[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I am just a player. I'm not allowed to say how I find information but it is not passed down to me by anyone at darkorbit.
    -Corex- and tg90000_2 like this.
  2. KingLiu

    KingLiu User

    The one problem could solve another very big problem as well :)

    While the VNZ Banking hype tons of players banked , even of the botters(reading there too) and just think twice about if your team tries to fix the balancing issue(try to do something good,making it worth shooting other npcs except event and protegits while crazy cubi).
  3. tg90000_2

    tg90000_2 User

    Hello Kerensky,

    I (and I'm sure I'm not alone with it) have been waiting for 5 years to hear something like that from the Team. The issues that you're mentioned have been raising since LF-4 and some other 'elite' stuff had come in. :rolleyes::)

    And a question to you (because I could not test it in the testserver) :
    Had this...

    ...update put into 2D client or just the 3D? In the server I couldn't really test it, I had no lag on both, but some of my friends said that they had no lag problems in 3D but 2D.

    Okapi, are there any infos about the TA's pre-season achievements? (For example, how many players gets the title "pre-season warrior" ?) :)

    I just rarely write here and my English is not that good, sorry for it!
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    No there wasn't sorry, it was just the name of the titles :(
    tg90000_2 likes this.
  5. WOW u need to join our gb government with spin like that, u managed to answer not one question hahaha, can the band keep playing as this ship sinks to the depths o_Oo_Oo_O
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Changes to the 7 new formations:

    > Old descriptions can be seen here <

    Laser damage is increased by 20%; however, shield points are reduced by 25%, shield spread by 5%, and speed by 5%.

    Shield points are increased by 25% and regenerate by 0.01% per second. Cooldown times for rockets and rocket launchers are reduced by 25%; however, laser damage is reduced by 50%, and speed is reduced by 100%.

    Shield points are increased by 180%; however, laser damage is reduced by 40%, and cooldown times for rockets and rocket launchers are increased by 40%.

    Honor is increased by 20%; however, laser damage, hit points, and shield points are all decreased by 20%.

    Speed is increased by 5%; however, laser damage is reduced by 20%, and this formation drains shields by 5% per second.

    Drones will make waves, but otherwise this formation grants neither benefits nor penalties.

    Hit points are increased by 8%, and in PvE play only, laser damage is increased by 1% and XP earned from PvE is increased by 5%; however, no Honor is earned, and PvP lasers cause no damage.

    Again, important to note: These descriptions can change! - I think a few of them have typing errors.

    However ... personally I think they're pretty solid as they are right now, every formation has been reworked in some way or another and I think they are really interesting. Like the niche role that Dome will have for CBS defence in a Citadel should be fun to try out.
    I have to wonder if the 1% damage increase in the X formation vs PvE is a typo, simply because the Bat formation does the same job, just better in terms of damage vs NPC and XP per kill.
    Likewise for Dome, 0.01% Shield regen is very, very small. It means if you had 1mil shield you will regen just "100" per second, so I think they might be an error as well.

    The Breaking News text for 3D release:

    Greetings, pilots!

    After several months of careful preparation, innovation and perspiration the DarkOrbit team has reached an important milestone in the continuous development of the game. We are proud to present you with the hottest invention since the invention of the Laser:

    The 3D engine update. If your PC/Laptop has a 3D accelerator build in, you will notice not only cool new effects and more depth in the game but also a smoother gameplay experience event with a higher number of objects on the screen.

    Should you be amongst the 15% of players whose PC is not up to it, you can keep playing in 2D mode as usual.

    Enter the next dimension now!
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2015
  7. Qwsazxcde1

    Qwsazxcde1 User

    Dome seems rather useless imo compared to ring giving way more shields or diamond having the 1% shield regen and having normal laser dmg and etc
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  8. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    Hi guys,

    how’s that saying about battle plans never surviving first contact with the enemy? :)

    We’ve been talking a lot about the feedback we have been gathering concerning 3D and the other topics we keep returning to. So far the most important bit of news for you is that while 3D still has the highest priority and we keep working on the other features we have started already (it would make absolutely no sense to cancel these now and try working on something we haven’t even discussed with you!), the initial discussions are turning out to be very, very promising.

    So the next steps will be:
    • We’re still carefully optimistic to release 3D soon ™ - the exact date hasn’t been decided on but we have decided to release it before the “Training Arena Seasons” which was originally scheduled to be released this week.
    • Next week we’re going to revise some of the models that several players said they don’t like (especially the drones)
    • We’re going to see if we can make missiles and rockets more distinguishable.
    • After that we want to look at the NPC that we think don’t look too brilliantly (the Lordakias and all related models) – that’s probably something for the weeks following the release.
    • Concerning Hires textures we’re a bit uncertain. The higher the texture resolution the more data would need to be loaded, affecting memory usage and thus performance especially on minimum-spec systems. Also we are not sure if it is strictly required because honestly: who would really play with such a high zoom factor. We tried to balance between “looking good” and “not costing too much performance” – and we thought we found a good compromise.
    • In terms of future customization options we are confident that we can add these – it just a little snag: We still have to take care that 2D does not suffer too much. We’re discussing this.
    As mentioned already one of the big issues is trying to find ways of consolidating and improving the population numbers. And what should I say: We have already started analyzing the current situation and begun brainstorming different ideas how to deal with it.

    That’s going to be a process that will take some time (as I tried to explain earlier, from the technical side things aren’t quite easy as they may appear) and we will of course put some of the potential solutions up for discussion here. Some short-term solutions should also be implemented when they’re providing at least some relief...

