[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Perhaps the rewards are 1,000,000,000 ice rocket hell storms :DDDDD
    chixonator likes this.
  2. Doods

    Doods User

    Iheard there was a time limit, as in u could do it only once a day/every couple days/week/month. which makes the most sense. we willw ait and see tho ^_^
  3. imapoofya

    imapoofya User

    Even so if you already have all the designs... Which for example I do... lol...
  4. `Luke

    `Luke User

    You just answered your question. The reason the gate parts is high is to make the 200k URI bonus not profitable, Plus we do not know whats the % of getting a design, if its like 10-25%, no one will make a profit from the gate, and A,B,Y will still be the cheapest gates in-game.
  5. ramnik

    ramnik User

    you can already make profit off hades gate thats why i open hades gates always :D plus i think it be possible to open this gate with about 120k uri so easy profit
  6. `Luke

    `Luke User

    You seem to forget that its a chance of actually winning a design. So if it takes you 5 gates to win 1 design, and get 200k uri back, you're still not making any profit.


    astraea,okapi32 do you know when this gate is going to be released ?
  8. It's Ddraig's happy place :)
  9. Hi this is a completely new event gate or gates that will run the test?o_Oo_O
  10. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Yeh i know a chance :) but i wonder what the base rewards will be :)
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Streuner GG achievement:

    I see dead streuners

    Finish the Streuner Gate


    Halloween 2015 achievements:

    Conqueror of Terror
    Be on the 1st place of the challenge mission, when the event ends

    Demon Hunter
    Kill 4 Demon Drones NPCs

    Both achievements have give titles the same as their names.

    There's also a new menu on the equipment hanger called "Customization", no idea what it actually does though.
  12. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    I don't think they will make it so that you can make a (good) profit, gates are designed (in my opinion) for lf4, havoc, hercules and ammo. Of course the uridium you can get is nice but if you would use only uridium, I don't think you will ever get a profit out of this one, as stated above, the chance will probaly be to low, and who knows they might change it to something like an lf4...
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    13 new drone designs (yes, thirteen) - part of the Halloween 2015 I'm guessing:

    • Bat ( Blue / Red / Green / Silver)
    • Skull ( Blue / Red / Green / Silver)
    • Reaper ( Blue / Red / Green / Silver)
    Those 12 appear to be just visual, descriptions are as follows; This drone design will make your drones look like mysterious *insert bat / reaper / skull here*

    The 13th drone design actually does something:

    Demon Drone Design
    This drone design will give you 1% bonus on Rocket damage. In addition, if all 10 drones are equipped with Demon designs - you'll get extra 5% rocket damage and -5% rocket cooldown reduction.

    So if this is 1% per design, then with the full 10 set bonus you're looking at a decent boost in rocket damage if you have the chevron activated, especially for tactics involving the Spectrum. However it would still be less damage per second output than a full lasers+ Drill + Havoc config (assuming the player is UFE).

    There are packages on the uridium page to buy Blue / Red / Green versions of Bat / Skull / Reaper drone designs, however the Silvers and the Demons don't appear to be purchasable directly with actual money so will have to be earned in-game.

    Beacon achievement icon:

    Title for achievement has been renamed to Beacon Light (old was Beacon Keeper)
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
  14. Route™

    Route™ User

    How will they be earnt do you know? gate? achievements or quests or something new? :p
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Appears there is a new setting that allows players to only show their drones whilst keeping the drones of other players hidden.

    <item name="sett_show_my_drones">
    <![CDATA[ Show my drones ]]>

    Halloween Gate teaser video:

    They could be tied in with the Tunnel of Terror GG, however that was only mentioned once and hasn't been referenced again since. More likely will find out closer to the time.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2015
    .[_.darkorbit._]. likes this.
  16. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    We have some more Official information regarding an upcoming Halloween event...


    Please note that this feature is still in development and, thus, naming and balancing may change prior to release.Furthermore, the Ghostifier feature is nice to have and may not be released.

