playing (and paying... hey, we've got to pay for our food, our flats and such, too! Some of us even have families! o_O), making it more inviting to those who are trying the game out for the first time - and both to the end of increasing the number of people to play with on the servers.

    And yes, we are discussing server merges! But don't get your hopes up right now. That is a humungously gigantic task!

    DarkOrbit was developed some eight to nine years ago and nobody really thought of it being necessary to merge servers. Thus the databases were never designed to be mergable! Since then we learned a lot and come to terms with the fact that opening more servers is not the way to go.^^ Instead we now have to deal with a situation that causes us real headaches: How to deal with all the internal data when trying to merge these databases? What if two players have the identically referenced items on their ships? What if there's a conflict between two sets of data? How would we deal with players who have ships of different servers? Would we only allow one account to take precedence over another, essentially having to reimburse the cost for these items that would then be lost - how much would we have to to pay? How would that impact the balancing? How would it affect the mood? Or would we have to write a "character selection screen"? How would that work? What do we need to keep in mind there? How would that technically be viable? Etc. etc. etc. And I haven't even touched the issue of our internal login/user data management!

    So while the request is valid, the technical realization is far from trivial!

    Now, I hope you can see that many of the things we have been reading, discussing internally and sometimes even been cursing about, are all good and valid, we just never really dared talking about them publicly. But times are changing (v... e... r... y... s... ... l... ... o... ... w... ... l... ... y...) and we WANT to exchange ideas, opinions.

    Maybe we should move the discussion to a different thread - although... hm... my presence here is in some way although unofficial and I do reveal things that are not necessarily public knowledge. ;)

    Just let me know if it's ok to continue our dicussion here in this thread or if we should go somethread else. :)

    Take care!

    PS: Forgive me if not everything is gramatically correct, I tend to get carried away typing and revealing information.
  14. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Well im just happy were getting our ideas considered : P yh, i reckon we make a new thread :D maybe one of the mods could make it in this section ? :D
  15. Thanks for the very useful information!!!

    Over time this game has become more expensive due to certain updates, does bigpoint have plans to increase the uridium in boxes and/or aliens, as the cost of everything has increased but the rewards we get from aliens have always been the same.
  16. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    Yes. :D

    Well... we do have plans but nothing that we can talk about in details right now. Too complex for a simple mind like mine.^^
    SauronL likes this.
  17. Fantastic,

    Thanks for the reply. I look forward to it!!

    PS: I hope you remain on these forums :)
  18. Great response, Kerensky. You should definitely do this more often, to let us know that you have been listening our discussions/complaining. I truly hope that after you get feedback from drone formations in the future, you would openly discuss the results with us and even cancel them if the general opinion is against them.
  19. Such a great post! I have to admit that I really like the stuff presence here talking with us! We should continue here, and please, stay with us here. The discussion gets better when every player can talk straight with someone from the DO team.

    I am really looking forward into the upcoming changes, and also on the new drone formations. Also, I am really excited about the 3D concept, can't wait to test more tomorrow (of course, kill someone too :p)
  20. Jurjstyle

    Jurjstyle User

    On topic , the 3d mode ( 2,5 ) is an update which i hope it will bring new people to the game . After implementing it on all servers , they will probably have more time for smaller updates or small adjustments . We should move from this section which is dedicated to something else .
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