[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The travel mode on the Yamato has been upgraded from +400 units for 5 seconds to +450 units.

    Both ships are also in the game now (just not visibly active in shop) so seems the UBA Expo will begin very soon.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
    D-Cruiser likes this.
  2. MяF™

    MяF™ User

    Any news on when the Surgeon will be made available too all players?
    gamepark and Watt-Overlord like this.
  3. where did u get the defcom?
  4. tg90000_2

    tg90000_2 User

    Cool! :cool: Do you know if they're credit or uridium ships? Hopefully they didn't change their price to uri.

    And an another question, but maybe not for you, okapi, but the devs:
    Watt-Overlord likes this.
  5. Given their increased stats and that they have a ship skill they will probably cost uridium now.

  6. D-Cruiser

    D-Cruiser User

    Some Aegis got already punished by a Yamato :p
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 20, 2015
  7. Don't buy a Yamato guys. I bought it this morning, and when I went to test it out, the speed ability is not a +450 speed for 5 seconds, but rather it takes you up to 450 speed so that you go the same speed as a goli. Had I known that, probably would never have bought it. So if your looking for a ship that can catch golis only for 5 seconds and doesn't go super fast, this is your ship.
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    There are two new log messages:

    Your PET is disrupted

    Your PET is no longer disrupted

    Not too sure what this is in particular but if no new items turn up then I would assume it is something to do with enemy EMP messing up the pet's shooting for the duration of the EMP or something along those lines.

    There are also 27 new quest entries, no names or descriptions at the moment, will post them when they turn up.
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    So now I know what the 'pet distribution' is all about :p
    It's part of the new Galaxy Gate.

    "GG PET Attack"

    Disruption 2D:

    Disruption 3D:

    Both are animations but I guess you can get the idea of what they look like from the still images. There was also 3D models for all PET levels added whether previous it was 1-4, 5-7, 8-10 etc.

    Currently the layout of the 'GG PET Attack' is a copy of GG Beta in terms of the map background and the map assets. Wouldn't be surprised if that were just a place holder for now and that it might change in the future.

    17(?) types of PET-NPC. There's a bunch of new NPC names however one of them is listed twice and their file location doesn't exist yet so no pictures at the moment.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
    tg90000_2 likes this.
  10. Pet kronos...?
  11. If this happens, my PET will do all the work and I get none of the rewards o_O
  12. why not?
  13. The stats DO n't post or reward PET poofs :eek:

    Work 4 it :cool:
  14. Maybe a gate that has npcs that can attack your pet, that would be cool, stops kami spaming
  15. My PET vs your PET...let's get ready :cool:

    Who eats who o_O
  16. Anyone can confirm if in the future will be added BO3 shield and a new drone design?
  17. CHANCE

    CHANCE User

    If Bigpoint would add such a thing, it would destroy the game. RickDekard has said nothing about new items, but he has said that they are working on a new Galaxy Gate. Nothing about drone designs yet. They are also working on improving the newbie experience; so noobs would keep playing DarkOrbit.

    RickDekard has also said,
    So it is highly unlikely that Bigpoint will add B03's and new Drone Designs because it would be too expensive.

  18. Designs finally for pet perhaps? That would be cool. :cool:
  19. Thank you!
  20. MяF™

    MяF™ User

    Well, seems like this weekend has answered that question.

    GG PET sounds interesting, most likely a reward or something for the PET (design or something).
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