[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    PET-NPC icons, no full size files yet but I think these are used for the UI icons like images on quest descriptions etc:


    5 new achievement descriptions (unfinished) - no names at the moment:

    • Kill 100 lv1 PET-NPC
    • Kill 100 lv10 PET-NPC
    • Kill a PET Boss
    • Complete all low level missions
    • Complete all high level missions
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Okaaay some interesting things have been discovered.

    New drone design - Beacon Design [DD-B-01]

    What does it do?
    No idea at the moment.

    How do I get it?
    You purchase the package, for what seems to be proper money from the uridium store.

    "Beacon drone design

    Acquire this unique Beacon drone design and help the refugees all over the world. All the revenues from this sales will go directly to the [charity organization]"

    So it's a charity event and as said all the revenue from the sales of the design will go to a charity, which is a pretty nice idea. Keeping this in mind, I personally do not expect this design to have damage / shield / HP values since it appears to be only purchasable with money. Or if it did then I expect them to be no better than Havoc or Hercules - so don't panic!

    Package purchase history text:

    1 drone design package purchased

    10 drone design package purchased

    More PET Attack event info:

    Offer package - S-PT-01
    "Special P.E.T. Deal
    Mad scientists may know what’s best for their P.E.T.s, but they don’t always know how to control them. Don’t make the same mistake! Get company-approved upgrades for your P.E.T. for unbeatable prices instead!"

    Updated achievement descriptions &names:

    Defeat 100 P.E.T. Scouts

    Defeat 100 P.E.T. Destroyers

    Big Game Hunter
    Defeat an Alpha P.E.T

    Fierce Hunter
    Complete all difficult missions in “Attack of the Killer P.E.T.s.”

    Complete all easy missions in “Attack of the Killer P.E.T.s.”

    Updated log message for disruption zones:

    A foreign impulse has taken your P.E.T. out of battle.

    The impulse is out of range. Your P.E.T. is ready for battle again!

    Bunch of PET packages:

    Package best gear selection purchased

    Package attack improvement purchased

    Package defense improvement purchased

    Package loot improvement purchased

    Super Pet Package purchased
  3. DragoWolf

    DragoWolf User

    Sounds good cant wait to see what this is!
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    PET Attack achievement icons:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    PET Attack quest story line (put it in spoilers to avoid a 10 mile long post ^^)
    Anomaly of Horror
    Crrrr… crrrrr… -llo? Can you hear me? It’s me, the world-renowned Dr. Confusius. I need a brave pilot to examine the anomalies in this sector of space and I’ve chosen you to complete this immensely important task. Of course I’ve already told your Commander about it – trust me!

    The Dogs of War
    The data you collected is very revealing. Looks like we’re dealing with an EMP field that is scrambling P.E.T.s’ electron brains. It appears the disturbance is driving them mad, causing them to attack anything that moves. I’d like to take a closer look at one of these P.E.T.s. Think you can get one for me?

    The Puppet Master
    There’s nothing like good, old-fashioned dissection to get to the bottom of things. Cut open the chassis with a blowtorch so I can have a look at its innards. What did I find? Extremely complicated stuff, naturally. Someone is using the EMP field to control the P.E.T.s. The only question is who?

    Cry of the P.E.T.s
    Here we have the electron brain of a wild P.E.T. Look how it pulses – isn’t it mesmerizing? Are you not feeling well? You’re looking a bit pale. At any rate, I almost regret asking you to destroy them, given how cute they are. But they pose a threat to us all, so they must be exterminated.

    The Pack
    By the flask of Erlenmeyer! I saw it with my own two eyes! Rabid P.E.T.s, with an alpha leading the pack! The leader is sending impulses identical to those coming from the EMP field. I never should have implanted a Cubikon chip in the prototype. Stay put, pilot – I’m definitely going to need your help!

    For the Good of Mankind
    Alright, so I lied. I made the alpha. I wanted to develop a model with sentience, so it could adapt to its environment. I thought it would take lead, creating order for the P.E.T.s – I did it for the good of mankind! But then the prototype escaped and… what? Don’t look at me like that! These things happen in science.

    Frankenstein‘s Legacy
    I was having a look at your data… oh, sor-ry! I didn’t think you’d mind. Anyway, look at this – here’s where the alpha’s been hanging out. You don’t know the pain of destroying something you created – I mean, it’s practically my baby. Forget it, you wouldn’t understand. It has to be done, otherwise it’ll transform more perfectly loyal P.E.T.s into a pack of wild, unruly dogs! For the safety of mankind!

    The Awakening
    Bravo! You destroyed the alpha and the wild P.E.T.s are… still wild? What? How is this possible? The pack should have scattered without an alpha. Instead, they are gaining sentience and naming themselves. Do you know what this means? They’re learning and I MADE THEM! Ahem, sorry. They must be destroyed, of course.

