[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. I think people need to calm down and just let Darkorbit do there thing.. its clearly for a good reason so why keep bashing it?
  2. ßőŋεѕ

    ßőŋεѕ User

    Haven't been able to play ie: background is right in ya face, makes me feel nauseous literally, thought it was meant to catch players using 3ps, seems more like trying to stop legit players with prem/reb/doubler from playing as well. I'm not the only one it's making feel nauseous!
  3. well on west server. Battlemaps are always full of boxers but after the changes i'ts a ghost town. so i pretty guess the changes is to catch those guys? i mean those autopilots.

    just hang for a bit my fellow spacepilot. but i still want my black background DO. -,- but still.. BACKGROUND BLACK pls. XD
  4. well im from GA1 and the bms are full of botters.. but yet ill play with the backround on so darkorbit can catch them.. as much as i never have it on ill still suffer threw this..


    same for me also on gb1 got locked run around in pussat then all ov as sudden pounced on by 5 all had lock 0.5 seconds dead :mad:

    *MOONGLOW* User

    reason ive had enough now , finally decided to try other games this ones a joke now , flying around minding own business all of a sudden 5 ships come in firing (no way they had lock that quick at same time from so far ) other weird stuff lately ships using specie constant even one ship using the ability in another design games gone to the dogs .. so have decided just to play events now .....
    OILDAILY likes this.
  7. Hello
    [​IMG] 36139400
    I want to subscribe to a box doubler but..i read some post about getting banned by boxing all day 10 to 18hours straight .
    why they get banned if they don't used bot ?
    I'm afraid if i do that too boxing all day instead of doing pally all day or bking all day i will get banned to by collecting too many boxes ?
    i want to subscribe but im afraid LOL :) just wondering .
  8. NEW-B56

    NEW-B56 User

    i box some times that long and have never ben baned. DO can tell if your runing a bot. A lot of players can tell if you runing a bot
    by the way the ship does.me and a lot of outher players if we find a ship that we know that is runing a bot we will send it to support
    were they can take a closer look.
  9. Yup boxed and also collected palladium along side people who have been subsequently punished for botting when detection scripts were active on servers, I have never been staged or punished for botting (or other serious breaches of terms and conditions) as I will not risk my game account, its simply not worth it in the long run with over 5k hours played. I have on occasion boxed for over 10 hours which is a little boring but at times it can be the most profitable game play option. Use your fastest ship and pet with level 3 autolooter alongside 6x level 3 radars (or more) for best results. Box/Palladium population in a map will determine best number of radars to use.

    Had a few chat bans and forum infractions as do most people. If you are that worried say hi to others in game as bots dont talk to anyone ime, it can also more profitable to break up your boxing every few hours with a different aspect of game play, take regular breaks and be sure to drink, eat etc as you can get carried away and it can be unhealthy to box (or play any game) for such prolonged periods of time without a break.
    OILDAILY likes this.
  10. tnx LordDunDrunkum

    maybe i do break ....cuz i read some forum saying that they are not using bot.. but still they get banned by getting palladium 10 or 20 hours straight .....so yeah maybe i do palladium and killing mobs Bots or cheater cant kill aliens . i think DO script cant tell 100% of u are using bot or just addicted in box .
  11. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ User

    the effort i have to put in to read all of this lmao
  12. im2eood

    im2eood User

    what is the punishment for plear who use another acc. ?
    it is forbidden or not ?
  13. nixy1

    nixy1 User

    Yet again I find myself adding to one of these posts about cheats and bots, Will you please sort out the dirty little stains on the game of cheats, just had a fight with a well known and accused daily cheat, nothing i culd do would touchhis shieldsand to make me feel even more insignificant I found he was also hitting more in his spearhead than i was doing in my goli with full lasers dub damage boosters and sep. Sort out the bloody cheats once and for all then work on keeping them off the game, people only bot to try and be capable of winning fights but when you have players who cheat day in day out when it comes to pvp you will find you will not remove but only encourage more bot use. And just to add stop protecting certain players, we know they use cheats, we know they have had or still do have access to the admin board for in game usage, we know for a fact there is no way they can do what they are doing without using something not in game, Yet we still see them playing the game and ruining things for those who try to enjoy the game.


    well done nixy1 well written and yes there are crooks out there and the same ones doing the same old and wen u accuse them in chat they just laugh back and say prove it .mut wen mod on i get chat banned :eek:
    ßőŋεѕ likes this.
  15. ßőŋεѕ

    ßőŋεѕ User

    Same old "clique" on GB1, you only need look at the top 20 players to see whom is doing this damage to the game....sick of it...never going to spend again...ever!
    OILDAILY likes this.
  16. WildPIG

    WildPIG User

    may i ask why there is possibility for unban? 3-5 players from top 10 what i know have been unbanned. One person got unban for about 8 times already. In last banwave he got ban again. He said that after a month he will be back. He said that he will buy unban for 300 euro. Doesn't seems fair for me.

    Btw game with bots was more interesting than it is now. Useless updates. Useless stuff. zero players in maps and 0.1% of fun left.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 17, 2015
  17. DJXL.SA.TX

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    You are looking for the big picture called evidence and you are always pounding down on post on such topics. For as long as you been playing this game and on these forums, you should know the rules like the back or your hands, in which case you are not blind to the fact that they can not post such evidence on this site, even if they have it.

    Always asking players to produce evidence, of course there is nothing wrong with that, only that you know that they can't because then it would be a violation of forum rules.

    Such evidence can not be presented on this forum, for the simple matter that it violates.

    Links to Youtube showing someone caught in the act would violate the forum rules.

    Which means what Okapi32, for the infidel that would post a video of such nature?

    BAN Hammer Time, for the infidel that posts up your request.

    What gets me, do you do this to amuse yourself? Guess everyone gets their kicks out of sumthing. You have a deranged mind Okapi ha ha ha
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2016
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Go to my profile and get my skype contact details and show me a video on skype if you wish. I am confident you never will though.

    Nobody has ever given me a video when I ask for proof of insane claims such as yours where you believe there are people with 0 shield, 0 hp and they are killing UFE in 10v1 :)
    So naturally I will keep on asking for proof until somebody gives it.

    I do not want you to get banned, since then you would not have the opportunity to prove me wrong ...
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2016
  19. The 0 hp and shields might be over stretch however i see where fight between a know cheater goes down to him having a sliver of health and 2 guys shooting him and he just wont die i am sure that is what he is referring to no one really play with recording all the time and they dont happen everyday but they do happen the only proof is the #of accounts that get ban I know guys who were always boasting of 1 figging others they are now perma ban a few of then now say they reset bio
  20. DJXL.SA.TX

    DJXL.SA.TX User


    What are you saying that there is no hackers lol. All those accounts that were banned on Admins page are all made believe hack users?
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