Upgrading Cost Charts

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by =MANTICORE=, Dec 28, 2013.

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  1. VERSION UPDATE: 10th May, 2013



    Total cost to upgrade one Uridium item to maximum (with 100% efficiency) = 104,250 Uridium



    Total cost to upgrade one Credit item to maximum (with 100% efficiency) = 581,625,000 Credits



    Total cost to upgrade one Internal Module to maximum (with 100% efficiency) = 402,750 Uridium



    Total cost to upgrade one External Module to maximum (with 100% efficiency) = 268,500 Uridium

    ** The highlighted cells indicate the most cost-effective option for upgrade.
    (Based on statistical probability - actual results may vary).
    ** The bonuses provided for upgraded equipment are different for Uridium-cost items, Credit-cost items, and Modules.
    ** DMG Bonus applies to all laser types, the Hellstorm Rocket Launcher, and all drone types.
    ** SHLD Bonus applies to all shield types, and all drone types.
    ** Internal Modules are the Deflector Module, and the Hull Module.
    ** External Modules are any types which are placed in the surrounding 8 modules of the CBS.
    ** The BONUS applied to External Modules is an increase to the effectiveness of that item (eg. more damage for lasers/rockets, higher amounts for Honor/Experience/Damage boosters, etc).
    ** The benefits from Premium and/or Rebate will reduce the listed costs as per standard.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 29, 2015
  2. Thanks bro
    Although the one on the previous forum can still be accessed (for now), great help ^^
    Super2.0 and GΛLΛCTUS_R3BΘRN like this.
  3. my pocket hurts each time i look at this
    SauronL and KilerStreak like this.
  4. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    It's not cheap indied but by useing this charts it still saves you a lot of uri...
    Sometimes an upgrade fails but still i saved a lot of uri got a few lf4 lvl 16 now by never going above 85% off upgrade chance
  5. plaku

    plaku User

    You have one mistake on the shield chart upgrade m8 , the shield maximum upgrade is 16% ask any1 .
    and max lf4 upgrade is 6 % i think you should change .

    BOSS~ADAM User

    No the chart is correct, the maximum bonus from a upgraded drone at level 16 is 6% more damage and 15% more shields.
  7. BOSS ADAM is correct. 15% shield at level 16 and 6% damage. Thanks for moving the chart here though I never use it :D I used to follow the guidelines and I lost tons of uridium. Did 24 upgrades at 25% and 1 actually upgraded. Now I just use 100% with rebate and premium and wait for upgrade hours.
    jackknife likes this.
  8. I just do upgrades at 75%, win-win either way; out of 43 upgrades, only 5 failed :)
  9. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Hi =MANTICORE=, how is are you? :) how is Australia?

    what happen to the acknowledgement of my best chance option input?

    I noticed in the;
    Game FAQs
    Upgrading System FAQ thread

    You did not even get the acknowledgement for your Input.
  10. -cryoman-

    -cryoman- User

    bounty you could just enter a crud ton of caps in the HITAC event and get some of the 80 dlevel 16 LF-4 cannons
  11. hey hey we just need 60-65% to lv 2 for upgrading credits item
  12. Nough32

    Nough32 User

    I created a chart for Upgrade Bonus Hour. It's not quite as simple as going 25% less. Darker red is cheaper. These numbers are Expected cost in top chart, and expected cost on UBH in bottom chart.


    This means the cost of upgrading normally is expected to be 95k. with premium, that's 90k. with rebate and premium, it's 66.5k.

    On upgrade bonus hour, it's 58.5k, 55.5k with premium, 41k with premium, rebate, and upgrade bonus hour.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
  13. imapoofya

    imapoofya User

    Not how it adds up. It adds up to something more like 51.5k :)
  14. I would not upgrade any cred items... total waste of creds
  15. This list is no longer accurate ive noticed the change 2 month back I was able to upgrade my drones to lv 16 with 200k uri now im trying to upgrade my shields and it keeps failing over and over and over again we need a updated version plz hate wasting uri.
  16. Charts are broken. Please fix.
  17. Your numbers do not add up!!! Assuming the first line is accurate which does calculate out properly except premium is 90.25k then the next figures should be 75% of the original or 71.25k, 67,688 and 49,875 calculated out. There is another thread that has described the equation exactly.

    First the upgrade hour DOES NOT STACK like the Premium and Rebate do (5% + 25%) the UBH applies to the new amount. So assuming the first chart is ACTUAL UPGRADE COST level 2 upgrade 100% is 3905 multiplied by .7 for the P R discount = 2733.5 multiplied by UBH = 2050.125. As I assume DO does not round down you would see 2734 and 2051. This discount is applied just like a RETAIL ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT not a STACKED Dark Orbit discount.

    Also I do not follow how you got 4000 for a .05 level 2 upgrade and a 3905 for a 1.0 level 2 upgrade, so the first chart is completely whacked and there is no rhyme or reason to the numbers of the second in comparison to the first. It is really stupid to try to show how smart you are when you are not understanding the principals of how the system works. Mathematics have not changed in centuries and this is simple mathematics. If you post the actual cost of each upgrade (without any discounts) then it is very simple to calculate the other figures and they do compute just like I have stated. So generating 5 charts (Premium 5%, Rebate 25%, Premium + Rebate 30%, Rebate + UBH 25% then 25%, Premium/Rebate + UBH 30% then 25%) could be done just off of ONE accurate ORIGINAL COST chart.


    Basic Upgrade Costs (no discounts) BUC

    I have all the other charts created but do not know how to make them easily read as what was posted above (I know mine looks like crud). If someone wanted to message me I could send the EXCEL worksheet to them to fix.

    But easy calculations are;
    LVL 2 upgrade 100% = (BASE) but you can use whatever you want
    Premium only BUC times .95 (BASE) 3905 times .95 = 3710
    Premium + Rebate BUC times .7 (BASE) 3905 times .7 = 2734
    Rebate or UBH BUC times .75 (BASE) 3905 times .75 = 2929

    Using the above calculations to get UBH discount

    Premium + UBH (BUC times .95) times .75 (BASE - premium) 3710 times .75 = 2782
    Rebate + UBH (BUC times .75) times .75 (BASE -rebate) 2929 times = 2197
    Premium, Rebate, + UBH (BUC timed .7) times .75 (BASE) 2734 times = 2050
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
  18. Do you or anyone else have a copy of the credit upgrade chart?
  19. I don't but then WHY would you want to waste the credits to UPGRADE them? Bid on the Uridium quality items instead.
  20. I am going to build a credit account. I have 8 accounts, including test, with all the uridium equipment.

    Get it :), Got it ;), Good. o_O