[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    No the ones in the image were just photoshopped in to show what they will look like in the game on a ship :p
  2. ~Monster~

    ~Monster~ User

    Oh, ok. lol thanks.

    Also, do you know if there is going to be a test server to test this stuff out? Sorry if you are the wrong person to ask.
  3. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I hope they wont cost really much so i will be able to buy all 10 and help out with charity. Also hope they gonna give honor or atleast ep boost if not anything else.
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yeah unfortunate I am the wrong guy to ask, no way for me to know that sort of stuff, sorry.


    More galaxy gate news?!

    I think there is going to be another new GG - maybe nothing to do with PET Attack.

    It's called the "Tunnel of Terror" ... that's all the info I have on it right now apart from, it seems to have a cooldown timer on it as well. So maybe this is a GG that can be built with skylab material (was mentioned in a old dev blog a while back) and the cooldown prevents macros or bots just doing it 24/7.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
  5. Bismut

    Bismut User

    Maybe a new gate for the winter event.
  6. fluffy101

    fluffy101 User

    Tunnel of terror. Based off the name, its most likely an event gate for October Halloween season
  7. SauronL

    SauronL User

    i think your right but who knows , its just a name .

    CHANCE User

    Those designs are ugly. What would they look like on the flax lol.
  9. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    When BP says all profits go to charity, which charity/charities are they going to donate to? We should have the right to know which charities before we put in the money. :)
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yep, that info will be in the package description when the drone design is put on live servers. For now the description just has a few place holders so I can't say which charity or charities the money will go towards.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2015
    TheShadows likes this.
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Seems like the equipment page is being integrated into the game page on test2, which I would presume might mean there's a high chance of test server being open for all you test server maniacs.

    Can't really tell what it will look like but it seems that there will be stats about your ship and configs given to you as you chose them, for example:

    • Hull
    • Nanohull
    • Laser Damage
    • Speed
    • Shield Capacity
    • Shield Hull (think this is shield / hull damage distribution)
    • Level
    • Damaged
    • Buff (drone design / level bonuses I'm guessing)
    • XP
    • XP until Lv Up
    • Name
    • Fuel
    • Level
    • XP
    • Hitpoints
    • Laser Damage
    • Shield Capacity
    • Damage distribution
    So overall pretty handy stats to see when choosing your configs.

    UI images for the equipment button:


    Beacon drone Breaking News bit:

    To escape a variety of threats, they travel long distances with only the bare necessities and while under terrible stress.

    Though we cannot change the circumstances that have driven these people from their homes, we can at least do something to help!

    For our part, the DarkOrbit team has created the "Beacon" drone design to show our support for all refugees worldwide.

    All proceeds will go directly to the UNHCR, so we can help ensure that those in need will be humanely accommodated, fed, and clothed.

    Find more information in the FAQ

    If you want to help us support refugees, you will find the "Beacon" drone design in the shop.

    *Removed the FAQ link since the thread is private for now.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2015
  12. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    We have an Official preview of the website-to-client integration of certain features that has been discussed previously. The current feature being worked upon is the integration of the inventory.

    Enjoy :)

    Clarification Edit: This is not a preview/confirmation of a standalone client. When we mention integration from website to client, we merely mean taking features from the backpage (i.e. inventory and equipment) and adding those features in-game. Remember the preview you are seeing is from a developers perspective.

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2015
  13. Hi, How use Standalone Flash Player? If you have a link...
  14. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    It's a screenshot from the developers perspective, therefore they most likely have an internal infrastructure that they use to allow them to develop the game without the need to use a browser.

    *GREMISTA*BR2* likes this.
  15. Would be nice if features like configs, missions etc would have stayed on the backpage so I don't have to waste booster time doing them.
  16. Any information about reward of this very interesting gate or missions?
    I have been wondering if there finally will be design for P.E.T

    Or possibly a new P.E.T ?
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2015
  17. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    I have added a clarification edit, as the information we received did not state in any way that this was a standalone client (which is what is being rumored by some players). Remember guys, the developers will view the game from a different angle than what we do as the consumers (in-browser).

    *GREMISTA*BR2* likes this.
  18. CHANCE

    CHANCE User

    In my opinion the Equipment window button should be on the right set of window buttons. The left set buttons are like for in-game playing related. Right side is just for logistics 'n' stuff. PLEASE merge website with client. I know you guys ARE gonna do it. Only matter of time lol.
  19. Hi Draig,
    If you integrate everything in the game client it would be nice to think about things:
    - A option to safe 2-3 different Configs for each hangar
    - The using of the equipment for each hangar again

    Best wishes Someone
  20. Saving configs has been a consistent idea since the new equipment was introduced so im sure if they are to do it we will see it later.And as for this new feature will it be accessible from a CBS?
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