[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. RIGHT?
  2. Good luck playing D.O. in jail :eek:
    Watt-Overlord likes this.
  3. I've been waiting to test my pickpocket skills..
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    14 New quests titles and text descriptions for anyone who is interested:

    The UBA Ship Expo
    Welcome to the UBA Ship Expo, brought to you by the galaxy's finest shipbuilders! I'll be your Company-sanctioned liaison and sales rep for the duration; I've been authorized to dispense all your mission rewards while you enjoy our Expo. My name is Baobabeli Rygus. Please, call me Bob. It's a real pleasure!

    Business Trip
    Don't worry about your usual assignments and missions: as you can see, they won't be interrupted! You can get them done in between visiting the booths - after all, pilots are SO hot right now, right? Must be nice to be so envied. No little kids ever dream of being a used ship salesman, ha ha!

    Tempting Prizes
    Looks like it's not just you elite pilot squads who want to visit the best Expo in the history of ships! Pirates have been nibbling at our security cordon since we started setting up. I think the sight of all those sleek, shiny new ships is just too much for them to resist!

    Pop Culture Heroes
    Have you seen that giant ad in the lobby? That hotshot in the Scorpions, Estella St Aubyn, got herself a sweet deal with that cereal endorsement and no mistake, right? You'll see it on the way out - and don't forget, there's a talk by the Chief Engineer of Kepler Foundries later today that you won't want to miss!

    Hey now, have you heard about the re-issue of the Yamato? Used to be a really trim little ship - ended up being mothballed not too many years ago, when there was that nasty business with the iceberg invasion thing. I'll be honest, I don't keep up with the news much, so I don't really remember the details.

    Old-Timer Re-issues
    It's not just the Yamato, you know - the Defcon has also been re-issued! Both designs have been updated. They're great little ships, no longer obsolete, and will you just look at those lines! You don't get designs like that any more. Are you a bit of a classic ship enthusiast, too?

    Expo Exploration
    Have you seen the fins on that racing starjet two hangars over? No? Oh, come on, then - come with me, you've got to give this little beauty the once-over! I know - I understand; you're not in the market just now. But just take a quick look! You won't regret it, I promise.

    There's a panel later this afternoon that you might want to catch: "Shards in the Exhaust Ports: post-Kristallon encounter ship repair for sport hunters." No? I suppose there's not much anyone could teach you pilots about that sort of thing, right? Ha ha!

    How are you liking our Expo so far? Oh, good! Now, please excuse me for a little while: there's a prototype model being unveiled in Hall C in a few minutes, and I just have to see it. Luna Industries and Titan Tech have been in a bit of an arms race trying to develop a new kind of battlecruiser...

    Cutting Edge
    The prototype was all right, but really, it's the new Titan Technologies cruise control that's going to dominate the next few years, if you ask me. Responsive, defensive, intelligent automatic flying that lets pilots concentrate on their weapons? Amazing stuff.

    New Money
    Did you see his entourage? Ha ha! Yeah, there are a bunch of them at the Expo - petty lords of their little outposts, on asteroids and planets no-one's ever heard of. No taste, no class, no know-how, no ingenuity - all they got is money, so we're here to help 'em spend it, right?

    New Clients
    Say, maybe you could help me out with something. You see, my bosses in the Expo Steering Committee have been chasing these backwater billionaires' Credits for months, but it's like herding cats. They've finally caught their interest by promising a big alien hunt in our newest ships.

    Package S-DS-01
    Lunar industries, Titan Technologies and Keppler Foundries unite to bring you latest technology at the best price.

    Don't think this is anything in particular, just one of the many packages that are part of the ship expo sale.

    None of their ship files in 2D or 3D have changed so seems like they will just look the same as they did before.
  5. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Are those missions gonna be permanent?
    chixonator likes this.
  6. Silvanito

    Silvanito Dev Team Team DarkOrbit

    They will look the same as before in both 2D and 3D. We are keeping the chasis while upgrading the engines :)
    chixonator likes this.

    CHANCE User

    Silvanito, mind telling us everything that you're planning? Will the test servers open for the Defcom and Yamato?

  8. Hey OwningPeeps.Can i ask u when will be this boxes and quests are available?
  9. Found these, designs for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the coming UBA season.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    As always if I knew that info I would have posted it already :)

    If you want to see better quality images of the designs, they were posted >here< and >here<
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2015
  11. I heard that there were plans that Big Point will be adding servers to each other to make the servers more populated?

    I heard this from a CM & TL :)

    And if it will come, I am very excited^^
    cbr14567 likes this.
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    If you read the Producers Dialog you will see that they mentioned that they are discussion possible ways to improve server population - that could include merges but it could also include many other (and better imo) alternatives, there is no decided method as of yet.

    I would be surprised if members of the mod teams were privy to the dev's idea discussions so could have just been a misunderstanding from the TL & CM or they jumped to a conclusion.
    RickDekard likes this.
  13. So in the producer's dialogue that just came out, they hinted at a new galaxy gate here: http://www.bigpoint.com/darkorbit/board/threads/producers-dialogue-july-2015.106381/#post-859048 under the New content section.

    The Hitac is understandable for the object moving in a straight line, but perhaps these could be npc codes for the new gate? Don't go based on me, just throwing that out there. But Uber Siblonit, UFOnit, boss npcs, Emperors? The Citadel and Spaceball are a head scratcher, but the others look to be for either an insane gate for UFEs or a massive group gate that would turn LoW into Alpha
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Icons for the X and Wave formations have had their uridium symbol removed and replaced with '3D':
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Yamato + Defcom package:

    Breaking News UBA Expo image:

    I don't think the 666 map and this new GG are directly related, it still appears as if this map was a live test for a few things with the 3D client - it hasn't changed at all since the beta testing of 3D client. They might include aspects of it within the new GG like animated backgrounds, but I don't think map_666 will be the new GG.
  15. Still, you never know
  16. N8818

    N8818 User

    Why not everybody get prize like the 5 capsules for the HITAC ?
    It's not right admins, my clan friends get it exept me...
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    There is going to be a shop integrated within the game client, not sure if it will be full integration of the current shop that exists on the backpage or something else. However long time ago there was plans to integrate parts of the backpage into the UI, I think the skylab was highlighted as one of these things but could be the shop that is being completed first.

    <item name="title_shop">
    <![CDATA[ Shop ]]>

    UI icons:

    This is also been updated to test2 first whereas I think normally stuff is put on test1, so could be that is it going to be beta tested, either openly or a closed one.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2015
  18. Ohhh...a shopping spree :rolleyes: Too bad, I am a male :D My wallet is a mountain of uri o_O
  19. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    I wonder what we're shopping for....:p
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