[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Since devs are reading this thread.. why did you waste a chance of making a good event. 250k health and 250k shield on PET npc and I received 55 uridium. I can get more uri by each hp shot by killing kristallons. I have not been playing for 4 months and me or my friends are not going to touch this game or spend any money on it if you don't stop trolling us. What is the point in event aliens if I can get more everything by shooting Kristallon instead of event alien if they are next to each other??? I've had it... So much faith I had has turned into so much sadness. I had a cool 6 years but now it's over. Only going to check back twice a year to see if you have changed things.

    I sure hope that this is some late aprils fools joke and you will make this event an event. You seem to have absolutely no idea what is an event. If I can make more uri by killing Cubikons than doing event you are just trolls to me. In other games I can make at least 2 times more stuff in event days than in normal days. In this game that is completely opposite. Go troll someplace else.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    More new GG stuff, could be linked in with the "Tunnel of Terror" but no way of knowing for sure at the moment.

    There will be a new NPC, the Emperor Struener in what is currently being called the Streuner Gate, however that could be an alternate placeholder name for the Tunnel of Terror. Seems the Emperor Sibelon will also feature in this GG since they both have blank entries for story line text.

    There is also an achievement / title in connection with the Beacon drone designs:

    Equip at least one Beacon Drone design
    Title: Beacon Keeper
    zalaegerszeg likes this.
  3. DragoWolf

    DragoWolf User

    Tunnel of Terror - By it name i would guess that this is a halloween event gate, but we will just have to wait and see.
  4. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    We have another teaser image for you from the dev team...


    I wonder what that could be...
    milcsi14 likes this.
  5. Devy

    Devy User

    @Ddraig New gate?? :D

    PS. How can we open the P.E.T's Attack event gate on x-1 map? :)
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
  6. milcsi14

    milcsi14 User

    Test szerver new gate ??:);)
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

  8. How can we open the P.E.T's Attack event gate on x-1 map? :)
  9. Devy

    Devy User

    Out of topic here (sorry @Okapi32 ), did this e-mail I received from DO about the P.E.T's attack event gives some rewards? Cause I can not find anything in logs and stuff. :)

    ASTRAEA User

    Streuner Galaxy Gate FAQ - (Work in Progress)

    Please note that this feature is still in development and, thus, naming and balancing may change prior to release.

    In general, this GG works like the any other of the regular GGs. It needs to be built with extra energy and is composed out of 100 parts.

    The Streuner Gate provides 3 new Streuner types and a guard turret:

    * Soldier Streuner

    * Specialist Streuner

    * Emperor Streuner

    * Streuner Guard Turret (cannot move but attacks the player in range)

    You have to fight through 5 maps. While the first 3 maps will spawn NPCs in 3 waves, the 4th and 5th map spawn NPCs in 4 waves each with the last map also featuring Emperor NPCs.


    * 15,000 Uridium

    * 150,000 Honor

    * 2,000,000 XP

    * 5 Booty Keys

    * Chance to get one of the following ship designs (if design is already in account, 200,000 Uridium will be booked instead):

    o Aegis Elite

    o Citadel Elite

    o Spearhead Elite

    o Goliath Venom

    o Vengeance Pusat

    * Achievement ~ Still in the works ~

    Please note that this is a Basic work up, and there are possibilities that some of theses
    thing may change prior to the final release.

    Have a nice day and enjoy your game.

    ASTRAEA User

    Devy, No there were no rewards attached to the email inviting you to join the PET Attack event.

    Please have a nice day
  12. Devy

    Devy User

    Thank you for the feedback. :)

    @ASTRAEA Seems like a nice gate. Can we get any info about the NPC's on this gate? How much damage, HP/shield? :)
  13. Thank you sweety :* :D
  14. MяF™

    MяF™ User

    That's a very interesting point in the FAQ. I wonder how they will balance that to prevent us premium/rebate people with the designs trying to farm the gate for the 200k uridium. If the chance is low then players will complain, if the chance is high then it risks being farmed for uridium. Will be interesting to see how they balance that out. Shame about the 100 parts though, would've thought a streuner gate would be aimed towards the lower level users so less parts.

    Anyhow, great to see new content being teased. So don't stop with them...MOAR teases!.
  15. would be cool if this started with streuners and went through all npc races and ended with like bks or pirates :)
  16. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hi there,

    To the best of our knowledge, the PET NPC gate will be unlocked on the last day of the event however no missions will be required to open it.

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
  17. What about the rewards for the gate? If we already have one of the designs are we given on we don't have? I already have all the elite for example, but not venom, so wouldn't get venom or nothing

    Nvm just saw the 200k uri thing... M'bad
  18. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    I was referring to the PET NPC gate which is part of the current event, not the teased Streuner Gate. ;)

    As for the PET NPC gate rewards, i do not know, so we'll have to wait and see on those.

  19. Well this gate could be done once in a time period, means no farming, and maybe you either get a design or 200k uri.
    zalaegerszeg likes this.
  20. Either way it's a design lol esp if you have rebate
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