[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. They should have kept the drill to do the 50% to aliens :(

    That X sounds interesting though.. no honour and +1% damage in PvE, I guess they might change that 1% to be something massive :O Those strange values are completely open to changes I believe, but general idea of formations is already decided.
  2. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Veteran too, for quests and gates :)
  3. I like seeing folks from the BP/DO team replying here, it gives people assurance.
  4. This sounds really interesting! I have one question, will the game continue to exist in 2D for a longer time? Cause my PC apparently won't run the 3D, so basically I just don't want to stop playing in near future cause of the 3D :D And yeah, 3D looks amazing though :p
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Hmm there is a new thing that is something that is a bit of a mystery to me - a possible new map.

    It's ID is "map_666" and as far as I can tell it's still under construction but it sounds pretty interesting from the very limited information I can find about it.
    It has an interesting set up for the 3D client. There is a list of ship files that are to be displayed in 3D on this map.

    • ship40 x3 (file doesn't exist but is commented as Uber Sibelonit)
    • ship21 (ufonit - small version of the UFO ship, very old NPC from old client in 2007/8)
    • ship24 (Boss Lordakia)
    • ship31 (Boss Mordon)
    • ship77 (Lordakium)
    • ship123 (Emperor Lordakium)
    • ship_citadel (no prizes for anyone who guesses this one :p)
    • ship80 (Cubikon)
    • ship116 (Hitac Mothership)
    • ship124 (Emperor Sibelon)
    • ship129 (Plague Mothership)
    • ship442 ( ... a spaceball)
    All the ships have map coordinates for where they are, most of them have a y value of 0, so they are almost all in a straight line I guess? There is NO indication that these are going to be the NPC that are in the new map.

    The other section of this map is background animations, there are four entries currently:

    <append target="citadel" rotationY="4" />
    <append target="lordakia_boss" rotationY="-4" />
    <append target="lordakium_emp" rotationY="30" />
    <append target="cubi" rotationY="-230" />

    The only other bit left are 3 empty comments for remaining sections, these are: 'Buildings', 'Boxes' and 'Particles'. Although it really is just a small snippet of information about this map, it does sound interesting, it sounds like there will be animations of ships and npc in the background, which would be a nice touch.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2015
    chixonator and SauronL like this.
  6. well at first look it could be a new gate as only npc information is given and i have seen a post about a new gates with almost the same list of npcs
    chixonator likes this.
  7. On the Update section was a great idea about a new gate just like this NPC's here, and even more. Sounds awesome, maybe we get new gate :)
    chixonator likes this.

  8. was a guess dont get a hopes up lol i aint
  9. I didn't said that I got my hopes up. I just said that I have seen that Idea, and this might be that. That's all, we will see how it goes.
    chixonator likes this.
  10. i hope it is new map not new gate.
    map sounds better if you ask me. game is a bit boring to play theres nothing interasting to do but to hunt and shoot cubes or box on pvp.
  11. SauronL

    SauronL User

    That sounds ... awesome !
  12. Maybe it is just a test enviroment or some "alien museum" for players to check everything out, or only for mods for some random purpose to have every game object in the same map.

    (I certainely hope it won't be like that xD)
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I think that's literally all it was, a test environment for the devs to see what it would be liked if they tried a few things out.
    It's always risky posting this kind of stuff, some Russian guy has already taken it from this thread and posted it in RU forums saying "new map and here is the list of NPC that is going to be in it". Guess his translation didn't do it justice ...

    It looked like a left over bit that was just ported into test2 when the 3D client was being tested, so I'm guessing it originated from the super secret realm of test4.
  14. well thanks okapi thanks allot... we had a chance that we will be able to farm aliens with 50 % more damage! that would make the game much more f2p but because of you they nerfed it by 30 %. and who cares about the pvp it's broken anyway, and what's the point of pvp if most ppl can't participate in it anyway. and people who said that this would destroy all the noobs? let's be real here... they already had no chance. You better hope these formations really DO change again :p
    chixonator likes this.
  15. they are yet to be run on the test server which the same outcome will have happened so i don't get y okapi is to blame 4 90% of all severs not liking the formations :s
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Don't shoot the messenger. If you think DO would change an entire update based on 1 player's opinion then you must really think my opinions hold a huge amount of weight.

