[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Does anyone have any idea how much those frozen designs would cost? I don't want to spend too much on something that is merely a visual effect and provides no passive/active bonuses whatsoever
  2. thanks i hope you are going to make a video for the rest of them i want to see how the repair pod looks like
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  3. Blue~Lazer

    Blue~Lazer User

    Frost Ship Designs

    The Frost ship design will be available for Uridium in the Shop and for the following ship models: Aegis, Spearhead, Citadel and Goliath.
    While the ship design for the Goliath (150,000 Uridium) will be a visual change only, the designs for Aegis, Spearhead and Citadel (200,000 Uridium each) will have the same stats like the Elite ship designs in addition to the changed visual appearance.

    as posted already in a previous reply from Ddraig
  4. Got some nice info here ;) I just wander how fast we could craft a zeta gate :cool:.
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Few more crafting / assembly related quest text added:

    Starting the Production
    You should have enough resources to produce an Item from the Assembly now. Let's do it!

    There was also an extra quest added ... for something, there are currently 4 quests with no names or story line line text.

    Yesterday a new entry was added to the Breaking News section called 'droneDesignSplit' which is presumably about people being able to put cosmetic drone designs on at the same time as having Havoc / Hecules / Demon equipped. OA about it >here<

    It's not radically different, it looks like a normal repair pod ability however the actual pod when dropped has the blue tint around it like all the frozen ships do. The particle effect from the pod is still the same and green etc, just so that people can still easily recognize what it is i'm guessing.
    I will see if I can get a video of them all done over the weekend though.

    It was actually old code when I found it, hidden away among a bunch of things that were already out in the game. I think part of it might have been used for the 5v5 stuff that is run by the Turkish DO team but the actual code itself hasn't changed in a couple of years as far as I can tell.

    I wouldn't hold out too much hope in seeing it in the game soon, seems they're are pretty busy with the client feature improvement, then on top of that they are still looking into Jackpot solutions and server population stuff.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
  6. ramnik

    ramnik User

    There's rumors on gb1 that gb2 will merge with us? anyone know if they true cos i seen nothing about it lol. i mean i only trolled people like a month ago about it lol
    *MOONGLOW* likes this.
  7. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Citadel Elite is a waste, they should INCREASE the length of the travel ability, it is almost the only usefull thing the citadel has outside group. If it wouldn't be for the 5% damage bonus and looks I would prefer the normal Citadel any day.

    A bit dissapointing if you ask me, I would have expected way more details, not the ''neutral'' version of Citadel Aegis and Spearhead with some kind of blue glow :I.

    If they only would have had diffrent stats, I would actually buy them, we don't need fancy designs, we need diffrent stats and options! The citadel sucks outside group and I would like some more fancy options for spearhead as well, especially since pusat came. This is your chance to solve some big balance problems bigpoint, I strongly recommend you use it!
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
  8. yes they are neutral but there is going to have some special effects on the abilities like blue repair pod even this i will agree with you maybe a shield bonus will be better for this designs
  9. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    But still, I can buy 40K RSB or I can buy 1 graphic design, which gives me stats that I already have. You have got to have to much uridium to buy any of these designs xD
  10. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Ill buy them anyways
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Lots of people buy things just for looks, in all games. There are thousands of people with the football Goliath designs, they are no different from the Frozen Citadel / Aegis / Spearhead designs in terms of usefulness compared to other much cheaper designs that do the same job. I've seen some really small ships with the football designs flying around too x)

    There will be lots of people who are UFE or almost UFE who will buy them because they are new and look nice - they will be the first ship designs with particle effects. I know I'm going to buy the Aegis and Goliath versions at least ^^
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015


    partical effects ? Okapi32
  13. for me is the aegis i really like blue so this is a perfect i am not EIC at all so i love it :D
    ₤ℓ_Ģŗiŋĝø likes this.
  14. I agree with Okapi, some of us just like new things, wish they never made the 3 color designs for bids and uri purchase, some of us spent money on those to look different, now everyone has them.
    ₤ℓ_Ģŗiŋĝø and SauronL like this.
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    3 streuner related quests:

    The Den
    Streuners with technical upgrades? How did they come by those? This is highly suspicious. But for now, my scouts have found them - the ex-human scum think they're safely hidden in the Kuiper Belt. Let's unearth them from their burrows, just as hunters used to do to the fierce and wily koala of legend!

    A Wild Streuner Appears!
    Dry hells, what is it now? Damn Streuners - can't an old pirate water his plants in peace without something new coming up? I know I promised you a little rest, but something about these Streuners is different from what we've seen before. And that makes me antsy!

    Streuner Metamorphosis
    What? Streuners behaving un-Streunerly? Bah! I'm going to need you to look into containing this problem while we continue the search for Roque. My gut tells me that we're only just scraping the surface, here, so I want my best people on it. That means you!

  16. 77Transam

    77Transam User

    What is the projected release date for the Crafting system?
  17. Please at the birthday of Dark Orbit, so everybody can celebrate it and will remember the funny birthday day.
    Painkiller32 likes this.
  18. When will be release the Kuiper event and Kuiper gate?
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    There is no information regarding a date for the crafting system, however personally I would be pretty surprised it it was released this year. Since work flow will slow down towards the end of December with people being on holiday along side the DO team working on quite a few updates at the moment, I think the crafting system will be early 2016.

    However that is just my opinion on it, not 'fact' by any means.

    Some time this month, but again there is no definitive date. Since today's Kuiper test was only a few hours it probably means the DO team only needed a small amount of testing information so the gate is pretty much ready for release.
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