[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. iNSANE(BG)

    iNSANE(BG) User

    Yes i know for this but i ask if it wil be available on the shop
  2. .Wagon.

    .Wagon. User

    I think it won't be available in the shop (though its only what I think). As it will be made available as a special item to be crafted in the new update.
    So it looks pointless for it to be in the shop any time soon.
  3. January 2016 from readings in the forums, but you have to craft it.
  4. Toudi

    Toudi User

    I think Surgeon may be still added to the payments packets in the future events.
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Frost calendar:

    Have a merry christmas :)
  6. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    will the cloack be an actual cloak?
  7. it will be good if that 50 cloak is really what we will get.
  8. FAT CHANCE they are using the wrong picture and it will only be 10 again like the X-mas countdown.

    I find it funny to see 24 boxes again and for that to compute correctly we need to open one on the 25th of Dec and it has not been loaded properly as of this posting it is 0041 server (USA East 2) time and it shows I did not open any of the doors but had opened all of them and should have a new Calendar starting NOW.

    Guess this is going to be just like all other items introduced to D O recently BUG/GLITCH CITY.
  9. its how its meant to look u just have to start from 1 again click it and see what happends
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2015
    chixonator likes this.
  10. Confusing as you can only open ONE day and if you missed any you need to try to figure what number it is for today. They should have used the days of the calendar, again (25-31 and 1-17) to prevent the possible confusion. But then D O has not been known for making things easy for their "brainless" players.
    ZarKeanth and OILDAILY like this.
  11. Aww...just click 1 and go in reverse :rolleyes: Day by day :cool:...this was not implemented last year so stop your complaint.
  12. SauronL

    SauronL User

    nothing interesting there , but when its for free give it to me
  13. there's a post from Astrea that tells you which day corresponds with which number
  14. YES they posted it while I was writing a comment about it in another thread.
  15. okapi when the surgeon comes to the shop? tomorrow?
  16. Im-Too-OP

    Im-Too-OP User

    No,surgeon aint tomorrow on shop
  17. surgeon from what DO has stated, won't be in shop anymore, wait for the $100 deal again, or wait for the crafting system.
  18. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    why would you buy if you can get so easily from crafting?
  19. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    where did DO state that?
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