[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    Quick note: The Testserver is not a highend machine and we didn't want to buy a new one just for this test (sorry, wouldn't have made much sense spending kilotons of money for one feature's test runs).

    The good thing is: in a few weeks the upgrade will be availabe to everyone all the time. :)
  2. KingLiu

    KingLiu User


    few months ago I have added a sugges o rework Skill Tree,because how it´s now is just outdated and 50 Skill Points aren´t much anymore.I mean a not only add new skills , but also remove the old and change their impact.

    DarkOrbit is a PvP game and Skill Tree is already 5y old,so rework it and add another and more ways to skill it , I mean nearly every Skill Tree with 50 Points looks same to other players - honor,dmg,rocket science...

    Skill Tree -untapped potential-
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Would it be possible to put out the high res textures and just give a short message to users when they select them that they will need a powerful machine to be able to cope with it?
    At least then if it does not run well for everyone with highest quality they can be aware that it's not something that can be really fixed due to limitations of browsers / flash3D etc. At the moment the 3D client seems to run really really well on almost all machines, so unless they happen to be 4k textures I think most users wouldn't notice a different (I hope ^^) in performance.

    Thanks again for doing all this interaction - you have done more in 2 days than any of us have seen in about 6 or 7 years. I've actually had people ask me on skype if you are a real BP employee because they are so surprised to see one posting in the forum so regularly x)
  4. As Okapi stated above, I think we need to get those high textures for ship/NPC. At least, if someone has troubles with them, they can lower the settings for the ship/NPC. I think with this a lot of people will be happy, including me :) Although I kinda dislike the current textures quality, but the whole gaming experience is much better, so I can say that I won't mind too much if you don't add the high textures :) Anyways, good job with this 3D! Just awesome, finally I can fly in and out of a portal :D
  5. chixonator

    chixonator User

    ^ That is a GREAT idea!

    I didnt actually get to play the test server :mad: but i did see videos of the 3D mode and my concern was that... yes it was in 3D but its more of a downgrade in graphics, as other people said its more of a cartoon and the current 2D mode is more "realistic" so i probably wont use it.

    ^ also a great idea, a lot of players have maxed bio or almost maxed out bio and have nothing to really do with the extra logdisks, I say that once you get full bio you should be able to unlock more bio point upgrades for a price. Or you could just take off the bio limit so we could eventually get all the points in the skill tree.

    Also as someone else suggested. More hotkeys!! 20 keys really isnt enough these days especially with all the ship skills, drone formations (and even more of them coming), and the many many many different types of ammo like cbo, x4, rsb, demaner, infection ammo etc. + mines and cpus, i say add another hotkey bar, i already use all my number keys for hotkeys so if you added another i could use the f1 -f12 keys.

    and btw... build this already :p https://board-en.darkorbit.com//threads/new-galaxy-gate-uber-special-event-npc.4856/
  6. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    I just talked to Flash - we'll get in touch, you and me, and then we talk. We may have an proposal which we might both profit from.^^

    [Edit: Rephrased for clarification]
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2015
    Okapi32 likes this.
  7. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    Oh my... I'm starting to lose track a bit. >.<

    If I do not respond to every single one, please forgive me. There's much going on and there's still the daily business.

    About the Loyalty System, the Skill Tree, more Hotkeys I have to talk to the Game Designers again. I'm not sure where we stand there. (That at least means we haven't talked about this in the big team round.)

    I will pass on the request for Hires Textures but as I said: First things first. :)
    chixonator likes this.
  8. It will probably be hard since everyone will be also asking silly questions like "when will you do that and that" and simple stuff that other people can answer like how to spend uridium. I have a suggestion which may work very well though:

    The thread in which the dialogue happens should not be open for players 24/7. This way mods would have time to read all the stuff and answer in peace without worrying about new questions coming faster than they can answer :) It should be something like "open for questions in weekends" which would be told in the opening post so people will know it, then the Team would read the stuff in the working days and answer in peace during Monday-Friday (mods can write to closed threads) without worrying about new questions swarming in before they can answer :)
    This way the thread would not get messed up and there would be a clear pile of questions and a clean pile of Team answers in a row, not just a questions everywhere and Team answers in between in random places :D

    What do other people think? Would it be too long delay to wait 5 days after weekend before the asker could answer to the answer he received from a Team member? Personally I do not see that as a problem since the answers will be most likely fullfilling and if player wants extra information he can just quote the post next weekend and say that "please could you also tell.. or.. I meant that do you..." etc.
    Maybe open in Saturday-Mondey? It woul still leave 4 full days for mods, but 3 days of questions might be too much?

    Of course all the other problems that happen ingame such as where to spend uri and what to do would be answered by normal mods and other players, this thread would be only for things that a standard mod or a player cannot answer :)
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2015
    becusican, Kerensky and Jurjstyle like this.

  9. That would be like saying support should only be during certain times. Players get on all hours of the day when they can so that is why its open 24/7 they dont necessarily worry constantly about not being able to answer questions as they do get to most of them I think this is a great thing they have it open 24/7
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Summer event 2015 announcement:

    Salutations, potential co-conspirators!

    A fourth faction is ready to take the stage. Perhaps you’ve already come across it – if not… well, perfect camouflage is the Helix’s trademark!

    Your Company affectionately calls us "cyber-terrorists", and yet the Helix wants only the best for all humanity. Don't believe us? Just look at what we've smuggled in for your delectation, right under the Company's nose!

