[SC] How to rank up

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by LEO|123, Aug 30, 2015.

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  1. LEO|123

    LEO|123 User

    I know doing galaxy gates is the fastest way to rank up but im a free players and it takes ages to do it.. so from some experienced players can u tell me how to rank up faster some tips tricks..
    btw how many spins do u need to get alpha beta gates couse i was doing only zetas .. 27 zetas 7 havoc
  2. Try do cubes , they give good rewards / rank points.
    According to the wiki:

    • Alpha needs aprox. 80.000 - 150.000 Uridium / 800 - 1.500 GG
    • Beta needs aprox. 100.000 - 180.000 Uridium / 1.000 - 1.800 GG
    Now you could do Alpha and beta for less , all depends of your luck.I suggest keep doing zetas untill you make 10 havoks and than worry about rank , but depends of your priorites.
  3. For rank go Kappa and ABY. Cube your way for gates for overkill. Lel. Set your bio to gain map exp and honor. Get veteran formation. Get normal boosters from bid shared if you can. Use veteran design if you're using spear aegis or citadel, or honor versions of using Vengi or Goli.
    xXxBadeAcerxXx likes this.
  4. Fastest way is doing all 3 gates,missions,alot of npc killing also get the exp boosters and honor booster you wont be sorry.
  5. True. OP you're at the disadvantage not being able to get the 50% honor and ep boosters.
  6. true I got it sinces yester day for 4 days man my pet went from lv 8 to 14 in two days almost to 15 like so close lol.
  7. for free player the fastest way to rank up is do ubers shoot the ones that shoot you i think a uber sibonet is same rank points as a cube so ubers and bosses are the fastest way to rank up
    as a free player if you can solo a cube thats better than pallying it takes almost 4 hours to get a load of pally that gives you 200 spins i think even if you do a cube in 10 minutes thats 6 x 1024= 6144 per hour
  8. SauronL

    SauronL User

    he will earn more rank points by killing npcs in lowers, 1 saimon gives you 1 RP so just kill all small stuff there n get more than ubersibelonit and u dont even need to search for that