[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. So during Helix for 330,000 Uri we were given 1 Hercules, 1 Bat Formation, 3 Months of Premium, and 750 gate spins. Now we get 500 gate spins, 25 keys, 1 month of premium, 1 month of rebate, and 1 Hercules. We lost 250 gate spins, 2 months of premium, and only gained 1 month back on another item and 25 keys. I can get 25 keys from Zeta gate, If you paid $100 for that, you should be able to get more, that's garbage.
  2. Well it IS already a bonus. Can't really complain lol
  3. i cant see a problem u are still getting free stuff at the end of the day .. its night :p you are still getting more you can always go back to gettign just the 330k uri if u like
  4. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Yea still better than nothing :)
  5. FireEsNoob

    FireEsNoob User

    So someone on my server has the iron goliath how is this even possible????
  6. chixonator

    chixonator User

    well if you fly into the radzone far enough youll see this iron box, not hard to find actually, thats how i got mine, just picked up the box.

    (or you can just do a TA match and it will popup, you do have to buy it but it's only around $1 though)
  7. FireEsNoob

    FireEsNoob User

    LMAO fly into the rad thats cute<3
    chixonator likes this.
  8. fatskunk

    fatskunk User

    i played and won a match in t/a. After I re-logged, I was granted the honor of being able to buy (with real money) my "trophy"- the iron design. Yes the price is very low, but playing it up as a trophy? LOL. Good job, you won a fight, now pay us for something that doesnt do anything :)


    ime with u think if they going to ask u to pay for designs that dont do anything except colour wot is the point why dont they do a lottery reel hit hit wen it stops on a design pick it or a free spin chance of herc havoc or lf4 i think thats a god idea wot do you space pilots think regards pezzer gb1 server


    and silver does what my friend?
  11. Maybe you should make a post in the "Update and Ideal pool"
  12. It does nothing.Its just eye candy.
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Next Hitac event should run from the 27th of July to the 10th of August. As always these dates are not final and can be changed but those are at least the current ones planned.
    CHANCE and chixonator like this.
  14. Hey I saw a Defcom today. The guy started his account in 2010 and has 36 hours on it. I thought it was someone who had been hit by a Wiz rocket. Not so, i have 6 Defcom kills now and he was 2 of them. the only other time i get to see it is in Kronos.
    Talk about retro, maybe we could bring back this ship just for giggles?
    Blue~Lazer likes this.
  15. Hoping Kerensky is still around. I noticed your post a few pages back about merging and talking with the BSGO team. This will minimize the amount of servers, and definitely a lot of math will need to go into this, as rank points, position in rankings, stuff like that will all be rearranged with the merging of so many players. I heard the East servers and many of the global servers would be merged.

    For example
    USA East 1 \
    USA East 2 - USA East
    USA East 3 /

    Global America 1 \
    _______________________Global America
    Global America 2 /
    Global America 3 \
    _______________________Global America 2
    Global America 4 /
    Global America 5 - Global America 3

    This, I believe will give more players a challenge as we'll have more active people to fight. Since the botters were banned, I can't get my daily kills on the X-2 maps, so I'd like to see more players on a dead server where everyone has to talk trash to get a fight (USA East 3 server). Merging servers, of course, is a big challenge, but you guys managed to get 3D launched, I think pushing a few accounts to the side, getting rid of inactive accounts, and then getting these leftover players into another server with minimal issues (surely it's a big thing, but minimal is good, 3D had minimal issues, new auction had minimal issues), I think it can be pulled off. These servers need a good breathe of life considering most of the good players either quit, or died. Everyone these days either buys an account or bots it.
  16. ramnik

    ramnik User

    imagine if they merged GB1 and GB2 together, game would still be dead for us lol :D wished they merged it with ge1 lol
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Merging whole servers would be fun, for a couple of weeks. The people would come to realize they liked their dead servers a lot for one reason - making uridium was easy. There was not the pressure to buy uridium every week in order to have fun, solo cubes were readily available.
    Going from GB2 to GE1 it is what I have noticed the most. GE1 is expensive to enjoy. Its so much harder to make uri on there than it is on GB2 that I actually prefer GB2.

    If anything were to be merged it should be just the battlemaps.
    They would need to be reworked, to contain more than just 4 maps to accommodate the big increase in numbers. There would also need to be a "safe zone" people could use for loading in to the battlemap initially so they are not killed in a portal without having fully loaded in on their own screen.
    Then if only the battlemaps were cross-server the dev team would not have to worry themselves with merging ranking systems or top user points across servers, all they would have to do is add the server to the end of everyone's name like in the old JPB.

    Then just get 4 servers of similar size and route them all into the same battlemaps. If one server gets too big or dominant for the others then re-route it to fight against the bigger servers.
    .Wagon. likes this.
  18. Do you seriously believe it would work? Now battlemaps are used not to fight but to collect boxes (mainly by botusers), so merging server would lead to botusers moving to their home maps (which is also the case with wars when people move to x-2 to avoid getting killed by wars while botting)
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    That would happen regardless surely.
    4 whole server merge together (not just bmps), now there are 4 times the botters in bmps, less boxes for the individual botters. So they move out of bmps anyway.

    I did also say the current bmps would have to be reworked, not just a carbon copy of what we have right now.

    If we are going to let the state of bots decide what we can and can't do to improve this game then we might as well delete the game right now because botters will exist forever. They will come and go in numbers as people begin to think they are undetectable, but they will never go away forever.
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