[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yep [NWO]Ηεαятвяεακ_Οήέ is right.
    Anyone planning to do their fighting on Ring will have a bad time. If someone comes at me with Ring I'm putting on Drill and just using SAB - then all your shield just gets used to keep mine alive. Ring is going to be perfect for flying around on until you find a fight. It will also be great for shield regen outside of a fight.
  2. Was my first and only thought on it. I feel like the pros do not outweigh the cons for it to be useful in any other situation.
  3. Crystal

    Crystal User

    Okapi32 I know, it is useful formation, but bonus for shield is just too big...

    Today i have on goliath with max speed shield about 1.100.000, with ring it will be about 2.800.000 on full speed... bad and again bad....
    Formation should reduce speed because bots on boxes will use it, too many wasted ammo when i will hunt them.

    And im not talking about using it in fight, but about influence to game(like bots)..
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  4. When you think about it, a UFE fight is normally who shoots first wins, or who can evade and quickly reengage with force before the other guy can think straight.Ring will be handy for being more prepared for a fight weather your solo or in a group you can take more dmg at the start then swap to, pincer,drill or whatever your choice is.

    Also newbies with FE ships have more of a chance to get away but regardless of 1 million + shields moth eats hp away pretty fast depending what the smaller ship uses to survive ;)
  5. Kinda giggling cuz with ring you can have more shields on one configuration than unboosted Hp can handle for a goli, or any ship below it.
  6. I know that most of ppl dont agree with differences but if they are giving better prices as their income is lower they have to put same standard for my country as we are not different from those countries that got different prices from others. As i said i bet income in Albania is lower than Russia and Turkey and they got better prices. So they have to change prices to everyone equal or just change also for my country. If there have to be difference there should be difference for all not just for SOME
  7. Also u can use ring to counter those noobs that just uncloak on you to win fight by first shot so when u fly around maps u can put ring also its a good idea to kami lks in Y gate lol
  8. I believe you should make a thread about that, instead of posting it in this thread...You mite even get answers quicker.
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    3D imagines of the TA Goliaths:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I would include the Iron Goliath as well but the lighting and shadow settings I'm using make it look almost the exact same as the Silver, so sorry for that x)
    I people really want to see images of them in-game (lighting will be different) then just say and I'll sort it out when I get round it to.
  10. I dont think it is working like that Okapi32 cause i think only moth can counter ring and Ring is overpowered they have to change it with less shield increase or just make it no laser damage so ppl can use that only for NPCs cause right now whoever that got ring can win vs ppl that dont have it .... Also its impossible to guard bases anymore if there come some ppl shooting it with ring it will be popped in no time. I think it really need a change. :)
  11. Not exactly. I killed a citadel boasting ring formation, moth counters it easily. When you hit 130k, shields don't matter with moth.
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    To be fair I have definitely changed my mind about how ring is used since I posted that, it's really good for fighting with in a certain style, but moth still messes with it pretty easily. I don't think its overpowered, just new and different until people learn the best way to deal with it.
    Should really save the formation talk for the feedback thread though.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  13. With the TA Goliath designs will they be permanently yours, or will they disappear after another season has started?
  14. If there is more than 1 player grey dominate as they have the damage and certainly the shield to overpower you
  15. Idk but I'm gonna take a guess that they're not gonna give designs temporarily. Nobody would go for them then, likely.
  16. An aegis with ring has no problem with moth though, or just a ship with a aegis healing it. Plus you can always just switch to crab if you get too low,
  17. Well moth is easy counter to ring but only in 1v1 whereas in 2v1 u are not that lucky and u cant pop even 1 of them if u use moth cause they shoot harder than an UFE and when u start shooting first second 1 can change to drill and pop u in some seconds so it is overpowered if there is more than 1 guy fighting against u .... Also CBS now is really weak i popped UFE under cbs only cause he didnt have ring and i do... I saw JPA winner getting rekt by some guys that he could kill in a 1v3 lol so dont say its not OP :)
  18. Ring is good if you make smart configs, and thats all im gonna put since im not giving my tactics ;), but moth is a pain...when your not ready to fight people who have it.And one guy taking on 3 dudes doesnt mean something is OP just means he has everything he needs at his disposal weather its better configs or more options in the fight, its all about how each player fights and what they choose to use that makes them good.
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    10 years since any news worth posting

    Ok so finally there is something post-worthy to update you guys on.

    There is a new type of Hercules deal, same style as the previous one just a change in the add-on rewards.

    15,000 Uridium package
    As a token of our appreciation for your purchase, you have been given the following items:
    - 75 x Extra Energy - 5 x Green Booty Keys

    30,000 Uridium package
    As a token of our appreciation for your purchase, you have been given the following items:
    - 150 x Extra Energy - 10 x Green Booty Keys

    75,000 Uridium package
    As a token of our appreciation for your purchase, you have been given the following items:
    - 375 x Extra Energy - 25 x Green Booty Keys

    150,000 Uridium package
    As a token of our appreciation for your purchase, you have been given the following items:
    - 375 x Extra Energy - 25 x Green Booty Keys - 1 x Hercules Drone Design

    330,000 Uridium package

    As a token of our appreciation for your purchase, you have been given the following items:
    - 500 x Extra Energy - 25 x Green Booty Keys - 1 x Hercules Drone Design - 1 Month Premium Membership - 1 Month Rebate Advantage Pack

    So keep in mind that one of these will be coming in the future if you are planning to buy uridium - no dates on when it will happen and I am unlikley to find out until the same time as the rest of you, when it is being displayed on the backpage ^^

    The other thing is just the text for the TAS breaking news announcement:

    Get ready for the Ultimate Battle Arena Seasons - Ranked 1-vs-1 PvP battles are coming to DarkOrbit!

    Greetings, pilots!

    Are you the Arena Champion?

    Starting on the first day every month, you can make your way through the ranks of the top PvP fighter and be among the top 50 players of your server to win exclusive titles and valuable prizes!

    The top three Arena fighters will additionally receive the exclusive Gold, Silver or Bronze Goliath designs.

    On top of that each month the highest ranking player per server is eligible to display the “Arena Champion” badge on his ship.

    Check the forums for more details or jump right in!

    Are you up for the challenge?

    So nothing out of the ordinary thanks to Kerensky's little teaser a couple of weeks ago but thought some of you might have wanted to see it regardless.
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