Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Bismut, Aug 9, 2015.

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  1. Bismut

    Bismut User

    So, Is too much guys who have lvl 12-15 and +200mil honor :\ I think to public bug here maybi bigpoint resolve this and ban all guys who use it :D

    First of all u have to get minus honour.

    I tried it once with shooting another ship from my company over and over again until i had like 8 billion - Honour. I havent tried it with collecting boxes which arent urs. But it should work aswell.

    The most important thing is, that u dont logout while u are doing this exploit.

    The Honour on ur "Home Page" etc is programmed with an 32 Bit Integer. That means theres a max/min of 2,147,483,647.

    So If u get a huge amount of minus honour like 8 billion it will show u -2,147,483,647 on ur "Home page". But ingame it will say -8,000,000,000 Honour.

    Now u just have to accept the mission which is made for to get +Honour again and the following thing is going to happen:

    For every Lordakia/Streuner u will get like 50,000,000 Honour (Example). And the exploit is, that u will get 50 mio counted towards ur minus honour on ur "home page" and on ur ingame honour.

    so after u did like 2,147,483,647 honour with that mission ur ingame honour will tell u that u still have 6 billion minus honour, but if u refresh ur "home page" u will see that u are at + Honour ... And now every +Honour u get will count as positive honour on ur "Home Page".

    If u relogg now ur ingame Honour is the same as ur "home page" Honour and u probably got many Ranking Points [​IMG]
  2. Maybe we have luck and they will gte banned ^^
    But I dont tihink so
  3. Bismut

    Bismut User

    some have 1,500,000,000 and lvl 5 :)
  4. OH my good. hes right..
  5. Bismut

    Bismut User

    Last edited: Aug 10, 2015
  6. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hi guys,

    This issue is known by quality assurance and the developers and they are working to resolve the bug. At this moment i do not know whether any action shall be taken against these users, but please know that it is under investigation.

  7. relax

    relax User

    Yes.. this bug seems to be pretty exploited, I like this because the response from support was: "The honor will be taken from those accounts and they will be punished". Anyways, thanks BugPoint for giving us reasons to play.
  8. Sorry Ddraig, "any action", so I work my butt of to get General, takes me like a year of solid g8ing, and DO wonder why ppl are leaving ? Your about to lose another load of top accs. The guy who is about to take my general rank has played 17 hours. I'm so happy :(


    CHANCE User

    Top 3 People with Honor

    These are just parody accounts of real players on USA (East 3). Mainly MMO. Their accounts were created today or at least this month or last month.

    PLEASE FIX BIGPOINT. Honor to whom honor is due!


    EDIT: More players. -_-
    http://us4.darkorbit.bigpoint.com/index.es?profile=6gFf1&profileCheck=IsYFS&lang=en <- This one is level 16, Chief Major, 106 million honor points. 300 hours played. Rank ~741. This one is illegitimate too.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you for bring this to our attention, as previously mentioned this has been pasted on for further investigation.
    At this time we do not have any further information on how this matter will be handled, but be assured they are looking in to it.

    Have a Nice Day
  11. this is terrible, I go away for a long weekend and see this happening, rank to shreds again o_O
    the worst of the worst is that some of the accounts that used this bug are part of the DO team and are Admins.
    this is the kind of thing that will make us go insane, so much for fair play again, well done admins!!

    I might add this admin account is now back on the 'user lists' back to normal, no penalties
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015
    ßőŋεѕ and Furyd like this.
  12. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hi ΒΦŞŞ-ĶłĹĻΣЯ-8ΦΦ6_†,

    If there is an active admin account that is affecting the rankings, please contact one of us with the username and server so that we can investigate this further.

  13. CHANCE

    CHANCE User

    Could the reason these people are hacking is because it decreases the rank points to reach the next rank?

    You need approx. 173,124 rank points to reach the next rank of [​IMG] Captain. <- Last week it was at 180k rankpoints.

    The rank directly below yours is that of [​IMG] Chief Lieutenant. Space pilots with this rank have approx. 121,999 rank points. <- Last week this was at ~130k rank points.

    But then everything changed when these hackers came.

  14. Crystal

    Crystal User

    CHANCE No, they do it just because they are idio....

    And my rank increased. You need approx. 4,154,787 rank points to reach the next rank of [​IMG] Colonel. The rank directly below yours is that of [​IMG] Chief Major. Space pilots with this rank have approx. 2,284,501 rank points.

    both ranks increased about 100,000 in one day. Also other companies from my server are losing their ranks, colonels, generals, everybody with high rank.

    Your rank is too low and this bug doesn't affect it, it affects only high ranks.....

    This s player with lvl 23 and he also use this bug... I don't understand how someone can be so stupid and use this bug, all bug users will lost everything. :D
  15. ronz

    ronz User

    Vast majority of players in top 10 on GB1 server have all exploited this Honour bug, really is unfair on those that have actually spent so much time and money to get to where they are eg Mr DC who had over 900 million from his hard work and then there are those exploiting noobs that gain over 2 billion honour.
    Just request BP to take serious action against these players.
  16. its realy bad on usa east one too help DO save our rank im droping 10 rank every day
  17. Crystal

    Crystal User

    ronz Be patient, bug is reported and all they honor will be deleted, we must just wait.

    Lots of account used it, especially noobs and there is many account where they buged small amount of honor, like 10 million only for example. I think the worst it's on my server, GE7.... just look.


    But people who used it will finally lost everything. ;)
  18. ßőŋεѕ

    ßőŋεѕ User

    That account used to be called WΘΘlLFIE/NASHER and everybody knows it. Number 7 you say? thanks for that info, knew it would come out in the end. I wonder whom is using that now then hey?
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015
  19. WOOLFIE/NASHER acc is at number 7 on GB1 server, perhaps you should get your facts rights before you post
  20. Every Single player across all servers should get their accounts Deleted! Big Point hasn't hesitated to do so in the past to cheaters, botters, and program users.

    All accounts using this glitch should be Deleted Not Fair to the people who accually earn their Ranks Legitimately
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