Ammo Capacity Limit Removal

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by PoseidonsFury, Nov 7, 2014.

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  1. *Boots*

    *Boots* User

    Didn't know this happened... been away for a year or so. Less Greed from BP!! good stuff.. wonder what else I missed. Well for now I guess I'll go free up that slot in my ships!!!

  2. I had like 30 of the lvl 3 armory capacity extras and sold them right before this happened thinking they were useless... if I would have known I could have made like 1000+ gg spins out of them I would have kept them.
  3. Sucks for you I guess lol
  4. lol i'll say. I could have opened a kappa with that and finally have my kronos
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