[GI] Icys in the winter event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Star*Fire, Dec 3, 2015.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Sorry for your situation then but you are being unreasonable.

    The game isn't going to alter its perfectly normal event hours that are suited for the majority of players, just for the sake of a few people with awkward working hours for the servers they play.

    My advise would be to just wait, its day 3 out of 31, you can only see the events up until tomorrow, you have no idea when the next icy will be after the 4th, for all you know it could be in a time slot where you can do it.

    It's your own choice to do what you do and to take overtime, you obviously shouldn't drop work for the sake of the game, but you shouldn't expect the game to drop its schedule for the sake of your work and what overtime you chose do.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
  2. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    Have to agree on this
  3. With respect, this is just an excuse, at level 10, I got the same Pumpkin gate as everyone else complete with ubersibs ubermlords ubk etc, they were not nerfed by my level and all much harder than accumulating 20k damage on a meteroid. Best of all I enjoyed the challenge, it was fun, and although I did not complete it, the last wave with UFO etc was simply too much. It was left to me to decide whether to attempt it or not, part of the game is the challenge. If there is an idea within DO of not letting players like me do difficult quests, then why is it not consistent? Being a grown up I am capable of deciding things for myself.
  4. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    Like I said it's just not me read up . lots of folks work for a living and we work all kinds of shifts. Not everyone on here works a 9 to 5 job. The real world does not work like that. So to be a business that servces a comsumer base your business must abapt to your customers to give them the what they want. An unhappy consumer is not a customer.

  5. True but not all players are grown up. And you are right, they did not set different levels for the Pumpkin gate. I am in the same boat with my new account being level 11 right now. I am betting I will get it up to the break point before the event is over though. Keep going and you will also. At that point, you will get the *hard* missions and can roll through to catch up to the day, provided icy's schedule works out. Its day 3, anyone who started an account on day 1 will be able to get up to where they get both levels of missions before it is over, if you are playing strong. I say this as its not my first time working an account during this event.
    **EMPRESS_SERVALAN** likes this.
  6. That is what I shall be trying to do, my point is the lack of consistency in the matter, either let us decide all the time what we feel we can do or at all times provide alternatives which you think we can achieve. Do not sometimes say, we know you probably cant do it but have a go anyway then the next, sorry but we are going to decide for you it is too hard. In this case it is the easier of the two, meteroid damage against pumpkin gate that they have unilaterally decided is beyond my abilities.
    PSKSUNDANCE likes this.
  7. Your right, and I think that is why we don't see it in other events. This event last year was the first run at splitting things up and like I mentioned earlier, this is a rinse and repeat of the same event.
    **EMPRESS_SERVALAN** likes this.
  8. Fidycent

    Fidycent User

    I think all the players, including myself, that play on off server hours, have understood that the events are in times that dont really fit to them, and have become fine with it, what irritates me is the quest for them, youre making everyone be on at specific time, whilst every other quest i can recall can be completed at any time of the day, maybe a bit more difficult at other times, but still do-able.
    Ill probably wake up one day at 6 am to do the mission, but simply for the reason to get the next quests.
    A somewhat reasonable fix would be to somewhat double the events, if you live in the same time zone as the server, i highly doubt that anyone would alter their sleeping schedule to make it to both events. (As in 1 at 4 pm and 1 at 5 am server time or something)
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yes and as I said in the rest of the post that you chose not to quote, people just need to wait, it's only day 3 out of 31 of the event. There's plenty of time for more of the Icy NPC.
  10. Devy

    Devy User

    This ^

    So damn true.
    Why should this time being categorized as reasonable? It is not reasonable, as far as I can see from the posts around.

    Reasonable for me, is when DO let's the event last half day or something. If they can't adjust it to player needs (which indeed, they can't do it) than they can extend the duration of the Ice Meteoroids for 6 hours or so (I am sure this will fit all the players around)

    You said that it will hurt the economy. Will it? Will it make a non-UFE player become UFE in 2 days doing this event? No?

    I barely see players on maps, what economy it will hurt? I know that when this event is active, I see the most players on the server. We all know how much credits and uri we get from that event, so I think that UFEs and non-UFEs will enjoy the 12h (for example) Ice Meteoroid event more than anything else in this game. If nothing else, the Ice Meteoroid event is real fun, even when you get killed by greedy allied company UFEs.

    Conclusion: the excuse of 6-10pm server time being best time is not legitimate, at least for me. :)
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Okay so the NPC is on for 12 hours, half a day, that means to balance it out the meteriods will have to be on less often, since right now they are 4 hours it means that they will only be on 30% of the days previously planned. In all honesty this would mean that even less people would be able to catch them since it would be dependent on 1 or 2 days a week and that's it.

    - Again all of this is going of the stupid assumption that today's and tomorrows event timings are going to be the exact same for throughout the entire month, that absolutely none of us have knowledge of, but hey here we are arguing over it like its been set in stone -

    Yes, putting them on for 12 hours a day instead of 4 hours, as you suggested, would mess up the games economy balance.

    This event runs for a month, not a couple of days - which I think is all you are thinking about - and if the NPC was on for 12 hours for lets say, 3 days a week instead of 4 hours. Then these NPC are effectively better-cubes but with greater profits. I can do 50k U. an hour with a fair amount of effort from the meteriods by farming them and the cubes in 2-6. So over 4 hours I'm getting 200k uri.
    If I'm really pushing it and doing them non-stop, working with friends in other maps to co-ordinate the NPC spawns, we've been able to farm much more.

    Now lets change that 4 hours to 12, I'm now looking at the potential for over 600k uridium a day, 3 times a week that 1.8M, over the course of the month that's 7.2M. That amount of extra uridium would mess with the game economy balance.

