Tunel of Terror - info.

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by SauronL, Oct 20, 2015.

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  1. It does the job eventually, may be worth scrapping this run an reset ready for the weekend.

    IF you can stick out the next waves until Wave 51: 3x Uber Devolarium for the good ammo drop you will have enough good ammo to nail the rest of the npc if used wisely esp if you have pet kami. Wave 49: 1x Uber Kristallon is a regular bk in disguise by the looks of it though it may have a slightly longer range than usual as some have been tweaked, esp on the death run to corners and the rest is relatively easy on that map.

    I ran through the first time with x1 sepped with no Pet Kamikaze which took me an age to do, if you have the pet kami learn where best to use it as some waves hit real hard to start with so a mill shield on spd config is good here for the later waves with x1 an kami. Once they are below 50% hp you can then hit them with moth to pop them or send them to corner, recharge both shields at this point if possible and then go back in with the kamikaz'e and big shield, switch to dmg config an moth, send to corner - rinse/repeat. This method works on most waves, also if you are hitting hard try an Energy leech for the big UFO and moth it, my HP didn't budge with no shields as it hits so low my hp was recharging faster than it could dmg me.

    If you don't have prem or kamikaze I would restart for the ammo drops and/or get some job100 if possible as it tears the npc to shreads on the death run with uber rockets and moth as does RB214.
  2. Rif~Raf

    Rif~Raf User

    used 700k sep and 500k x2 ammo to finish gate + kami on pet , took ages. 72 waves, last 2 waves r real easy
  3. Thank you so much for posting this sauronL, but I have a few questions.
    How strong are the ufonits? And how much uri do they give?
    Approx How much ammo do u get from the boxes?
    Are the rewards for the ubk nerfed as well as the strength?
  4. SauronL

    SauronL User

    How strong are the ufonits?
    Quite easy, i killed em with 2 kamis, so they strong like normal protegit id say, just different look and so.
    And how much uri do they give?
    As i remember i got 48 Uridium for 1 Ufonit.
    Approx How much ammo do u get from the boxes?
    Depends, saw some posts up to 100k RB-214, 15k hstrm-01, thousands uber rockets and like 20k x4. You can boost em by usin doubler, salvago or pilot bio.
    Are the rewards for the ubk nerfed as well as the strength?
    I am sure they are, hovewer, didnt count nerfed ubks yet so ill just do it tomorow. UBKs are quite nice for rank points, because all of them counts in RP as well as normal UBKs.
    killerpotato likes this.
  5. The ufonits are slightly stronger than an SK, 2x kami an they will all run to corner, if not your pet missed, uri is quiet a lot for what they are though I don't recall exactly how much.

    Seems to be random on the amount of ammo you get, can't recall the ubk rewards as only the last one is a real uber BK hitting hard with long range though they can all give a booster/log disc even the nerfed one's. I also had ammo drops for 12000 RB214, others had more, 2k 2021 rockets, 7500x4, and similar to above.

    GL with it Potato!
  6. Oh I hate those ufonits more than I dislike the UberSibs. Those are similar to protegits, but with a big fat head. Using the speed config most after you pop the Melters.


    Could kill them in less time using credit ammo if you just back away enough to stay out of range. Did it today with a Goli with only 15 lf-3's.
  8. SauronL

    SauronL User

    i dont think so, u can make video to teach us.
  9. jager33

    jager33 User

    done first 2 maps easy and started 3rd map to get second demon drone, 3rd map way to hard for super noob like me but im happy 2 demon drones...

    just got to do it 5 times to get 10 :) roll on 20 hour reset

    thanks SauronL for wave list
    SauronL likes this.
  10. wave 47 is more then 10 uber lil sib's i think it more like 20
  11. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Ill check it out.
  12. yh i just did that wave and its 20, also 48&49 come seperate from 50&51
  13. bd33

    bd33 User

    just jumped in to halloween gate after 22 hours.. it didnt reset uggg....

    joy.... 20 u sibs again...
  14. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Youve to complete the whole gate or lose all your lifes and your gate will reset in 20 hours.
  15. fatalalexx

    fatalalexx User

    So... If U go to 3th map and loose all the 10 lives, after 20hours you go to Wave 1 or you return to the 3th map ?
  16. SauronL

    SauronL User

    wave 1
  17. fatalalexx

    fatalalexx User

    Thx mate ;)

    Can be closed.
  18. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Thats info thread that shouldnt be closed, its not thread in issues area lol.
  19. ßőŋεѕ

    ßőŋεѕ User

    Have noticed since doing the new gg 3 times that they have now changed the rewards and players are getting ridiculous amounts of ammo? Do we the ones that did it before they changed rewards get any kind of compensation? seems only fair (paying customer)
  20. bd33

    bd33 User

    "Youve to complete the whole gate or lose all your lifes and your gate will reset in 20 hours." SauronL
    yes bones the gate has changed 100 lives to 10{is a reasonable amount} and end wave of each set give good ammo

    this is a good thing make sure you collect each end wave drop
    ßőŋεѕ likes this.