    I think players who wanted the drill to remain as it is are being incredibly selfish and close minded, only thinking about the potential for their own ship and not the balance of the game. Yes the power gap is reticulates as it is, but adding in another 50% booster in PvP would be a step backwards and detrimental to DOs plan to lessen the power gap. Not sure if you know how percentages work but 50% more for a noob is a much smaller increase than 50% for a UFE.

    If you are going to do something daft as giving me credit for the drone formation changes then I wish I had been allowed to make this thread on the old forum and could have stopped LF-4, Apis, Zeus, Havocs, Hercules and Upgrades.
    Then you couldn't kill the precious NPC as quick but the trade off would be a very active game that players call "the glory days".
  17. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    About drone formations
    First of all: good that they've changed, I agreed as well they were to OP and though i feel like we are still not there yet, we've come a step closer ^^

    RED = NO

    Laser damage is increased by 20%; however, shield points are reduced by 25%, shield spread by 5%, and speed by 5%.

    Still to OP, this thing in outfit with spectrums / sentinels against base? 20% for the highest possible hit (about 330K with diminsher skill, or 215K without) means that you gain a bonus of 70K or 45K just by switching drone formation. Furthermore: this makes pincer a waste! Why would i possibly buy pincer if these new formations are to be sold?

    Shield points are increased by 25% and regenerate by 0.01% per second. Cooldown times for rockets and rocket launchers are reduced by 25%; however, laser damage is reduced by 50%, and speed is reduced by 100%.

    The 0,01% probably is a mistake but even then, a speed reduction of 100% will make you verry vulnerable for mines, and missiles / rockets don't do that much damage anyway. I rather have 20% shieldbonus and no cons but even still, this seems to be a failed attempt to improve heart formation.

    Shield points are increased by 180%; however, laser damage is reduced by 40%, and cooldown times for rockets and rocket launchers are increased by 40%.

    They still haven't lowered the 180%? Hell no! You can have more than 3,5 million shield with this formation in a single config on citadel. Even with the lowered laser damage, this combined with draw-fire can make a base much harder to take down.

    Honor is increased by 20%; however, laser damage, hit points, and shield points are all decreased by 20%.

    I don't care what the cons are, I think most of us will only use this formation at the end of gate / mission so it doens't really matter anyway, a good formation (though it was already good).

    Speed is increased by 5%; however, laser damage is reduced by 20%, and this formation drains shields by 5% per second.

    Or write then, since bigpoint clearly seems to not be able to solve a small calculation, ill do it for them:

    Spearhead base speed 588
    spearhead base speed + 5% boost = 617,4

    goliath base speed 540
    goliath base speed + 5% boost = 567

    diffrence in speed without speed boost: 48
    diffrence in speed with speed boost = 50.4 Though it isn't a big difference, faster ships still benefit more from speed boost. I like the shield draining as a disadvantage though it still is to OP against weaker players with vengeance / spearhead.

    Rules of speed:
    Never touch speed limits (failed by pussat and infection design)
    Never alter speed in a way that faster ships can more easily be terminated (failed by ice missiles, infection)

    Drones will make waves, but otherwise this formation grants neither benefits nor penalties.

    This is just ridiculous.

    Hit points are increased by 8%, and in PvE play only, laser damage is increased by 1% and XP earned from PvE is increased by 5%; however, no Honor is earned, and PvP lasers cause no damage.

    Oh yeah sure man! The old X formation was great, now lets just ruine it. 1% dmg bonus, no honour, no PvP dmg? Don't make me laugh, stop it wright now!
  18. imapoofya

    imapoofya User

    Nobody ever uses diminisher on people, since it's easily and cheaply countered at the diminisher user's expense, not to mention the shield drain after ability is over.
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