[SC] [ANNOUNCEMENT] Flash Visits Bigpoint!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by FLΛSH™, Jun 4, 2015.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. Auto-Locking is a difficult topic. If you're that good at it, you will literally be asking "How the hell did he just lock me". PET is good at sniffing out cloakers too.
  2. FLΛSH™

    FLΛSH™ User

    Unfortunately I fear you misunderstand the meaning of "fact". I will however, pass your concerns in regards to cheating.
    yamama, ramnik and whoeva like this.
  3. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Lol flash :D dat reply :)
  4. Runcho

    Runcho User

    I just was in such a fight. I was chasing an enemy in his pussat and he ran off screen away from me. He was shooting me. A clan mate catched up with us and before even he passes me (note: I am between the contact and my clan mate) I see lasers shooting him now. He backed off and I see lasers going at me this time, again off screen.

    I don't care if you call this auto lock, server lag or bad connection I have. This is not a fair fight when someone has advantage over other players and the amount of damage we currently have in this game - this is lethal. I would like to see a comment about that from bigpoint:

    How do they think to improve the gameplay and even it up? Do they even consider making an environment where some people will NOT have advantages over the others?

    Another question that is bugging me right now - why is support team ignoring the users? Lately I have to wait between 4 to 6 days on average to get reply and the last reply I got on my current ticket was on 28th of May. This was 2 weeks ago. I've been talking to other players, they are also not happy with the response times, not to mention that 99% of the time the reply we get to a ticket is completely useless and like 75% of the time is not even close to cover the topic. (I think that was mentioned earlier)

    There seems to be a lack of communication between the developers team and the forum/chat administrators. The problem is that developers are not talking to us, mods and CAs are. Sometimes the information we get from them is misleading - for example the FAQ for the parasite tide event had to be edited. Also there were a lot of things that were not included (FAQ=frequently asked questions. Correct me if I am wrong, but there should be answers to such topic, not to go in and come back with more questions than before).

    Do you plan to fix that?
  5. FireEsNoob

    FireEsNoob User

    My Question to You Flash To ask is Will There ever be a Server Merge of any kind. That is all thank you :)
  6. i definitely agree with uri raise on all npc's,
    not just kristallons but cubicons and all npcs on pirate map and on lower maps.
    or at least they should think about some sort of booster, maybe like shield or any other. last for 10h and boost uri from all npcs for minimum 50%, better would be 100%, but any extra uri would work fine and help new and old players.
    maybe even more credits, free players spend time to build ships money spenders use money and get lot more than free player get for his time, so more credits would be fine because WW will not spend lots of time shooting npcs while free players will.
    GG's should not apply to this. they should remain the same sa they are now.
    jackknife likes this.
  7. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    Ask them this. There is a power gap between newbies and UFEs, but why are the team keep on adding unfair advantages (Ice Rockets, Infection ammo, the rumor Drill formation and etc.) to the game that makes it harder to play for the newbies and easier for the UFEs?
  8. this has been asked quite a few times even the threads were closed but please keep informed :)
  9. keano

    keano User

    we need a map where theres no pvp just cubes :) lvl 22 +

    Also clan base credits should go into the clan bank as ufes dont really need credits for much.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2015
  10. FLΛSH™

    FLΛSH™ User

    The visit has now been announced on the forums. Hope you can join in on some custom games.

    Official Announcement
  11. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    And we're already looking forward. :)
  12. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Will this be on twitch lol? like them playing games or something?
  13. FLΛSH™

    FLΛSH™ User

    Yes. Thursday, 18th of June at 6pm CEST (so that's 5pm if you're from the UK)
  14. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Yeh i saw lol : P
  15. Runcho

    Runcho User

    And what about the mortal ppl that did not make it? Is there a place where we can see the vid/answers to the questions on the visit?
  16. FLΛSH™

    FLΛSH™ User

    I will post something on Monday or Tuesday. It's the weekend!! enjoy it
  17. Runcho

    Runcho User

    What about now?
  18. so it's the weekend, well next weekend now ? SoW more important ?
  19. Runcho

    Runcho User


    Still chillin and waitin' for the vid
  20. 2010!!

    2010!! User

    i dont think it went as planned and was bit of a flop hense no feedback or any updates on what was asked said etc...