    I really don't know how you can say 6pm to 10pm is an unreasonable time for the NPC to be running, it is the time where the most players will be online so the most people will have access to them.
    There is literally no better or more helpful time slot for the NPC to be running. Would you find it more helpful for the game to personally consider each and every players free-time schedule and give them their own private server so they can set the times for the NPC themselves?

    Again though this entire argument is so stupid its unbelievable. None of us know what time the NPC will be on for the remainder of the event, yet some people seem to believe the game must revolve around them and their schedule and put the majority of people at an inconvenience.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
  12. SauronL

    SauronL User

    2 year ago and also year ago it was out for the whole day, i dont know why are for only few hrs when im in work, its just pretty unfair again. Idk why did they decide to nerf it again. Also ice rockets 15x more expensive now. Ew this is ridiculous.
  13. This section of the forum is for people to discuss events and issues with them, to describe the thread and peoples comments in which they express unhappiness as stupid is both rude and bad mannered. Yes you have been around a long time but that is no excuse. Other players are entitled to their opinions too.
    Yes the time schedule for ICYS is not known, beyond the next 48 hours, however when 2 of 2 are on at the exact same time, its not a promising start. They could have been scheduled at different times to give more players a chance to get the quests done without falling days behind. One of the reasons that the DO servers are sparsely populated is that so much is focussed on such a small group of people that everyone else gets fed up and quits.
    There is still no explanation why higher level players get both quests on a day but lower level players get only one. In the interest of fairness it should be that the higher levels only get the hard one and the lower level ones the easier. As players level up there is no need for them to get all the hard quests as well, that have previously been on, to keep it balanced. Or both get both.
    Yes it is a rinse and repeat event, but the whole point is that means you should have learnt from last year and made changes with the quests as they have with other aspects of the event.
    While I understand why the ice rockets were nerfed, to make them 15x more expensive, again acts against the interests of newer players when so many of the higher levels have loads still from last year. All these issues add up to why DO can not attract and retain new players in the game.
    Star*Fire and SauronL like this.
  14. Devy

    Devy User

    Perfectly calculated. Now tell me, you are UFE, right? Where you will put that milions of uri? On what you will invest them when you have everything you want to have in this game?

    On the other hand, no one will sit 24/7 on them and farm them. Let's face it, it's the reality. People have other things to do in their life. If we are talking that it won't be fair for someone to get that much uridium, than tell me, how is it farm for a basic FE player to play whole day against UFEs? How is it fair for me to get shot down 24/7 by 3-4 enemy shots? Is that fair too? At least like this, we will get some uri and credits, and we can get stronger, if nothing else. But UFE? We won't get UFE, lol. I think you know yourself how hard it is to get UFE, even when you have the uri. It is not about the uri, it is about the time being UFE. ;) Cause I can purchase 1mil uri now, will I become UFE? You know the answer yourself @Okapi32 .
    Star*Fire likes this.
  15. you know considering feedback they got from last years event about having these quest and only putting them on at certain times and those that cannot get on at that time made many posts about this last year. this is something DO should of really looked at they fixed ice rockets but ignore this its kinda sad
    ***DECADENCE*** likes this.
  16. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Id like to see normal price of ice rockets as last year and all day icys like last year . Their problem is that they probably want us to spend as much money as possible. And dev blog says that they want to make this game less expensive, well there we go.
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The bots would farm them 24/7. Getting a huge advantage over regular players.

    If meteriods were on 24/7 you are right, the whole game would not get UFE from it, however where am I saying that? You are putting words in my mouth, I have not once said that at all.
    UFE making millions upon millions of extra uridium a month, that they normally wouldn't, can still mess up with the games economy. It doesn't have to be a purely FE >>> UFE thing you know.

    If UFE had the ability to make 10M uridium extra, compared to now, every month but the FE didn't, you don't think that would be seen as a big issue for DO? Just because it's only the UFE who can do it?
    It's an exaggeration, I know - but if you think the games economy is strictly just the relation between FE and UFE and nothing else, then you are being pretty narrow minded.

    I wasn't referring to the ICE rockets, low / high level quests so I don't know why you are bringing that up with me. This section is also for questions, speakers corner is more for discussion and feedback if there isn't a dedicated thread for it.

    I don't see a reason why people shouldn't have access to both quests and I wanted the ice rockets to be changed within the week of them coming out - and would still rather them removed from the game and refunded - but again, why are you bringing this up with me?
    I haven't mentioned either of those points in this thread before.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
  18. The whole post was not aimed at you, that is why I used paragraphs to separate the various points. The timing of icys when needed for quests, and quest availability are issues that need answering, so I see no reason why this thread is in the wrong section. I am sure that the MOD team will move it if they deem otherwise. Whichever section it is in let us hope we do get some answers unlike with the Kuiper gate launch where feedback was requested, which when generally negative they pretended didnt exist and have not had the courtesy to respond to points raised.
  19. -Fleabird-

    -Fleabird- User

    I have a noob account on a different server and if you don't do yesterday's quest you cant see today's . so I'm going to have to do every days quest at once just to catch up in case theirs another icy quest on . If it is a 4 hour span at one time could it not be split into 2 2 hour span
    **EMPRESS_SERVALAN** likes this.
  20. Devy

    Devy User

    Why we talk about bots here? DO can ban them, so I really don't care about them. Maybe it is not about the FE - UFE thing, but it is, trust me. As a "noob" player, I always look to get to the path of the semi-UFE, so I can be of a use to my self, you know. Not getting shotted by enemies too easy, having better damage to do faster gates and hunt NPC faster and so on.

    Anyway, it was my opinion that the Ice Meteoroids should last a bit longer. I believe that no one can keep doing it for a lot of hours without stopping. :)