[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. SauronL

    SauronL User

    they should make it 1 a day. Not each 24hrs . cuz if u will start first day at 10pm u wont be able to do all. for example.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  2. ermm 1 day is 24 hours :s if you do it at 10pm one day you will be able to do it at 10pm the next day even if it was as i think you are saying you do 1 at 10pm then do another at 00:01 yo will still have to wait 23.59 mins to do the next 1
  3. And Monday is not Tuesday -.-' ... If you do the gate Monday at 23.30 you could do next one Tuesday at 00.01 for example. Next after that would be Wensday 00.01 or later. That's 1 a day!
    If they would implement it other ways, and start moment would be pushed further in future each day, it would be totally messed up!
  4. im confused on what you are saying you can only do the gate every 24h no time reset after 12 German time so if you finished teh gate at 23:30 you can only do the gate again at 23:30 the next day
  5. You can do the gate in 24 hour time limit. Once a day. (Server time) It doesn't matter what clock shows, but what day it currently is.
    I hope you now understand. i don't know how else i would explain this. :/
  6. i think what veki was saying is alot of games do a 23 hour countdown so you can play at your usual time and still do event within 24 hour you still lose time every day doing gate if you start at 6pm first day, at day 6 if you take an hour each day to do gate you'll be on at midnight to start gate. just would be nice to be able to do gate everyday and still not have to stay up all night to maximize the event

    Edit the gate reset at game reset would be good but reading the info it sounds like a timer
  7. nope you got it wrong

    Note: You can play the Halloween gate only once every 24 hours – so after either losing your 100 lives or successfully finishing the gate you have to wait 24h. (E.g. Should you start at seven and finish/fail at eight, you can only start the gate again at eight the next day.)

    ^^ not my words ddraigs
  8. Well If that's the case it's pretty messed up if you ask me.
  9. SauronL

    SauronL User

    No it means if u will start gate at 10 pm , complete it at 10.30 pm it means next day u can start it at 10.30 pm again.
    so if event is only 10 days u wont be able to do it 10th day cuz it will be like 3 am next day , for example.
    chixonator likes this.
  10. if u jump out of the gate u can still go back in it it says if u complete the gate or lose it u will not be able to do it again untill the same time you lose it or finish it the next day if u start it at that sort of time then yes u will lose a one of the gate
  11. That's if you take literally what Ddraig said earlier. I hope that's not how it goes, and arguing about who's right doesn't give us right answer. Maybe someone who have actual information about this could give us answer for this? Like
    Ddraig for example.

  12. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    The information i posted was given to us directly by support (there have been no changes or alterations by the moderating team). Obviously the event is still in development so this may change, however based on the information we have been given thus far, it does appear to be the case of every 24 hours rather than one per day.

  13. I wish they'd make the timer 23 hours and 30 mins, just to prevent the constant case of runover. It's really annoying having the gate time pushed all the way to 3am or something.
    chixonator likes this.
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Ghostifier shop images:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You can buy them in single uses or as packages of 10 and 100. They are labled as a special ammo that is 'Customization' so it could be that they are something just for messing around with, like wiz rockets.
    chixonator likes this.
  15. yea like in the vid they made where all the npcs where ghost and it looked like the ship had a flash light what ever you shoot turned into a ghost

  16. Will you please post event release date.
  17. If he hasn't posted it, he most likely doesn't have it. Chill out.
    -Corex- and Okapi32 like this.
  18. Veki

    Veki User

    Thanks for the information.

    Just to clarify, if the event is running for 7 days, that means player should be able to do event gate 7 times. But should he start late on the 1st day of the event (lets say 20:00 and it takes 1 hour to finish the gate) then he can finish the gate only 6 times. By the time when he could start the gate for the 7th time, event would already be over.
  19. Awesome, some clarification has arrived lol.That ammo have a price on it?
  20. Looks like 4 variations of DCR rockets o_O
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