Kuiper gate feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Oct 6, 2015.

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  1. We bought doublers. spend our money in this game becuase we saw the good boxes. and its still not profitable for us.
    We did not bought doublers for this trash 7-8 spins boxes. And you guys have think about the game economy before adding this bonus boxes in live servers. accept that its your fault.
    Darkorbit wasted our money. you can't change the truth.

    Sorry if i talked to much and for bad english also. But everyone who bought doubler will be agree with my post.
    MyNameIs likes this.
  2. I am all for the change Kerensky, but once again DO has changed the rules after getting people to spend for what they where blindly led into believing, the ones who actually scored from this are the botters that ran all night and collected way more than we could collect the entire event.
    many people have done the gate since the server restart and I am sorry but no one has gotten the bonus reward, so something is up there, definitely not they way you have said previously that it will be even a 50% chance, that I would say is a fair chance.
    -AdamantiumDragon- and MyNameIs like this.
  3. Without a guaranteed chance at more than 15k uri the gate is dead. The people pumping uri into this gate don't care about the designs since we already have them all.

    The only way I would even consider putting uri/gg spins into this instead of any other gate would be if there was a guaranteed reward. Maybe not 200k uri but something else which would be worth while. Say a chance at 100k whites, 20k rsb etc. Since the gate costs anywhere between 100k and 150k uri to build (without rebate) it has to be a good reward to even get me to consider it. In its current state I'd rather put uri into alpha/beta/gamma.

    Also as a last note, which designer is the one who feels it is necessary to put ubersibs/bosssibs into every new gate. They are crap for the time/ammo needed to pop them. Give us uberbks, uberlks etc instead atleast their rewards are better for time/uri/ammo.

    And back on topic, how do i go about getting a refund for the bb doubler I bought yesterday, these boxes aren't worth my time now.
  4. that is not the case the gate is fine with the chances as you will hopefully get free gate parts from the log in system and thus you can do the gate for free and have a chance at good rewards
  5. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    Agreed it's highly unfortunate and we are not happy about this. But talking botters: we cannot talk about details yet but there are things going on in the background that will come as a nasty surprise to them. [Mad-evil-scientist-laugh]
  6. Sok_PL1

    Sok_PL1 User

    not happy but bp have our money yes? so i thing you are very very happy
  7. their is no new misions wasent eny just gate and specal bonus boxes
  8. As far as I am aware according to the announcements about this event the gate parts are only given as a login bonus during the event. So no one is getting a gate completely from this in the time given.

    If I am mistaken on this and we always get the parts, then it will be a nice gate to do every 50days, I still however will not be dumping uri into it.
  9. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I bought doubler , boxed 30 mins and logged. OK then, i can pay 2 dollars to buy them a snack.(a lot players will still be mad)
    I like they nerfed chances/spins. When i saw they first came out i knew its going to happen.
    But i dont see it fair for those that had 30 mins of boxing and those that macroed the whole time.
    I feel really dissapointed that i already saw screenshots with 98k spins on fb and so. This is ridiculous. Not that nerf at all. It would ruin everything if it would give OP rewards the whole week.
  10. You left me almost completely wordless. I totally agree! I have only one thing to add...

    ["From best gate to the worst gate in a flash!"]

    There is absolutely no point to build this gate anymore!
    Blue~Lazer likes this.
  11. Titi

    Titi User

    can anyone tell me how is fair my friend did this gate yesterday 5 times and got over 1 mil uri while i did it 3 times and got 45k uri pff im very disspointed
  12. My PET did not get repaired so I assume you hit the repairer. I removed mine so I would not make the same mistake. If using KAMI you will not want to repair him anyways so just take it off him.

    They have been having issues with the NEWSLETTERS, depending on how you created your account you may or may not get the NEWSLETTERS. There are 4 of us (R L F) and 3 get them the 4th does not funny thing is 2 signed up using the same AFFILIATE and 1 gets it the other does not and yet they have both WHITELISTED DO's emails like suggested and both have NEWSLETTERS turned ON but it is blamed on the AFFILIATE blocking the communication and the AFFILIATE knows nothing about what they are talking about.
  13. Yeah...I noticed that before. They (DO) moved around or we playing in 3D or 2D o_O I play in 3D :cool:
  14. They are there now you will see them in the NORMAL mission screen.
  15. DogScout

    DogScout User

    Just DO trying to mix us up. But then what difference does it make you know what each is so I don't see the issue (normal portal or gg start portal). I agree if you were doing this BLIND it might be confusing but then you would not be doing gates if you were blind anyways, and I have not heard of anyone BOTTING a Galaxy Gate so the change would not effect them either.
  16. DogScout

    DogScout User

    Can any one tell me if the changes to the NPC's in the map are permanent or if just for this event? I am not happy that the StrueneR's now fire rockets when they used to just follow you, the Boss and regular Struener no longer follow (or pay attention to) you when you are searching for them to do Daily Quest. Are the Kuiper Strueners going to be in X-2 beyond the event dates?
  17. I'd like to know what is the chance to receive ship design or 200k U currently??? 10%?? 15%?? 25%??

    As far as i have heard, chances are pretty crappy, but what it exactly is, i would like to know?
    Kuiper FAQ doesn't tell this, and if you ask me, it would be nice from Bp. if you would be so kind and tell everyone what numbers we have there now?
    Blue~Lazer likes this.
  18. veritas

    veritas User

    I thought the 30+ spins were quite generous; just supposed it was a few hour rollout / early bird catches the worm sort of thing, and that it would be scaled back w/in 24 hours anyway. :rolleyes: IMO 5 or 6 is still pretty nice, but the contrast of what it was is what makes it seem like it's not. I was fortunate enough to catch some of the big spin boxes, at least.

    I do think that given the initial 200,000 uri payout on the gate, EVERYBODY who does the gate for the first time ought to get that 100% guarantee of a reward. I don't know how else to make it semi-fair. Sure folks who did it multiple times really banked some serious uri, but I'd be okay with just one guaranteed gate. I would not be okay getting nothing, knowing those who were powerful enough to blast through the gate before the slip-up was caught got to pile even more advantage into their account.
  19. SnakeIdol

    SnakeIdol User

    Well after the Nerf of the gate I find it, useless it gives 15k uri and the chance to even get a return of the 100k + you need to build it is very low and you also get no X-4 from it so until you all change it again it gets a fail grade.
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