[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. If so, then that would be great :p

    T <3
  2. Devy

    Devy User

    @RickDekard These new cosmetic drone designs feel so good, especially that red Demon design. Gosh, that looks amazing!

    Now, it will be really awesome if you can make some ship cosmetics too. Let's say Goliath Demon cosmetic, so it fits the drone style :) And that will be really awesome, this game will become so much different and every player can "customize" the ships they like to play the most with different styles. :)
    chixonator and RickDekard like this.
  3. RickDekard

    RickDekard User Team DarkOrbit Team Darkorbit

    We're currently looking into the exact implementation, but we will provide support for this in the near future. We want to make sure that the bonuses that are being used are apparent, despite the vanity options in place.

    But given that there are definitely ways to do this and it's already apparent that people really like the cosmetic drone designs so far, we've decided to move ahead on it.

    With that in mind, don't forget that the Beacon designs are available until the end of the month. ;)
  4. ßőŋεѕ

    ßőŋεѕ User

    Don't forget to include PET designs as well!
  5. Completed both Event Gates and they were fun. Especially the hard one.
    However, I noticed I didnt get the achievement for killing the Alpha PET.

    T <3
  6. Devy

    Devy User

    I have noticed that too, after completing the easy gate didn't received the achievement. Or, maybe that will be another Alpha PET. Who knows :D
  7. That's what I was expecting for reward from P.E.T Attack gate... I'm a bit disappointed about that.

    I was also disappointed about this reward since i already have
    CSR-02 P.E.T. gear level 3.
    (Rest is fine)

    I really hope we can get some P.E.T designs in near future. Just cosmetics are enough for starters. :)

    BTW. RickDekard I would love to see white skull design for drones :D

    And about those "Silver" designs... Those will just look like plastick (gray) if you don't do something about that lack of metallic glow, and shine.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
  8. phibian

    phibian User

    Will the Halloween drones be given the same ability as the beacon drones, allowing for the unique look while giving us bonuses of havocs and hercs?
  9. relax

    relax User

    They've already got that ability ? U can use them(beacons) while you are using hercs and havocs ?(nvm I won't buy them anyways) but.. maybe they'll get that ability as well lol
  10. That would be cool yes, but I would like to have these cool designs for other ships too, such as Aegis, Spearhead, Citadel, and Vengeance. And I think credit ships shouldn't be forgotten either.
    It's pretty boring, that we have like "million" different cool designs for Goliath, and more is coming, and others have only few or none.
  11. Devy

    Devy User

    You are absolutely right! It would be cool if we can see Leonov designs, Nostromo, BigBoy's etc. :)
  12. Hi Rick,

    A bit off topic again, the number of bots that are in this game again is getting stupid, your bot scanning thing is clearly not working, do you have plans with dealing with these bots?
  13. DragoWolf

    DragoWolf User

    I like the direction Dark Orbit is now moving in. I would like to see more changes to "noob" protection and more end game activites and events. I know the Dev team is working on changes and new content. I would also like to see more credit items and cosmeic changes for the credit ships. As we have 1000s of goils and aegis running around and it is very rare to see a credit ship.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  14. EmoShip

    EmoShip User

    I can answer this for them. As they stated the new bot scripts arebchanging everyday. It is hard to counter something that changesbso frequently. And of course they are always trying to fix bot issues. You guys are just impatient. You guys dont understand bots, scripts and macros.
  15. RickDekard

    RickDekard User Team DarkOrbit Team Darkorbit

    I feel like we're starting to hijack the intent of this thread a bit (Sorry @Okapi32 ) - but I will say really quickly that this is something we're always discussing. It's an ever-evolving challenge that's likely always going to be a topic to some degree. That said, we should be providing some information soon on additional near-term action in this area.
    Blue~Lazer and GhostOfJupiter like this.
  16. Now only if I could apply the Independence over my surgeon :cool:But then maybe all basic eye candy ships that give no bonuses could be cosmetics to be placed over say an enforcer or bastion design:D?

    I wander if Okapi has any pictures of these cosmetics on the space map?
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Streuner GG breaking news image:

    Halloween 2015 breaking news image:

    Guessing the BN text will come in next couple of days.

    It's all good since the amount of people from other forums / languages who come and visit this thread, it makes for a convenient place to post stuff like that ^^

    I tried setting up the client so that it would show the colour trails on the drones, however the current version being run on regular servers doesn't seem able to produce the trails when asked to. So I think I need to wait for a couple things to be put on the live servers before I can get in-game images / GIFs of the designs.

    I think it's pretty likely that the stuff needed will be updated prior to the event starting though, so should be easy enough to show the in-game view of them soon-ish.
  18. With all do respect...

    nobody cares about botters except DO....players care about the auto lockers DO doesnt...the autolockers are rapent on my server and its sad how DO wont run their scripts again to rid the game of the them.

    T <3
    Blue~Lazer, -Corex- and Gman5301 like this.
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Streuner Emperor speech:
    Emperor Erreet Falard to unidentified ship: this is your last warning! Turn around instantly, or face the consequences. This is our home, and we'll defend it to the very last Streuner!

    Sibelon Emperor speech:
    That idiot Erreet's fleet is coming apart. Streuners can be useful if they're properly armed, but I suppose breeding tells: sooner or later, human filth is still human filth.

    What? You dare attack me?! Then come and get it, vermin!

    Seems the streuner GG final name might be 'Kuiper Gate'.

    Kuiper Gate storyline:
    Cannon fodder, outlaws, and mercenaries who'll do any dirty work for enough credits: the Streuner are the scapegoats and doormats for the whole galaxy!

    However, a new factor in this equation is gathering momentum: a faction of aggressive young Streuners who are adamant about no longer being pushed around. Equipped with cutting-edge weapons technology by their Sibelon backers, they are taking the fight to humanity for the first time since their species' human status was revoked, using terror, shock, and awe to draw everyone's attention and bolster their popularity at home.

    The Companies aren't going to back away from this direct challenge to their authority! Since their scouts in the Kuiper Belt recently discovered the hidden entry to the Streuner's asteroid refuges and hidey-holes, the human race is preparing to launch a full-scale attack - with you in the front lines!

    Halloween 2015 Quests / Challenge:

    From Another Universe
    Ah! Finally, a conduit! Listen closely: we're all in danger. My universe exists parallel to yours, and one of your Gates has snagged on... you have no word for it; sort of a sharp piece of Time - and it's ripped a hole near your neutral sector, a rare anomaly called the Tunnel of Terror. Beware the Demon Drones within!

    No Time to Lose
    This is becoming a mess of cosmic proportions. If the Tunnel remains open between our universes, the multiverse will start to collapse and merge - and that warps space and disorders causality to the point that time will seem to speed up. We can fix it, but only by working together to clear the Gate!

    Slipped Through the Cracks
    Our pilots have really stepped up to meet this emergency - they're even racing against the clock to see who can clear the Gate fastest! I suppose humans wouldn't race the way we would, though: it's only for the very brave, and most reckless of ace pilots, you see. It's all right. No shame in caution.
  20. gamepark

    gamepark User

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