    Halloween 2015 FAQ

    The Halloween 2015 event features the same content like in the previous years but provides exciting new content like additional missions and achievements, new drone designs and last but not least a special Halloween Gate.

    Core Features

    * 7 exclusive missions, including one special challenge
    * Special Pumpkin Bonus Boxes
    * The horrifying Curcubitor NPC is threatening the safety of the maps in Orbit!
    * Ghosts Boss NPCs – more terror, bigger pay-offs!
    * Bat Drone Formations – just what you need in the fight against the aliens
    * New Drone Designs!
    * New Ghostifier CPU, turns your ship into a Ghost – scary!
    * Level Invasion Gate with the Kucurbium NPC
    * Achievement + Titles
    Ghost Hunter (Gold): Kill 100 Ghost NPCs.
    The Pumpkin Warrior: Defeat the Boss Curcubitor 4 times.
    Curcubinator (Gold): Destroy 900 Curcubitor Minions.
    Demon Hunter (Gold): Kill 4 Demon Drone NPCs.
    Conqueror of Terror (Gold): Achieve the minimum time in the challenge mission by the end of the event.
    Ghost Seeker (Silver): Kill 50 Ghost NPCs.
    Jack o’Lantern (Silver): Collect 600 Pumpkin boxes.
    The Medium (Bronze): Kill 25 Ghost NPCs.​
    * Achievement only
    Sweet-tooth (Iron): Collect 2,000 Candy Cargo boxes
    Introducing new Drone Designs!

    We are introducing a number of new drone designs with specific variations, so that you can pick the ones you like best.

    Three of the drones (“Robo-Bat”, “Reaper” and “Skull”) will give you a variation of cool new visuals. On top of that the “Demon” design does also give you a little bonus.

    Colour Variations
    Halloween Gate and Uridium Shop​
    Skull with trail​
    Drone leaves a colored trail​
    Halloween Gate and Uridium Shop​
    Reaper with trail​
    Drone leaves a colored trail​
    Halloween Gate and Uridium Shop​
    Robo-Bat with trail​
    Drone leaves a colored trail​
    Demon Drone
    For every Demon drone design equipped: +1% Rocket damage (up to 10% for all drones) When all available drones are equipped with the Demon design additionally -5% Rocket Cooldown (*)​
    Demon Drone
    Special visual variation​
    For every Demon drone design equipped: +1% Rocket damage (up to 10% for all drones) When all available drones are equipped with the Demon design additionally -5% Rocket Cooldown (*)​
    Halloween Gate and challenge mission reward (limited to Top10)​
    (*) Example:
    • If you have 5 drones and equip all of them with the Demon drone design, on top of 5% extra Rocket damage, you will benefit from a 5% Rocket Cooldown reduction (“Set bonus”).
    • If you have 10 drones equipped with the Demon drone design, you benefit from 10% extra rocket damage and -5% Rocket cooldown.
    Note: Should you not have the full set of drones (default 8, 10 incl. Apis and Zeus) and purchase or win another drone without the Demon drone design, the bonus will not be available until the Demon design is equipped.

    The Tunnel of Terror (Halloween Gate)

    Appearing on the center of the map x-4 of each company, this gate has 9 maps. Each new map has a difficulty increase on the waves, till the last map is "insane".

    Except for the first map, on each one you can find one Demon Box containing 1 of the new drone designs. For finishing the last map the box will contain the awesome looking special Demon drone design.

    Note: You can play the Halloween gate only once every 24 hours – so after either losing your 100 lives or successfully finishing the gate you have to wait 24h. (E.g. Should you start at seven and finish/fail at eight, you can only start the gate again at eight the next day.)

    Ghostifier GST-01

    * Turns player’s ship into a Ghost upon usage for 60 seconds
    * Cooldown: 120 seconds
    * Consumable item, works like e.g. EMP
    * Available in the Shop for 750 Uridium
    * Pack of 10 charges available in Payment for a discount
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 25, 2015
  17. This will be amazing event. But when it's starting?
  18. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Halloween! So most likely late October going into early November :)

  19. More Ghosts!! :eek:
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