    Ultra Blue and Ultra Red Booty! They carry a likelihood of finding valuable items three times higher than ordinary red or blue booty!

    An improved LF-4 Day! We've tweaked the design, and now you have triple the chance at a deadly LF-4 Laser!

    New missions available to all who want to know a little more about the Helix and win shiny prizes!

    Sales galore! From ship designs to PETs, everything must go. Check the offers daily - it's worth the while!

    We'll be in touch, pilots!

    Breaking News image:


    Backpage background:

    3D achievement icon:

    Lastly I messed around with the client on todays test server and recorded the new formations (forgot about wheel though) because I thought they looked pretty cool. Stuff like UFO / Police ship models are also included ^^:

    Sorry about it being blocked in Germany.
    fusion82 and Kerensky like this.
  11. ..DC..™

    ..DC..™ User

    I think and correct me if I'm wrong, besides the expense of getting an account decent (I should know lol) is all the bugs that constantly appear and take weeks or months to fix ? Yet new stuff comes out, we have the RSB gllitch, the rocks on generators glitch, the pet don't work properly.

    That's probably a good reason for people to leave, I know I get frustrated.

    I've had a couple of surveys to complete in the past and offered to talk to DO, I do spend a lot of time (and yes money before anyone says it). Mot even a response, yet I was trying to help.

  12. @Kerensky I am missing any update on main concern of fair players - botusers, cheaters etc. - is there any chance you will do something about them? With new updates, such as new formations coming out, yet again botusers will have everything for free, while fair players have to spend hundreds of $$ or waste hundreds of hours.
    And please don't tell me "we are banning players every week", because we do not see any of them gone, even despite sending video proof to support by numerous players.
    whoeva likes this.
  13. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    "Likelihood of finding valuable items" and did not say LF-4, so it must be increasing the chances of getting singular rewards.
    "Three times higher than ordinary red or blue booty!" getting a LF-4 from Red booty is 2 times higher and Blue is 3 times higher, so getting a LF-4 is 6 times for Ultra Red booty and 9 times for Ultra Blue booty?
    Is it only during in summer event?
  14. Hi guys just to let you know you can get zues parts from the new bonus boxes:
    You received 9 PLT-2026 rockets.
    You have found a component of the Zeus blueprints. The immediate production price for this drone is now lower.
    You received 6 MCB-25 laser ammo.
    You received 570 Credits.
    You received 62 Uridium.
    You received extra energy for the galaxy-gate generator.
    You received 620 Credits.
    You received 25 Uridium.
    You received 620 Credits.
  15. .Wagon.

    .Wagon. User

    To Kerensky,

    Would you please consider putting the new Summer event boxes in 4-x maps? :D
    I believe many players want it to happen. Collecting boxes in normal maps are not worth it cos of low uridium rewards.

    Having them in 4-x maps makes it easy for many boxers. Besides in normal maps some Bot users can get tons of ammo (UBR & SAR02 rockets) while genuine people gets no such rewards in 4-x.
    For many genuine people who rely on box farming, they can't afford to collect boxes in normal maps for long due to less rewards. So I believe everyone would love to see these new boxes in 4-x maps as well.

    Thank you
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2015
  16. there are too many bots in 4-x that BP is incapable of dealing with so they rather leave it out, easier to deal with things like that:mad:
  17. there is more then 1 way to bot and many diff programs some harder to trace then others .. this it not for flaming and what not its for new updates and people input on them go moan somewhere els
  18. not moaning, stating a fact :p in response to a quote on this very thread, I am sure that when Kerensky answers he will tell you the same thing:confused::confused:
  19. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    Hi guys,

    sorry for being late - but on Friday we're compiling all the weekly reports from all communities - and summarizing and responding to them is quite a bit of work (takes about 4-5 hours - especially with the feedback we're giving to the mods so they too can answer the requests and stuff)

    Now, trying to find my bearings (and apologies if I miss anything - this is totally unintentional!)

    About the feedback thread being moderated: I like the idea and will bring it up in the team meeting on Monday morning. As I said: I hope I will be able to get the other guys and girls to participate as well.

    Concerning individual balancing requests: As much as I would like to comment on these, I won't! First of all because I'm not the game designer who is doing all the calculations and knows way more about the inner workings of the game and secondly while some of you may have specific requests (like "put the boxes on map x-y") I could not fathom the implications this has on the actualy game economy.

    I would like to talk about the Big Picture - the general issues we are facing, the direction we are planning to take and to discuss with you where the basic, fundamental and overarching issues are and how we could address them.

    We can talk about details once a feature's development is nearing completion because until then things are in a constant state of flow. Game design documents are being worked on right until some weeks before the final release because while the devs work on the features and QA tests them, they make comments and talk with GD if their ideas are technically feasible and sometimes things need changing.

    Another thing I keep coming across is pushing and botting. These are topics that are too hot to touch - because whatever I might say here would be considered controversial in any case. So please forgive me that I do not make any comments without getting official consent. ;)

    Finally "Loot distribution" - that's on the radar. :)

    Well... it's been an interesting week and I definitively intend to be back on Monday. Until then I hope you all have a great weekend and may even have a couple of questions and suggestions that I then can take to the team and see what they have to say. Maybe even next week our Producer and Game Designer can say a couple of words on the plans we have for the next 3-6 months.

    Take care all of you and hope to see you on Monday.
  20. BM bonus boxes are x1.5 more rewards than regular maps. Do you seriously think DO will give out x3 bonus boxes - talk about mega happy bonus boxes for the duration of the event.
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