[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    2D images of the new Frost ships. Thanks to .[_.darkorbit._]. who managed to grab the files before they were removed of the test server today.

    Seems like all the designs will work the exact same way as their original versions, e.g Frost Spectrum will have the spectrum ability and give +10% shield.

    Images of the ships in 3D mode will come later, I can't "fake" by just adding the frost shader. It looks like the ships have different diffuse files on them compared to their regular versions so I will have to wait for them (or try and edit to current ones myself :rolleyes: ).



    Continues from last post about frost event if people missed the first on the previous page.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2015
  2. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Ambassador nostromo was a special design that was available only for 25 invited friends before they removed that.
    Is it coming back as a frost one and for uridium ? Looks like interesting offer.
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Interestingly enough, the friend bonus still exist, just hidden away on the backpage with no direct link as far as I can sell:
    (your server-code here).darkorbit.bigpoint.com/indexInternal.es?action=internalBonus

    As for prices / availability - it's anyone's guess. I wouldn't be surprised if it is being sold for uridium but at a high price, 200k or above. Although personally I think it would be nice if there was a discount price for people who already owned the original version of these designs, e.g 150k for Frost Spectrum if the user already owns the regular Spectrum.

    Or alternatively these designs could be payment only, there really is no way of knowing for sure at the moment.
    PSKSUNDANCE and SauronL like this.
  4. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    how do u know all this stuff? I'm new to the forums and it seems like you always know everything but you're not an employee? How is it u know so much?
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I get the info by looking at the test server files, as per thread rules, I'm not allowed to say how I look at those test server files though.
  6. SauronL

    SauronL User

    For some reason i think all of em will be each 250k U. but we will see, thanks for the info, i thought they were removed already
  7. U R...I can't mention the words o_O
    Watt-Overlord likes this.
  8. Any updates on the crafting system folks?
  9. ßőŋεѕ

    ßőŋεѕ User

    Still waiting for the Drones design to be used with herc/havoc which I doubt will ever be done at all, was just a ££$$ money making scheme, + still waiting to see where the ££$$ went off of the " Beacon" designs. Trading Standards!


    i am waiting for frost pusat
  11. I waiting for the frost ambassador c:
  12. should check forums more often


    and on a side note no1 forced anyone to buy them people got them before the idea of having havoc\hurcs on wth any other drones skin came into play
  13. What does this have to do with the crafting system? Also it was posted where the money went so you should probably check before throwing accusations around.
  14. ]ГоРн[

    ]ГоРн[ User

    Okapi32 you can get the picture NPC Skoll from the 3D version of game?
  15. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    or u can just do the gate. It looks worse than the one from last year.
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Frost-Hitac breaking news text:

    Greetings, pilots!

    It's a warm and fuzzy feeling to know that Hitac motherships can be depended on to return, alongside their minions, for some nice predictable death and plunder-- what? What do you mean, they've changed?! Alert, all pilots: scouts from all Companies are reporting seem indestructible? Hah! That's not a word in our vocabulary. Charge!

    Destroy the Frost Hitac motherships to acquire the coveted capsules to be used in the lottery. Or focus on the frost minions, who drop letters - once you can put together the word "FROST", you can earn a capsule that way.

    Then, visit the Uridium page to feed your capsules into the frost converter and try your luck in the Hitac Lottery. The prizes that await you are beyond cool - from new arctic ship designs to a mysterious Ice Portal to sweet LF4 laser package deals to the chance to win a million Uridium!

    Good luck!

    One thing to note here is that the lottery word is short this time being only 5 letters, so there will be lots of players with tickets this time. However equally there are more prizes to be one this time around, see below.

    Frost-Hitac prizes:

    Win great prizes with the Frost Converter!

    When you redeem your capsules for lottery tickets with the Frost Converter, you'll have the chance to win astronomically cool prizes! Each of the following can be won on each separate server:

    • 1 x 1 million Uridium
    • 20 x 100,000 Uridium
    • 1 x 30 Fully-upgraded LF4 Lasers
    • 2 x 10 Fully-upgraded LF4 Lasers
    • 5 x 5 Fully-upgraded LF4 Lasers
    • 1 x 30 Fully-upgraded SG3N-B02 Shield Generators
    • 2 x 10 Fully-upgraded SG3N-B02 Shield Generators
    • 5 x 5 Fully-upgraded SG3N-B02 Shield Generators
    • 5 x 50,000 rounds of UCB-100 Laser Ammo
    • 10 x 1 Arctic Spectrum
    • 10 x 1 Arctic Sentinel
    • 10 x 1 Arctic Venom
    • 10 x 1 Arctic Nostromo Ambassador
    • 10 x 1 Arctic Pusat
    • 10 x 1 Arctic Vengeance Lightning
    • 10 x 1 Ice Portal

    This leaves me to wonder if these new Frozen ships are purchasable or not. So far they have only been mentioned when involved with the Hitac rewards. Will keep an eye out for anything that suggests other wise, however at the moment it seems like these designs are going to very exclusive to the people who win them.

  17. what the hell is the ice portal
  18. spawns super icy meteor - explained in prev posts
  19. yeah i remember that now
  20. You quoted about the future Hitac event then asked about the ice portal you are confusing me. Isn't the ice portal the gate to the Birthday Gate (ICE Gate)?
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