[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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    solid eye when you say steuner booty boces what do you mean ?those boxes require keys or not ?
  2. yeah we want it as a very rare item hard to get but in the list :)
  3. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Not sure, we've updated the FAQ this morning but that isn't something we have info on just yet. May have an opportunity to find out later though ;)
  4. -Fleabird-

    -Fleabird- User

  5. What does the "1x" mean? That I can craft a Zeta part only once per event?
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2015
  6. 1 part per craft I guess
  7. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hi guys,

    Just a note that the dates given for the Kuiper Launch Event were incorrect (draft FAQ was drawn up before event was finalised). We'll announce the true dates for the Kuiper Launcher Event once we have received those.

  8. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    That ´´assembly / crafting system'' looks good! I especially like it that you can create a PET as this might a somewhat cheaper / better way for new players and helping them out is always a good thing. And there are even some more valuable things like an LF4, so it seems to me like it is a preaty good update, even for new and FE players!
  9. This crafting system sounds so amazing! LF4, OMG. I only fear the things which you need to craft, I hope it will be not TOO hard to get the ressources.
  10. Nough32

    Nough32 User

    If the current tech center is removed, does that mean I lose my progress on Zeus and Apis?
  11. And "recipes" means bonus boxes right?..
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Shop images for frozen ship designs and drone design.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    acid27, *Amitié* and ΉӨMΣЯ like this.
  13. phibian

    phibian User

    do we have any info on how much these designs will cost in shop or on the uridium page yet?

  14. its 200k uri but you may be right on the odd 75% nothing 5% for each ship its all just guess work until you do the gate
  15. This seems a fair question Nough32 ... one would assume they will deal with that nearer the time as the dates for this are yet TBC..
  16. ronz

    ronz User

    Does the Goliath "Froze" design provide any passive bonuses?
  17. acid27

    acid27 User

    Hello !

    When this : Arena Tournament
    will be in game ? ( 3vs3 or 5vs5 ? )

    I am not really a fond of UBA or GG... with these news events like the Kuiper gate
    , players can play alone and it's not fun anymore :(

    For the winter event, I really like the designs :)
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  18. Okapi one friend told me that this aegis design will also have change in the abilities like ICE Repair Pod is that true ?
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The Frost Citadel / Aegis / Spearhead will have the same stats as the Elite Citadel / Aegis / Spearhead. The visual of the Aegis repair pod is different, however it is only the visual.

    No, it has no bonuses.
    ronz likes this.
  20. Typical - ALL these NEW stuff GIVES nothing :rolleyes: Same with this orange drones for rubbish rockets o_O GO to HELLstorm formation IS the WAY to GO ;) Wreck HAVOC and HERCULES to DEMISE o_O
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