[ML] Official: VIDEO THREAD Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Kuiper GG for anyone not able to check it out on test2 :)

  2. WAIT
    YOU'RE Owning!?
    I'm so blind ._.
  3. His signature says it..
  4. After seeing the video, I looked back at his signature and saw it >~>
  5. Yes, i am not a good fighter, but i love fighting.
    Yes, i dont add effects in my videos and other editing, because i dont like them.
    Yes, my english isnt good but i am trying. :D
    Yes, i have no idea why i write these things, here is my second video of fights in the test server, only if i had seprom and rsb.. :D
    Link: Enjoy! :p
  6. Witchway

    Witchway User

    Lastest Video from the Steel Raiders [12] Clan video created by ONE in our clan.

  7. BGzvqr

    BGzvqr User

    Citadel vs Sentiel / Test/

    Citadel and base

  8. nice Vid [12]


    guys can you make a video with citadel against goliath desings(sentinel,spectrum) on 1vs 1 like test to see which is better thanks
  10. Sentinel is clearly superior. Ability lasts 2 minutes compared to spectrum's 30 seconds ;3

    But, that's with assuming that the enemy doesn't have moth.


    i want to see citadel vs sentinel with 2 players with full lf4 with everything
  12. here is my new video =) hope you like it ^^

  13. GG Tunnel of Terror (Halloween Gate 2015)
  14. madmike

    madmike User

  15. TPG vs EIC, who will win? =D

  16. Istalro

  17. •»†₣ŪŁŁ†«•[ŘΞĐ™]

    Fight on global europe 1 !
  18. apetown.

    apetown. User

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