    Dr. Confusius’s Asteroid
    Wild P.E.T.s are terribly vindictive, but not to worry – they’ll never get past my armored asteroids. All I have to do is press one little red button and KABOOM! It’s funny, they called me crazy when I developed these asteroids. Me, crazy? I’ll show them who’s crazy! Follow me.

    Revenge of the Killer P.E.T.s
    Fascinating… not you, my P.E.T.s. My babies. They’re looking for new allies. I can’t tell you how safe I feel in this asteroid, with you as my personal shield… err, bodyguard. And should you ever think of double-crossing me, remember all the treasures you’d have to kiss goodbye!

    Heads Will Roll
    The thought of those disgusting Saimon getting their filthy claws on my P.E.T.s makes me want to set everything on fire! It cannot happen, do you hear me? I can see it now – using my P.E.T. technology to burn them to a crisp. Brilliant, Confusius! I mean… see to it you bring me a few Saimon heads, will you?

    Harbingers of Death
    For the love of Boyle! The Devolarium found out about my asteroid and now there’s a whole mob of them just outside my front door, with a pack of rabid P.E.T.s nipping at their heels. What did I ever do to them? No, you can‘t leave now! If you stay and help, I’ll make it worth your while, I promise.

    Asteroid of Darkness
    Where there are Devolarium, the Sibelon are not far away? What is a Sibelon anyway? Stop rolling your eyes at me! I’m too busy and too important to be worrying myself with alien races. There’s a fast and easy way to take care of them, anyway. Fire up the old laser canon and… ZAP! Oh, woops…

    Pathological Megalomania
    I cannot thank you enough! You saved my life and, thus, modern science, as well. And, don’t worry – I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll never do an experiment so dangerous ever again. Haha, you don’t buy that, do you? I’m just getting warmed up! And I’m not going to stop until the entire universe is mine. ALL MINE! MUHAHAHA!
  5. love the work your doing okapi - keep it up !!!
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  6. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    just hoping that this event wont be same kind of ... like parasite.
  7. Me too :p but i dont belive x) :D:confused::cool:o_O:p
    -AdamantiumDragon- and MyBigi like this.
  8. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    parastite was a dream event for pushers and botters. please bp dont make it happen ever again, such a huge failure
  9. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Not for month , just a week or so.
    Cuz i need to buy new Ebola ammo.
  10. and i need to buy R-IC3 rocket and PIB-100 and more CBO-100 and CBR. :p :D :D:p:cool::cool:;)
    MyBigi and CHANCE like this.
  11. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    i think dcr is better :D
  12. R-IC3 rocket froze him and he dont move and u can send the kami.:cool::D
  13. Silviu

    Silviu User

    @Okapi32 Anything new regarding the upcoming event and the Beacon?
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Thanks :)

    Nothing particularly new, sorry. I tend to run a 5 minute check once or twice a day on both of the "accessible" test servers so that if there has been any interesting updates I am able to post them the same day.
  15. -»orfa«-

    -»orfa«- User

    Have you been able to identify when this offer as well as event will start? --> please ignore that post as you have updated your information just as I submitted the question!
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I can give a guess of 14th / 18th / 21st as a start date for the P.E.T Attack but that is just bit of a educated guess since not all the assets are on the test instances yet and most events start on Monday or Friday ^^
    I might not be able to confirm the start date at all though until the event actually starts and we all see it, since dates for things are normally kept quiet.
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    PET Attack breaking news:

    One minute a faithful companion, the next minute a disruptive pest! The heroes of DarkOrbit are called on to help cyberneticist Dr. Confusius: during the creation of his newest P.E.T., a bug in the programming has caused his latest creation to go on the rampage.

    Starting on the 21st of September, this two-week event promises a whole new level of excitement:

    • 14 new missions for both high-level and low-level pilots
    • A new “Attack of the Killer P.E.T.s” event gate for both Lv. 5-13 and Lv. 14+ players
    • 5 new achievements and titles
    • Special P.E.T. boxes, packages and sales
    Breaking News image:

    Dr. Confusius:

    Beacon drone designs :D (no info yet on what they do):


    Drone designs are nothing to do with PET Attack event. Saw some people confused in chat thinking the drone designs were coming out as part of the PET event. They might come during the event but are not tied in with it.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
  18. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    my guess: new drone design thats gonna be op against hercules and requires another couple hundreds to get 10 of these from ridiculously bad rewarding gate that requires ridiculously lot parts to build.
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Ah maybe you should read the previous posts then ;)

    The new drone design is payment only, that means it will either be nothing to do with DMG / HP / Shield or if it is then it will not be stronger than Havoc or Hercules. Then all the revenues from the designs go to charity, so the whole idea of BP being greedy for profits goes out the window.
    DragoWolf, Omega and MyBigi like this.
  20. ~Monster~

    ~Monster~ User

    How did you get those drones? Was there test server?
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