[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Crystal

    Crystal User

    Jurjstyle 3D looks nice but.....its all... playing in 3D mode is very slow and impractical and majority of players is preparing to play still in 2D(read all forums, talk with players on servers), because it simply faster and easier...

    Kerensky Hi, i have just one question.... Do you want to do in future something with today's insane ranks? Former boters destroyed all rank system and still nothing change and we(normal players without bots) also want high ranks.. But how we should reach former boters with millions killed aliens? (Im UFE and basic colonel with 6 years experiences in darkorbit, but i just cant reach better ranks..)

    Just look at this, its insane....(ALIENS DESTROYED on GE7)
    Forum admin deleted my picture(dont know why), but its not important, you can look on every server, milions aliens destroyed in leaderboards...


    Thanks for answer
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2015
    ~V6~ likes this.
  2. all the problems in game and you have to ask about rank hahahahahaha
    mr_plaku™ likes this.
  3. I think it's easier to find stuff if you continue to reply here, if it just is ok to Okapi32.
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I merely ask for a simple payment of 1mil uri for every post made here. :p

    When I emailed support asking for this thread to be made, I had in mind the style of the one in the German forum (since their "Secret Extras" thread was the main thread for this sort of stuff in the old forum). In there multiple people would post updates and discuss the possibilities of them and so on. I didn't think this thread would become the dominant one since I was no better at finding the info than the other couple of people in the German forum, I think I ended up just being more efficient and possibly found out how to "see more" than other people bar one player.

    So that's a long way of saying it was never meant to be "my" thread in terms of who posts the info, it just ended up like that - so Kerensky is more than welcome to post any info and respond to any post they want, definitely not my decision to make ^^
    This thread is pretty handy, as you've mentioned, because of the amount of foreign visitors that come here to read it, so any response here would get a much bigger audience than in another thread usually.

    After all Kerensky is a far more legitimate source of info than I am, lately I have been trying to avoid posting things until I have found more info about it instead of posting 1 line of code and speculating how it could be x, y, or z and turns out to be none.
  5. KingLiu

    KingLiu User

    @Kerensky : Any information about the "Loyalty System" you can give us ? I ask again,why do you guys of BP make a big secret of all your updates ? What is the next small and even big update after the 3D Version release ?
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  6. Crystal

    Crystal User

    I'm already UFE and i only play for rank and leaderboards... yes, i have to ask about this and i don't need to read stupid comments like your.
  7. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    Yeah right like that is going to happen. If this is going to come truth, the developers would not thought of those drones formation in the first place. And not to forget what they did in the previous event Parasite Tide, with the introduction of infection ammo.
  8. if u read what he put about the formations it was something slapped together the formation name was changed from F-3D to F- meaning they was ment to come out after or at the same time the 3D client is released and the formation go around you're ship and not just as the front,back,sides but on top too . To many people are saying no before they even come out . and i cant see what you're getting at about the ammo
    chixonator likes this.
  9. SauronL

    SauronL User

    You have to think about that if u want to keep players in the game, because its too anyoning to kill 1000 npcs and get nothing almost nothing (and 5 days ina row spent on killing them), hmm , and new drone formations coming soon, i bet they will cost over 100k uri each (or even more) , its annonying to do still the same things, jk , i think rewards from npcs should be increased 3x permanently .... game is now so expensive, or just decrease prices on items ... rsb emp etc.
  10. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    Yes. :D
    It's weird to realise that despite our efforts to spread this type of information - and in that depth too - through the team of volunteers (who we all love dearly, because their work simply is invaluable), it seems that when the stuff comes from the "horses' mouth" the impact seems much larger. :)

    Right... today's Open Beta Pt. 2. May be a bit delayed because of yesterdays issues with our network tech. A Switch went haywire and cut us off from the outside world! Funny how this internet-tube thingy controls our lives so profoundly! o_O
  11. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    That's a tough one. I think we talked about this briefly but as there was no easy answer and other things were more imminent, we just lost sight of that. But I believe that it will be back on the table once we can talk about normalising the situation for all players again (i.e. balancing the introduction of features for new users and veteran players).
  12. BOBOZ

    BOBOZ User

    Kerensky, could you guys consider putting the hercules deal thing up again? Where players got 1 hercules for buying 150k uri etc.

    That thing was awesome ^^
  13. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    Errrr... could you please be more specific? I'm not sure I understand what you are talking about? Maybe it's because we are using different names...
  14. Can you tell approximately how much it will be delayed? Minutes?... Hours?
  15. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    Drone formations? Did you read what I said about them? *sigh*

    And when we came up with the Parasite Tide, we thought of it being a cool idea - but obviously perception varys. :)
    chixonator likes this.
  16. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    An hour - so in about 30mins from now we should be "Go"
  17. Jurjstyle

    Jurjstyle User

  18. whoeva

    whoeva User

    For what it's worth here are my 2 credits...
    Thank you Kerensky for taking some time to actually reply to many of the comments posted here on the forums. Personally if you are planning on continuing in this manner I think a new thread "Community dialogue" (as was tried before) would be a better option as I'm sure there are some people who aren't aware of your replies in this thread.

    It is good to see more effort being made to inform players (for example when the test server didn't go up at the stated time a post was made very quickly) as this has been very lacking over the years.

    Why didn't you just redesign the current formations (visually I mean, for the 2.5d update) instead of adding more? I just feel already there is enough formations to deal with. 20 hot keys don't seem to be enough as it is.

    As for testing them on the test server and then responding to feedback, it's not really possible I think to properly test something unless you are using the same equipment as you would have on your main account.

    Interesting that you are finally being more open about the idea of server merges but have you considered the "portal to jump to universal map" option that has been suggested a few times? This would make much less headaches I think.

    The reason why it has more impact from the "horses' mouth" is because many times all we get from mods is that things will be passed on to be looked at and nothing comes back or, they haven't been given the information, or even the correct information and many times it just feels like everything falls on deaf ears. By taking time to show you have read, or know about, the comments, issues and ideas of the community then it shows there may be some hope to save the game but some big changes need to be made. I think you realise this.
  19. put rsb and emp in the test server. :)
  20. RobeXKing

    RobeXKing User

    agree with that!
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