    So essentially what I want to say is that while I wanted to be more active here and actually answer questions and discuss stuff, most of my time was consumed by the work behind the curtains, discussing improvements of every aspect of our Community related work across all departments. I wish I could really give you an insight on all the stuff that is going on here because your reactions on the 3D update have given everyone – and I mean EVERYONE here - such a huge motivational boost. (Feels a bit like we’re all on Seprom. :p) Combine that with the resources that are now free to work on something else, we are certain that with your help and feedback we will be able to tackle the lingering issues within a reasonable timespan.

    @tg90000_2: I'm not certain if I understand you correctly but we have already been putting some of the work on the GPU even for the 2D client but now we're making much more use of it. The code rewrite concerns every part of the game - client, server, etc.

    On the topic of the TAS, here's a bit of... a teaser... (essentially some stuff I prepared for the FAQ^^)

    Every month players will be able to play in ranked 1-on-1 PvP fights to make it to the top of the list.

    The Top 50 players of each instance will receive special rewards ranging from Booty keys, Uridium to special Ship designs and titles (incl. Achievement).

    The last 12 monthly rankings will be displayed in the client’s “Training Arena” window.

    A “Season” lasts a pre-defined period of time (1st of the month until the last of the month).

    After the rewards are booked, the scores and rankings are reset.

    If several players reach the same position (same number of kills) they all receive the highest possible reward.

    If a player already has the exclusive ship design, he’ll get Uri instead.

    A the “Arena Iron” Goliath Design will be made available as targeted offer for all participants.

    The last Season’s arena winner will receive a special badge that is displayed in the client on the ship – like the special officer icon.​

    Alright… I’m signing off for now but I promise to make good on my promises to be in touch more closely. ( – If you look closely, you might even spot me down there in the mosh pit^^)
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Great to hear the rewards for TAS are based on per server ... I can try and grab a easy(ish) win on gb2 :cool:

    Thanks again for all the info, always appreciated.
    I wanted to ask, is there anyway that players might be able to get a hold of the original 3D models (ones that would have been made in the likes of 3DSmax / Blender / Zbrush etc and still in their original file types) and the textures? I know the ones in-game have had to be scaled down for the sake of Flash and browser limitations but quite a few people have shown interest in having 3D models for the likes of signatures and 3D animation for DarkOrbit videos.
    I understand it wouldn't be a priority to do it and there's much more important things to be sorted but thought I would ask anyway just encase it was possible.
  10. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Ring form gonna stay OP .
  11. ... No ... What happened to X formation's rocket benefits 0.o ?!? It's ruined now :(
    I was waiting to have good rocket formation.

    What comes to other formations, they look pretty useless now or at least weird. I think only good ones now are probably wheel, and ring.
    SauronL likes this.
  12. KingLiu

    KingLiu User

    Really nice to see Kerensky as a loyal forum member now :). He could reveal even more stuff and better as Okapi :p
    Good job for nerfing the 3D Drone formations.

    TAS : Can´t wait for !!!!

    Here is a tiny tiny problem I want to mention(regarding to all free players...) :

    Since the patch that 4 ray´s exist on the 5-3 ,it´s nearly impossible to collect Palladium - because there are like 20-30 Intereceptor´s on you + 1-2 Ray´s + Annih... and it´s damn hard to survive there anyway because of all 3 companies , but the creeps are the most dangerous problem.

    -to much npcs in the palla field while there is like just a single ship collecting there


    BTT : Looking forward to be the TAS King :cool:
  13. Yeah... good job... My opinion is that most of them seem pretty useless atm.
    I liked, that originals had right direction, but just too big numbers.

  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Lads its important to remember a few things regarding the formations.

    1. They're not even in public testing yet.

    2. They have changed once and they very well might chance again - as I have said some of the current descriptions appear to have errors, I do not think these are the final products.

    3. They might look good or bad. However looks can be deceiving - when the pet came out a lot of people (like seriously almost everyone) thought it looked useless to begin with.

    So keep that in mind before you completely write them off, also keep in mind what current formations do.

    If something like the Diamond was not in the game but on the list of the new formations "1% regen of shield and -30% HP" actually sounds useless on the base of it. People reaction would be "it's useless, not good for NPC because no extra damage and we already have aegis for shield repair" & "It's bad for PvP! People will just use Moth vs Diamond then shield regen doesn't matter."
    You get the idea, it's very easy to make all formations seem pointless in one way or another, yet the Diamond is one of the most used formations in the game.
  15. All very true okapi, but unless they make another set of chsnges, I can't see wheel, x, or vet ever being of much practicality. Drill on the other hand became much better. Before it was more of a suicide thing, now it will actually be very nice for farming and PvP
  16. KingLiu

    KingLiu User

    But I don´t know why the Veteran Drone Formation has been nerfed as well. I like tons of +honor
    chixonator likes this.
  17. Here's why. Luck 1 and 2, honor design, normal and shared honor boosters, 50% honor booster, 50% honor formation. You would end up with almost 3x as much honor
  18. KingLiu

    KingLiu User

    And ,what´s the problem ? Anybody can afford it and I really like to shoot cubes with my 50% cbs ...
  19. If you're asking what's the problem with that I'm not even going to bother explaining.
  20. chixonator

    chixonator User

    i know... i was looking forward to 50% honor.... and 50% laser boost.. and the old dome... way better...and the 100% rocket boost..... :(:mad:
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